Why has the United States supported so many ruthless dictators ?

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Starting by saying it's been done largely without public knowledge or consent. ( except for manufactured consent* through propaganda ) This is an article published just weeks before we invaded Iraq in 2003.

Saddam Hussein presumably has other things on his mind this weekend, but George W Bush is not the only person on his case. Officials from the International Olympic Committee may soon be in Baghdad to have a word with the Iraqi dictator's eldest son, Uday, about allegations that Iraqi athletes have been tortured and imprisoned on his orders.

The IOC ethics commission have received a report detailing the systematic punishment of athletes, sometimes in the opulent headquarters of the Iraq National Olympic Committee, an organisation Uday has overseen since 1984. The building contains a dark secret, like Room 101 out of George Orwell's 1984 , where your worst nightmares come true. It is a prison on the first floor where as many as 50 sportsmen and women may have been murdered and many hundreds tortured, beaten and left to rot.

Torture of Iraq's athletes

20 Brutal Dictators Supported By the U.S. | Scribol.com

U.S. support for brutal Central American dictators led to today's border crisis




Are we seeing a pattern here ?


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This is an article published just weeks before we invaded Iraq in 2003.

Saddam Hussein presumably has other things on his mind this weekend, but George W Bush is not the only person on his case. Officials from the International Olympic Committee may soon be in Baghdad to have a word with the Iraqi dictator's eldest son, Uday, about allegations that Iraqi athletes have been tortured and imprisoned on his orders.

The IOC ethics commission have received a report detailing the systematic punishment of athletes, sometimes in the opulent headquarters of the Iraq National Olympic Committee, an organisation Uday has overseen since 1984. The building contains a dark secret, like Room 101 out of George Orwell's 1984 , where your worst nightmares come true. It is a prison on the first floor where as many as 50 sportsmen and women may have been murdered and many hundreds tortured, beaten and left to rot.

Torture of Iraq's athletes




Are we seeing a pattern here ?

View attachment 257813

Kind of a silly question. The reason is because dictators get shit done. Simple as that. They are also leaders of other countries that have shit we need. The stuff to make your smart phone for example. Or the dictator could be the leader of a country next to a country America don’t like, so we prop up that dictator so they can be a pain the guys ass that we don’t like. It’s not good, it’s not evil, it just is. It’s funny though how you toss the Rumsfeld thing in there. As if Dubya invented kissing dictator ass. Your hero half Black Jesus has photos of him with his face in a dictators lap. He is caught on tape letting a dictators lackey know the dictator will get everything he wants after an election. Just odd is all.
We have gone from a country which stood as the bulwark against Soviets aggression to openly worshiping a KGB thug. We have a President who actually said the Soviets were right to invade Afghanistan. That makes him to the left of Carter!

Why has the United States supported so many ruthless dictators ?
"Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows."

Unfortunately, while fighting Soviet imperialism, we were forced to choose between the lesser of two evils in regions of the world where democracy did not exist. We didn't fight the fight perfectly, but we are, and always have been, the morally superior combatant.

Noam Chomsky? Really?

I can't possibly take anyone seriously who idolizes that old commie hag.
This is an article published just weeks before we invaded Iraq in 2003.

Saddam Hussein presumably has other things on his mind this weekend, but George W Bush is not the only person on his case. Officials from the International Olympic Committee may soon be in Baghdad to have a word with the Iraqi dictator's eldest son, Uday, about allegations that Iraqi athletes have been tortured and imprisoned on his orders.

The IOC ethics commission have received a report detailing the systematic punishment of athletes, sometimes in the opulent headquarters of the Iraq National Olympic Committee, an organisation Uday has overseen since 1984. The building contains a dark secret, like Room 101 out of George Orwell's 1984 , where your worst nightmares come true. It is a prison on the first floor where as many as 50 sportsmen and women may have been murdered and many hundreds tortured, beaten and left to rot.

Torture of Iraq's athletes




Are we seeing a pattern here ?

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Kind of a silly question. The reason is because dictators get shit done. Simple as that. They are also leaders of other countries that have shit we need. The stuff to make your smart phone for example. Or the dictator could be the leader of a country next to a country America don’t like, so we prop up that dictator so they can be a pain the guys ass that we don’t like. It’s not good, it’s not evil, it just is. It’s funny though how you toss the Rumsfeld thing in there. As if Dubya invented kissing dictator ass. Your hero half Black Jesus has photos of him with his face in a dictators lap. He is caught on tape letting a dictators lackey know the dictator will get everything he wants after an election. Just odd is all.

You’re wrong when you say “it’s not evil”, and you’re wrong to condone such behaviour. And it is why the USA is the most hated nation in the world.

Why does Iran view the USA as the Great Satan - google The Shah of Iran. If you had grown up in Iran, under his rule, you’d hate America too.

Why did Cuba turn communist? Google Batista. Duarte is but the latest in a string of Phillipine dictators. Every now and then, decent people drives one of these thugs out (Marcos), and the US takes them in.

Duarte now has blood running openly in the streets with the public daylight murder of drug addicts, often as their horrified families look on. Something Trump praises.
Starting by saying it's been done largely without public knowledge or consent. ( except for manufactured consent* through propaganda ) This is an article published just weeks before we invaded Iraq in 2003.

Saddam Hussein presumably has other things on his mind this weekend, but George W Bush is not the only person on his case. Officials from the International Olympic Committee may soon be in Baghdad to have a word with the Iraqi dictator's eldest son, Uday, about allegations that Iraqi athletes have been tortured and imprisoned on his orders.

The IOC ethics commission have received a report detailing the systematic punishment of athletes, sometimes in the opulent headquarters of the Iraq National Olympic Committee, an organisation Uday has overseen since 1984. The building contains a dark secret, like Room 101 out of George Orwell's 1984 , where your worst nightmares come true. It is a prison on the first floor where as many as 50 sportsmen and women may have been murdered and many hundreds tortured, beaten and left to rot.

Torture of Iraq's athletes

20 Brutal Dictators Supported By the U.S. | Scribol.com

U.S. support for brutal Central American dictators led to today's border crisis




Are we seeing a pattern here ?

View attachment 257813

The US is all about 'a means to an end' and when that concept meets your needs then why not support a friendly third world tyrant, of your own choosing of course?

because behind that fake, puritanical veil we are actually just like the rest of humanity; ass holes.

the fact is we are just much better at being ass holes; we do it with fancy words (law), we do it with the petrodollar world reserve currency, we do it with massive public debt, and we do it with massive amounts of the world's most up to date weaponry so, we can afford to be the 'best' assholes on the planet.

That's what I tell folks at Sunday school class.
Noam Chomsky? Really?

I can't possibly take anyone seriously who idolizes that old commie hag.
You're a DNC tool. Go away.
Adam Shiff's gay nephew probably, living in Anderson Coopers beach house.
View attachment 257822

Once again, just how homophobic are you? You seem obsessed with gay men. Do you secretly fear you are gay?

You’ve made a lot of barely English posts since January. 4000 of them to be exact. All virulently pro Trump, anti-gay, with violent imagery.
I think it's a matter of being short-sighted. We look at what helps us, now, today.

That's not usually a smart long term approach.

our support of tyrannical regimes for our own purposes is exactly why we have so many enemies around the planet.

Yes, our government was never about about the 'long view' ........... it was always about 'a means to an end' .......
Noam Chomsky? Really?

I can't possibly take anyone seriously who idolizes that old commie hag.
You're a DNC tool. Go away.
Adam Shiff's gay nephew probably, living in Anderson Coopers beach house.
View attachment 257822

Once again, just how homophobic are you? You seem obsessed with gay men. Do you secretly fear you are gay?

You’ve made a lot of barely English posts since January. 4000 of them to be exact. All virulently pro Trump, anti-gay, with violent imagery.
Just when I was beginning to like you .
I've made maybe 4 or 5 light-hearted anti gay comments since joining here, if that many. Not many pro=Trump or violent ? at all. ....but
I see you like pulling your facts out of your ass...or does your partner do it for you?
Starting by saying it's been done largely without public knowledge or consent. ( except for manufactured consent* through propaganda ) This is an article published just weeks before we invaded Iraq in 2003.

Saddam Hussein presumably has other things on his mind this weekend, but George W Bush is not the only person on his case. Officials from the International Olympic Committee may soon be in Baghdad to have a word with the Iraqi dictator's eldest son, Uday, about allegations that Iraqi athletes have been tortured and imprisoned on his orders.

The IOC ethics commission have received a report detailing the systematic punishment of athletes, sometimes in the opulent headquarters of the Iraq National Olympic Committee, an organisation Uday has overseen since 1984. The building contains a dark secret, like Room 101 out of George Orwell's 1984 , where your worst nightmares come true. It is a prison on the first floor where as many as 50 sportsmen and women may have been murdered and many hundreds tortured, beaten and left to rot.

Torture of Iraq's athletes

20 Brutal Dictators Supported By the U.S. | Scribol.com

U.S. support for brutal Central American dictators led to today's border crisis




Are we seeing a pattern here ?

View attachment 257813

back in the 90's i knew this one jerk who REFUSED to look at the evidence of clintons corruption,even though i told him there were photographs taken of clinton showing him having a jolly old good time having dinner with dictater sirhana of Indonisia,he dismissed them showing what an ignorant jackass he was saying-yeah sure LA RAM even after i told him there were ONLY photographs taken of the event that very day it was scheduled.

these sad braiwnashed sheep like him dont want to face facts like that that their hero is a mass murderer because in his case,he voted for him so he does not want to come to grips with reality that he helped put him into power so he wanted to pretend those facts never happened.:rolleyes:

arrogant sheep like him make me ashamed to be an american.:mad: thank god i lost contact with that sheep back then i knew.

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