why havent body cameras reduced police violence


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

its mostly the criminals not complying. and most of the time its criminals fault. when people learn to comply cops or how about not do a crime a all then maybe you wont get killed by one. Nichols case was isolated black on black thing. was not really A cop thing at all. you hire black thug fellon's from the street and don't train them, that is what you get. and you notice no other races are coming forward saying these black cops did anything to them. because a black whoop ass thing period.

its mostly the criminals not complying. and most of the time its criminals fault. when people learn to comply cops or how about not do a crime a all then maybe you wont get killed by one. Nichols case was isolated black on black thing. was not really A cop thing at all. you hire black thug fellon's from the street and don't train them, that is what you get. and you notice no other races are coming forward saying these black cops did anything to them. because a black whoop ass thing period.
Without police body cameras it could be suggested that the increase of police violence in America would be much worse. than it is.
Let’s say for a hypotherical moment that you are a cop. And let’s say that you are on the scene at the very moment a guy hits another guy over the head with a club.

You order the club wielding first guy to drop the club and to het down on the ground. He ignores both orders and runs. You pursue him. He runs into a dead end and now turns on you. He raises the club.

You warn him again to drop the club and to get on the ground. But he rushes toward you.

In that instant, you contemplate that if you shoot him, you could get into serious legal trouble (even if you shouldn’t). But also, if you don’t shoot him he could clobber you and seriously injure you or kill you. (Plus, he could then escape and maybe menace other people, too).

Personally, I believe I’d fire my gun at him. As trained, I imagine I’d be aiming for “center mass.” That bullet is likely to kill him.

Is the threat of legal action against me something I should be worrying about in that split second? Is the delay that might result from even momentary hesitation worthwhile for society?
Let’s say for a hypotherical moment that you are a cop. And let’s say that you are on the scene at the very moment a guy hits another guy over the head with a club.

You order the club wielding first guy to drop the club and to het down on the ground. He ignores both orders and runs. You pursue him. He runs into a dead end and now turns on you. He raises the club.

You warn him again to drop the club and to get on the ground. But he rushes toward you.

In that instant, you contemplate that if you shoot him, you could get into serious legal trouble (even if you shouldn’t). But also, if you don’t shoot him he could clobber you and seriously injure you or kill you. (Plus, he could then escape and maybe menace other people, too).

Personally, I believe I’d fire my gun at him. As trained, I imagine I’d be aiming for “center mass.” That bullet is likely to kill him.

Is the threat of legal action against me something I should be worrying about in that split second? Is the delay that might result from even momentary hesitation worthwhile for society?
You've created a scenario that is not the norm and you've done it for your purpose of being able to portray your hate for the victims of police brutality, as well as your hope that police escalate the pattern of bad behaviour even further.

It's your invitation to dance so to speak, but you really don't want to dance.
Because the crooked cops aren't following their alleged training and keeping their cameras on when they're supposed to.
Simple things like not activating themselves into a situation for little or no reason and knowing escalating and deescalating can reduce issues. For some it is a power thing and Ido agree many people have suffered for that. And many will never forget it. Those in power fiefdoms who have gotten away with it deserves the worse for themselves and families. The circling the wagons y the whole department does not help in cases and the nation is in peril because of this part of law enforcement.
You've created a scenario that is not the norm and you've done it for your purpose of being able to portray your hate for the victims of police brutality, as well as your hope that police escalate the pattern of bad behaviour even further.

It's your invitation to dance so to speak, but you really don't want to dance.

How the fuck would an asshole Canuck like you know about what is or isn’t the norm in any American scenario involving law enforcement?

Plus, hypotheticals — by their very nature — are scripted to address a specific issue. The point I was making (one of the points) was that hesitation could cost the cop his life or her life.

Your cheap-ass partisan communist Canuck rhetoric aside, there is an old adage amongst some police officers and former police officers:

“It’s better to be tried by 12 than to be carried by 6.”

The balance of your reply was absolute nonsense.
Then why do we have body cam video of Tyre Nichols being beat to death for fucking the cop’s wife?
What?? Are we now going to learn the reason why the police beat him to death?

What else could it be if it wasn't pure insane evil by the police officers.

And fwiw, can anybody say that the damning evidence was taken from a body camera. It appears that another street camera provided the damning evidence against the police and that forced the police department to release the body cam evidence.

Almost assuredly, police departments have been very busy hiding or destroying body camera evidence on police murder of black men.
Cant remember which black activist said it but he wanted to end the use of body cameras because they were continuously proving the perp was in the wrong.
So why don't most cops want them then? It proves them right most of the time, according to you and some schmuck.
Then why do we have body cam video of Tyre Nichols being beat to death for fucking the cop’s wife?
It was actually the pole camera that saved the day...without it, I don't think it would have prompted the police department to respond the way they did.....
How the fuck would an asshole Canuck like you know about what is or isn’t the norm in any American scenario involving law enforcement?

Plus, hypotheticals — by their very nature — are scripted to address a specific issue. The point I was making (one of the points) was that hesitation could cost the cop his life or her life.

Your cheap-ass partisan communist Canuck rhetoric aside, there is an old adage amongst some police officers and former police officers:

“It’s better to be tried by 12 than to be carried by 6.”

The balance of your reply was absolute nonsense.
We've moved on Christian. It seems that evidence is just now surfacing on there being sexual relations between the victim and one of the cops' ex-wife, wife, or girlfriend.

If so than it's a big mystery solved!
It was actually the pole camera that saved the day...without it, I don't think it would have prompted the police department to respond the way they did.....
Yes! It's obvious from this incident that the police upper staff have been hiding or destroying body cam evidence of murders by police!

But will America even have the courage to make the case by exposing the truth?
What makes you think cops dont want them?
They almost always show the cop was in the right.
"Many police officers have interpreted public support for body cameras as public censure of the police."

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