Why Get Married?


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
In this day and age; I can't think of any good reason why a successful man, having land, and money should get married. And if he did choose to; I recommend one hell of a prenup.
A friend of mine is thinking of getting married, and admittedly I'm trying to talk some sense into him. When I ask why he wants to; all he can come up with is because he's "in love"... That's about the worst excuse I can imagine!
So seriously; can y'all give me some good reasons why a man should risk losing half his assets just to prove he love some woman?
In this day and age; I can't think of any good reason why a successful man, land, and money should get married. And if he did choose to; I recommend one hell of a prenup.
A friend of mine is thinking of getting married, and admittedly I'm trying to talk some sense into him. When I ask why he wants to; all he can come up with is because he's "in love"... That's about the worst excuse I can imagine!
So seriously; can y'all give me some good reasons why a man should risk losing half his assets just to prove he love some woman?

Me neither. Pre-nup is common sense between successful people.

We decided to stamp out a copy of ourselves. It's really the only reason I can think of to get married. At least if the kid gets called a "little bastard", it will be based on behavior, not lack of identity.

Is there someone out there who doesn't have a neighborhood wild child to worry about being sicced on him if his wife dies? I'm less than a year from my fortieth anniversary and I do worry about that so I'm looking over a pre-nup with no divorce in sight.
In this day and age; I can't think of any good reason why a successful man, having land, and money should get married. And if he did choose to; I recommend one hell of a prenup.
A friend of mine is thinking of getting married, and admittedly I'm trying to talk some sense into him. When I ask why he wants to; all he can come up with is because he's "in love"... That's about the worst excuse I can imagine!
So seriously; can y'all give me some good reasons why a man should risk losing half his assets just to prove he love some woman?
the social Contract?
Me neither. Pre-nup is common sense between successful people.

We decided to stamp out a copy of ourselves. It's really the only reason I can think of to get married. At least if the kid gets called a "little bastard", it will be based on behavior, not lack of identity.

Few things can make a woman's hackles raise up like the suggestion of a prenup. Which for me is a sure sign of a woman looking for a golden parachute option.
Me neither. Pre-nup is common sense between successful people.

We decided to stamp out a copy of ourselves. It's really the only reason I can think of to get married. At least if the kid gets called a "little bastard", it will be based on behavior, not lack of identity.

Few things can make a woman's hackles raise up like the suggestion of a prenup. Which for me is a sure sign of a woman looking for a golden parachute option.
Arkanass is one of the last states in which common law marriage is not practiced by law..So what you have before marriage is yours after divorce...
Me neither. Pre-nup is common sense between successful people.

We decided to stamp out a copy of ourselves. It's really the only reason I can think of to get married. At least if the kid gets called a "little bastard", it will be based on behavior, not lack of identity.

Few things can make a woman's hackles raise up like the suggestion of a prenup. Which for me is a sure sign of a woman looking for a golden parachute option.
Arkanass is one of the last states in which common law marriage is not practiced by law..So what you have before marriage is yours after divorce...
By far a better, and more reasonable option.
Me neither. Pre-nup is common sense between successful people.

We decided to stamp out a copy of ourselves. It's really the only reason I can think of to get married. At least if the kid gets called a "little bastard", it will be based on behavior, not lack of identity.

Few things can make a woman's hackles raise up like the suggestion of a prenup. Which for me is a sure sign of a woman looking for a golden parachute option.
Arkanass is one of the last states in which common law marriage is not practiced by law..So what you have before marriage is yours after divorce...
By far a better, and more reasonable option.
I went through two marriages there and got to keep the house I had before getting married,,,,,heh-heh..Felt good...I did give them a car and plenty of gas money to go two states away...
Been married 34 years in August, my wife takes care of me and believe me that is no small feat. Why a woman would agree to live with a man that wasn't willing to marry her is beyond me, selfish bastards.
In this day and age; I can't think of any good reason why a successful man, having land, and money should get married. And if he did choose to; I recommend one hell of a prenup.
A friend of mine is thinking of getting married, and admittedly I'm trying to talk some sense into him. When I ask why he wants to; all he can come up with is because he's "in love"... That's about the worst excuse I can imagine!
So seriously; can y'all give me some good reasons why a man should risk losing half his assets just to prove he love some woman?

Trust. Tradition.
If the trust is solid, there's no real need for the marriage at all. As for tradition... I don't know how long a custom has to be perpetuated to be considered a "tradition". But I'd say woman cleaning out a guy's assets after she tires of her marriage is practically a tradition in this country.
Been married 34 years in August, my wife takes care of me and believe me that is no small feat. Why a woman would agree to live with a man that wasn't willing to marry her is beyond me, selfish bastards.
Why what can a man do for a woman while married to her; that he cannot do otherwise? What exactly makes that selfish?
Been married 34 years in August, my wife takes care of me and believe me that is no small feat. Why a woman would agree to live with a man that wasn't willing to marry her is beyond me, selfish bastards.
Why what can a man do for a woman while married to her; that he cannot do otherwise? What exactly makes that selfish?
Why should a woman give herself to man unwilling to make it official?
In this day and age; I can't think of any good reason why a successful man, having land, and money should get married. And if he did choose to; I recommend one hell of a prenup.
A friend of mine is thinking of getting married, and admittedly I'm trying to talk some sense into him. When I ask why he wants to; all he can come up with is because he's "in love"... That's about the worst excuse I can imagine!
So seriously; can y'all give me some good reasons why a man should risk losing half his assets just to prove he love some woman?

Children can still be made, and had without marriage.
Been married 34 years in August, my wife takes care of me and believe me that is no small feat. Why a woman would agree to live with a man that wasn't willing to marry her is beyond me, selfish bastards.
Why what can a man do for a woman while married to her; that he cannot do otherwise? What exactly makes that selfish?
Why should a woman give herself to man unwilling to make it official?
That doesn't answer either of my questions. Let's get down to brass tacks on this.
In this day and age; I can't think of any good reason why a successful man, having land, and money should get married. And if he did choose to; I recommend one hell of a prenup.
A friend of mine is thinking of getting married, and admittedly I'm trying to talk some sense into him. When I ask why he wants to; all he can come up with is because he's "in love"... That's about the worst excuse I can imagine!
So seriously; can y'all give me some good reasons why a man should risk losing half his assets just to prove he love some woman?

Children can still be made, and had without marriage.
The Father has no skin in the game if not married, he risks nothing. The mother risks her health her job and a lot more agreeing to have children for a man unwilling to commit to her and the Kids.

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