Why I am voting for Obama again

making the same mistake over and over and expecting a different result.

Dereg is the quick way to make money but it also causes nasty boom/bust economics.

That is what bringing back the Repubs would do.

Also not facing up to problems like they don't exist is short term and really bad government.
making the same mistake over and over and expecting a different result.

Dereg is the quick way to make money but it also causes nasty boom/bust economics.

That is what bringing back the Repubs would do.

Also not facing up to problems like they don't exist is short term and really bad government.

What deregulation are you complaining about?
I happen to believe that our nation needs to be able - as a nation - to take care of the people who work for us but who do not have the abilities to advance very high up the ladder of our socio-economic system.

That's an excellent point. The best thing we can do for them is to stop importing millions of low skilled workers every year to compete with them and drive down their wages.
I don't know if President Romney will seal the borders, but I know President Obama wants to increase the number of low skilled immigrants and give them citizenship. I don't know how voting for that will improve their situation, maybe you could explain it?

I happen to think it is silly to suggest that there are people in America standing in line at the farms in California wanting jobs picking vegetables but they are turned away by the owners because they would rather hire illegal immigrants instead. And I wonder who the right would blame for the exploding food costs if all the illegal immigrant pickers went away and the farmers were forced to pay US minimum wage to US citizens to to harvest those crops? My guess is: Obama.

Do you know what a green card is and for what purpose it is issued?
I am making no claim. You are, without any quantified evidence, Todd.

The point is you have no point at this point.

Are you a 4th grade girl answering a question with asking a question? Are you saying, seriously, that Americans will take these jobs? Really? You really have taken the kool aid.

Are you saying that no American worker is displaced by an illegal? Seriously?

Are you claiming no low-skilled American worker is displaced by an illegal?
Talk about 4th grade thinking. LOL!
You are a 4th grade girl.

making the same mistake over and over and expecting a different result.

Dereg is the quick way to make money but it also causes nasty boom/bust economics.

That is what bringing back the Repubs would do.

Also not facing up to problems like they don't exist is short term and really bad government.

What deregulation are you complaining about?
I happen to believe that our nation needs to be able - as a nation - to take care of the people who work for us but who do not have the abilities to advance very high up the ladder of our socio-economic system.

That's an excellent point. The best thing we can do for them is to stop importing millions of low skilled workers every year to compete with them and drive down their wages.
I don't know if President Romney will seal the borders, but I know President Obama wants to increase the number of low skilled immigrants and give them citizenship. I don't know how voting for that will improve their situation, maybe you could explain it?

I happen to think it is silly to suggest that there are people in America standing in line at the farms in California wanting jobs picking vegetables but they are turned away by the owners because they would rather hire illegal immigrants instead. And I wonder who the right would blame for the exploding food costs if all the illegal immigrant pickers went away and the farmers were forced to pay US minimum wage to US citizens to to harvest those crops? My guess is: Obama.

Do you know what a green card is and for what purpose it is issued?

of course I do. That doesn't change the fact that American businesses are hiring folks, and if American workers are not lining up to get those jobs at those wages, then they have no reason to bitch about some latino getting them. And if America were REALLY serious about this issue, all they would have to do is to put some real teeth into the laws about EMPLOYING illegal immigrants and throw the CEO's of Tyson and Perdue and other employers who hire them into jail, and then you'd see the flow of illegal immigrants from south of the border dry up fast. But NO... nobody has the stones to do THAT because the chamber of commerce doesn't WANT the flow of cheap labor to stop. If you want to make it stop, dry up the demand, and until you do, all the fences in the world will not keep them out. And doing THAT, instead of running around looking for the laborers and deporting them, would be a hell of a lot cheaper and more effective than the way we are approaching this today.

Ask yourself why we don't do that now. You know the answer. The folks who bankroll the government machine don't want us to.
I really think this example of farm labor is a bunch of crap.
Illegals are taking jobs in construction, in hospitality, landscaping..Heck, there are landscape companies in this area that are now hiring only bi-lingual crew foremen.
Although most have backed off on that due to anti discrimination laws.
But the bottom line is Latinos are not just picking crops.

and are you saying that there are American workers lining up every day next to latinos asking for those jobs in construction, hospitality, and landscaping, but business owners are putting their businesses at risk of legal action by choosing to hire illegal latinos rather than American citizens who are there asking for that same work?

Yes, if we sealed the border and deported millions of illegals, low skilled Americans would be lining up to take those jobs. Your turn.

To support the low skilled American workers, are you in favor of sealing the border?

As I said in my last post, I doubt such an approach would be cost effective. Are YOU in favor of throwing the owners and CEOs of businesses that employ illegal aliens in jail for significant jail terms? And if not, why not?
and are you saying that there are American workers lining up every day next to latinos asking for those jobs in construction, hospitality, and landscaping, but business owners are putting their businesses at risk of legal action by choosing to hire illegal latinos rather than American citizens who are there asking for that same work?

Yes, if we sealed the border and deported millions of illegals, low skilled Americans would be lining up to take those jobs. Your turn.

To support the low skilled American workers, are you in favor of sealing the border?

As I said in my last post, I doubt such an approach would be cost effective. Are YOU in favor of throwing the owners and CEOs of businesses that employ illegal aliens in jail for significant jail terms? And if not, why not?

As I said in my last post, I doubt such an approach would be cost effective.

Cost effective? You said we need to support lower skilled American workers.
Sealing the border and getting rid of millions of illegal will help but you don't think it's cost effective? LOL! Nice to see you were lying about your support for the workers.

Are YOU in favor of throwing the owners and CEOs of businesses that employ illegal aliens in jail for significant jail terms?

Sure. Let's make E-Verify mandatory. Let's stop suing employers who fire illegals and let's seal the borders. Then if a business hires someone they know is illegal, punish them.
Sure. Let's make E-Verify mandatory. Let's stop suing employers who fire illegals and let's seal the borders. Then if a business hires someone they know is illegal, punish them.

now...take a guess what bigtime business group whose initials are CofC will NOT support that?
Yes, if we sealed the border and deported millions of illegals, low skilled Americans would be lining up to take those jobs. Your turn.

To support the low skilled American workers, are you in favor of sealing the border?

As I said in my last post, I doubt such an approach would be cost effective. Are YOU in favor of throwing the owners and CEOs of businesses that employ illegal aliens in jail for significant jail terms? And if not, why not?

As I said in my last post, I doubt such an approach would be cost effective.

Cost effective? You said we need to support lower skilled American workers.
Sealing the border and getting rid of millions of illegal will help but you don't think it's cost effective? LOL! Nice to see you were lying about your support for the workers.

Are YOU in favor of throwing the owners and CEOs of businesses that employ illegal aliens in jail for significant jail terms?

Sure. Let's make E-Verify mandatory. Let's stop suing employers who fire illegals and let's seal the borders. Then if a business hires someone they know is illegal, punish them.
and again... my suggestion is to start throwing the CEO's of every company that INS finds illegals working at in JAIL. NOW. You wouldn't need to build a fence. The demand would cease and so wold the flow of immigrants across our borders. If there isn't work, they don't stay here. It's the reason they come in the first place.
Sure. Let's make E-Verify mandatory. Let's stop suing employers who fire illegals and let's seal the borders. Then if a business hires someone they know is illegal, punish them.

now...take a guess what bigtime business group whose initials are CofC will NOT support that?

To support the low skilled American workers, are you in favor of sealing the border?
WHY I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA AGAIN: I think the reason that most Obama supporters continue to support him has to do with their basic political philosophies. The democratic party and the republican party have vastly different views on a host of major issues: foreign affairs, women's rights, environmental protection, global warming, energy policy, family planning, gay rights, gun control, social justice, tax policy, and on and on. It is not necessarily that any of us are THRILLED with the performance of Obama in his first term, but that doesn't change the fact that we are vehemently opposed to most- if not all - of the GOP's positions on that long list of issues. Obama shares the political philosophy of democrats, and if we reelect him, he may not be successful in moving all or most or even hardly any of those issues down a path that democrats would approve, but electing Romney will CERTAINLY stop any movement on those issues in the direction that democrats want to see them advance, and, instead, move those issues down the path that the GOP wants them to advance.

It is nothing more or less than the standard clash of political philosophies that ought not to come as a surprise to anyone. If one has a vision for the future of our country, one will vote for the party that will attempt to move the country along a path that more closely resembles that vision.

I totally agree! I would also add that the Republican Party is NOT the same party it used to be. It has moved radical right and become very selfish. I used to vote Republican as much or more than Democrat - but no more.
WHY I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA AGAIN: I think the reason that most Obama supporters continue to support him has to do with their basic political philosophies.

News Flash.....

A new discovery !!!!

The democratic party and the republican party have vastly different views on a host of major issues: foreign affairs, women's rights, environmental protection, global warming, energy policy, family planning, gay rights, gun control, social justice, tax policy, and on and on.

Correct again.


The GOP does not have a monolithic approach to foreign affairs.

There is no such thing as "group rights". If they go to a group (i.e. women), they are privaleges. BTW: noticed you guys figured out that after 40 years, women still make less than men. And suddenly, this is an issue ? What say we call it what it is: grandstanding.

Environmental Protection is bunk.

Combine that with Energy Policy: Just what is yours ? Wind & Solyndra. Do you even understand how much energy we consume in this country ?

Social Justice => Liberal Wet Dream.

It is not necessarily that any of us are THRILLED with the performance of Obama in his first term, but that doesn't change the fact that we are vehemently opposed to most- if not all - of the GOP's positions on that long list of issues.


But our moron-in-chief ran on a host of promises that he couldn't keep. And did such a lousy job that the American People took the house away from him in historic fashion.

Obama shares the political philosophy of democrats, and if we reelect him, he may not be successful in moving all or most or even hardly any of those issues down a path that democrats would approve, but electing Romney will CERTAINLY stop any movement on those issues in the direction that democrats want to see them advance, and, instead, move those issues down the path that the GOP wants them to advance.

It's the economy stupid.

Women care less about abortion priveldeges than they do about having a job and feeding the kids they already have.

It is nothing more or less than the standard clash of political philosophies that ought not to come as a surprise to anyone. If one has a vision for the future of our country, one will vote for the party that will attempt to move the country along a path that more closely resembles that vision.

Yes, if your vision is a 310,000,000 people all living the same life totally dependent upon the government and really not motivated at all because that....then by all means.

Vote for Obama.

In the meantime, we will keep the house, possibly win the senate, starve Obamacare, and kill off anything else he tries to do.

Have a good time.
WHY I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA AGAIN: I think the reason that most Obama supporters continue to support him has to do with their basic political philosophies. The democratic party and the republican party have vastly different views on a host of major issues: foreign affairs, women's rights, environmental protection, global warming, energy policy, family planning, gay rights, gun control, social justice, tax policy, and on and on. It is not necessarily that any of us are THRILLED with the performance of Obama in his first term, but that doesn't change the fact that we are vehemently opposed to most- if not all - of the GOP's positions on that long list of issues. Obama shares the political philosophy of democrats, and if we reelect him, he may not be successful in moving all or most or even hardly any of those issues down a path that democrats would approve, but electing Romney will CERTAINLY stop any movement on those issues in the direction that democrats want to see them advance, and, instead, move those issues down the path that the GOP wants them to advance.

It is nothing more or less than the standard clash of political philosophies that ought not to come as a surprise to anyone. If one has a vision for the future of our country, one will vote for the party that will attempt to move the country along a path that more closely resembles that vision.

I think people would vote for him because they are misinformed dumbasses that cannot for the life of them see the damage the man has done to the economy, the constitution and freedoms in this country. 20 years down the road alot of his voters are going to look back and think "What the fuck was I thinking?". Some of them may even kill themselves.
Sure. Let's make E-Verify mandatory. Let's stop suing employers who fire illegals and let's seal the borders. Then if a business hires someone they know is illegal, punish them.

now...take a guess what bigtime business group whose initials are CofC will NOT support that?

To support the low skilled American workers, are you in favor of sealing the border?

no. I am in favor of imprisoning every business owner who hires illegal immigrants. Once you do that, you won't HAVE to seal any border, because the only reason they come here in the first place will have been eliminated. Why won't YOU support THAT?
I happen to think it is silly to suggest that there are people in America standing in line at the farms in California wanting jobs picking vegetables but they are turned away by the owners because they would rather hire illegal immigrants instead. And I wonder who the right would blame for the exploding food costs if all the illegal immigrant pickers went away and the farmers were forced to pay US minimum wage to US citizens to to harvest those crops? My guess is: Obama.
I really think this example of farm labor is a bunch of crap.
Illegals are taking jobs in construction, in hospitality, landscaping..Heck, there are landscape companies in this area that are now hiring only bi-lingual crew foremen.
Although most have backed off on that due to anti discrimination laws.
But the bottom line is Latinos are not just picking crops.

and are you saying that there are American workers lining up every day next to latinos asking for those jobs in construction, hospitality, and landscaping, but business owners are putting their businesses at risk of legal action by choosing to hire illegal latinos rather than American citizens who are there asking for that same work?

Yes, they would be except for the fact that the illegals provide a convenient permanent underclass that the employers can exploit. Take away the illegals and the employers have to raise the wage up to an acceptable level, i.e. that minimum wage that you all are so proud of.
I really think this example of farm labor is a bunch of crap.
Illegals are taking jobs in construction, in hospitality, landscaping..Heck, there are landscape companies in this area that are now hiring only bi-lingual crew foremen.
Although most have backed off on that due to anti discrimination laws.
But the bottom line is Latinos are not just picking crops.

and are you saying that there are American workers lining up every day next to latinos asking for those jobs in construction, hospitality, and landscaping, but business owners are putting their businesses at risk of legal action by choosing to hire illegal latinos rather than American citizens who are there asking for that same work?

Yes, they would be except for the fact that the illegals provide a convenient permanent underclass that the employers can exploit. Take away the illegals and the employers have to raise the wage up to an acceptable level, i.e. that minimum wage that you all are so proud of.

and again... if you take away the work, the immigrants won't come, and if there is no work, the ones who are here will go back. It seems like it would be much less cumbersome to simply throw business owners in jail for HIRING illegal immigrants than it would to build a wall all along our southern border. If we were serious about this, we would do that, but we're not.
I happen to think it is silly to suggest that there are people in America standing in line at the farms in California wanting jobs picking vegetables but they are turned away by the owners because they would rather hire illegal immigrants instead. And I wonder who the right would blame for the exploding food costs if all the illegal immigrant pickers went away and the farmers were forced to pay US minimum wage to US citizens to to harvest those crops? My guess is: Obama.

Do you know what a green card is and for what purpose it is issued?

of course I do. That doesn't change the fact that American businesses are hiring folks, and if American workers are not lining up to get those jobs at those wages, then they have no reason to bitch about some latino getting them. And if America were REALLY serious about this issue, all they would have to do is to put some real teeth into the laws about EMPLOYING illegal immigrants and throw the CEO's of Tyson and Perdue and other employers who hire them into jail, and then you'd see the flow of illegal immigrants from south of the border dry up fast. But NO... nobody has the stones to do THAT because the chamber of commerce doesn't WANT the flow of cheap labor to stop. If you want to make it stop, dry up the demand, and until you do, all the fences in the world will not keep them out. And doing THAT, instead of running around looking for the laborers and deporting them, would be a hell of a lot cheaper and more effective than the way we are approaching this today.

Ask yourself why we don't do that now. You know the answer.
The folks who bankroll the government machine don't want us to.

Why don't we do that now? Don't ask me, ask Obama, since he has the exclusive power to do that and has not done it during his almost 4 years in office.

The green card is an official card issued by the U.S. government to foreign nationals permitting them to work in the U.S. A green card is the difference between a legal worker and an illegal worker. Closing the borders to illegal entry is the first step. Then we can discuss how to handle those already here.

On edit: Why doesn't Obama require employers to use the e-verify system? E-Verify allows businessmen to consult databases of the Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration to check whether job applicants have the legal authorization to be hired. Could it be that the Unions and Latinos don't want it to be a federal mandate? Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee have e-verify obligatory in their states. There are a lot of chicken processing plants located in these states.

Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) warned President Barack Obama on Tuesday that Latinos will not regard as “acceptable” a move to make the E-Verify system of checking prospective employees’ immigration status mandatory for all U.S. firms, as urged by Republicans.

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Do you know what a green card is and for what purpose it is issued?

of course I do. That doesn't change the fact that American businesses are hiring folks, and if American workers are not lining up to get those jobs at those wages, then they have no reason to bitch about some latino getting them. And if America were REALLY serious about this issue, all they would have to do is to put some real teeth into the laws about EMPLOYING illegal immigrants and throw the CEO's of Tyson and Perdue and other employers who hire them into jail, and then you'd see the flow of illegal immigrants from south of the border dry up fast. But NO... nobody has the stones to do THAT because the chamber of commerce doesn't WANT the flow of cheap labor to stop. If you want to make it stop, dry up the demand, and until you do, all the fences in the world will not keep them out. And doing THAT, instead of running around looking for the laborers and deporting them, would be a hell of a lot cheaper and more effective than the way we are approaching this today.

Ask yourself why we don't do that now. You know the answer.
The folks who bankroll the government machine don't want us to.

Why don't we do that now? Don't ask me, ask Obama, since he has the exclusive power to do that and has not done it during his almost 4 years in office.

The green card is an official card issued by the U.S. government to foreign nationals permitting them to work in the U.S. A green card is the difference between a legal worker and an illegal worker. Closing the borders to illegal entry is the first step. Then we can discuss how to handle those already here.

and as said, if the market for cheap labor dries up because employers and CEO's KNOW they will go to prison for hiring them, you wouldn't need to worry about the borders. The illegal immigrants would stop coming and those that were here already would return. The reason we don't do that is because American business interests do NOT want the pool of cheap labor to dry up.
now...take a guess what bigtime business group whose initials are CofC will NOT support that?

To support the low skilled American workers, are you in favor of sealing the border?

no. I am in favor of imprisoning every business owner who hires illegal immigrants. Once you do that, you won't HAVE to seal any border, because the only reason they come here in the first place will have been eliminated. Why won't YOU support THAT?

Why are you afraid to seal the border? Even if you throw employers in jail, an open border allows criminals and terrorists to enter freely.

Why are you afraid to seal the border, is it because you'll sound like a conservative?

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