Why gas prices are so high.

Don't you remember obama telling you that with HIS energy policy FUEL PRICES WOULD NECESSARILY RISE. That's one promise he did keep.

Why would a president intentionally drive up oil/gas prices in an election year?

Excellent question! For all intents and purposes, the question points to the obvious conclusion that the correct antidote is beyond the American president, because the problem does not originate here. Waltky's quotes nicely lay out some of the issues.
He did say that. But that was in reference to the cap and trade bill which thankfully never passed.

This is specifically from our enemies manipulating the market.

Guess again. Obama chose a "progressive" EPA chief, whose priority has been making cap and trade a reality through new EPA regulations. You didn't really think Obama gave up on cap and trade when he couldn't get it through congress, did you? That is not how he operates. He is determined to fundamentally change America with his radical policies and will shove them through by any means necessary.
He did say that. But that was in reference to the cap and trade bill which thankfully never passed.

This is specifically from our enemies manipulating the market.

Guess again. Obama chose a "progressive" EPA chief, whose priority has been making cap and trade a reality through new EPA regulations. You didn't really think Obama gave up on cap and trade when he couldn't get it through congress, did you? That is not how he operates. He is determined to fundamentally change America with his radical policies and will shove them through by any means necessary.

NO worries the republican controlled house will just cut EPA funding after the election.
We will not enforce the regs.
Gas, other fuels are top U.S. export

In a first, gas and other fuels are top U.S. export

NEW YORK (AP) – For the first time, the top export of the United States, the world's biggest gas guzzler, is — wait for it — fuel.

Measured in dollars, the nation is on pace this year to ship more gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel than any other single export, according to U.S. Census data going back to 1990. It will also be the first year in more than 60 that America has been a net exporter of these fuels.

(No Brainer) - There's at least one domestic downside to America's growing role as a fuel exporter. Experts say the trend helps explain why U.S. motorists are paying more for gasoline. The more fuel that's sent overseas, the less of a supply cushion there is at home.

And there's a simple reason why America's refiners have been eager to export to these markets: gasoline demand in the U.S. has been falling every year since 2007. It dropped by another 2.5 percent in 2011. With the economy struggling, motorists cut back. Also, cars and trucks have become more fuel-efficient and the government mandates the use of more corn-based ethanol fuel.

Why have an energy policy if what is gained in conservation is simply shipped to S America ???

- the high mileage car is meaningless if the price of fuel is artificially raised when the fuel saved is not used to lower the cost but again sent to S America ...

and all the time the oil industry is receiving tax breaks that help in the cost to ship the refined fuels to other countries.
Gas prices are high because Iran is limiting distribution. Gas will go to $6 when Israel attacks Iran.

Carter predicted this in the 70s. He said we needed to move at least 30% of our energy to non-petroleum sources in order to keep prices manageable when the middle east became unstable. He predicted correctly that if we didn't take the energy crisis serious, and if we didn't diminish our dependence on the middle east, then the country would be destroyed by crippling gas costs. Carter called for sacrifices in order to break our petrol-vulnerability. He asked the nation to build a "moonshot" around alternative energy.

Reagan called him crazy. He and the Right criticized the alternative energy movement to no end.The Righted hated the conservation movement. They ignored every warning to adopt a low-use energy model. They didn't and don't understand to this day that lowering energy use actually lowers prices. Had they not crushed the conservation movement, we would now be using far less gas. . . and our prices would be lower and our economy would not be hanging by a thread. But they prevented the nation from taking the problem seriously.They said the energy crisis was a Leftist plot to put Wahsington in charge of energy. Reagan told the American people that middle east oil supplies would not be a problem. He told Americans what they wanted to hear. He took the easy way out and we are now lying that bed. Rising gas prices are destroying this country. Other nations invested in light rail and conservation. Not America who is over-exposed to rising gas costs. Reagan saw none of this. Carter nailed it.

We got punk'd by a B rate actor.
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No one has repealed the law of supply and demand, and that applies to oil and oil products. The price of oil is set on a world market, and the USA does not have any ability to control the price of oil. At the present time, oil supplies and oil demand, around the world, are close to equal. Any news that an oil supply may drop off, or that demand may increase, causes the future prices of oil to rise. All large users of oil speculate on the future price of oil. Mainly to protect their future business from higher than expected prices. Airlines, cruise ship operators, and even oil refineries all attempt to protect their futures from oil price spikes.

Yes, Obama is as responsible for today's gas prices as anyone else in the world. He has spent three years, doing everything in his power to stiffle coal, oil and gas production in the USA. The current oil production, that he is bragging about, is the result of production policies that were put in place, long before he took office. He is affecting future oil porduction, and that is always considered in the futures trading.

It does not take much extra oil production to tilt that supply/demand curve to excess supply side, and that is what is missing, in the Obama energy policy. Unless we take action now to get these environmental extremists out of office, we will see much higher gas prices in the future.
THE MASTERS OF OIL have SHUTDOWN old refineries.

BUT STILL the are EXPORTING gasoline OUT of America and into foreign lands.


Because the cost of refining gasoline in the USA still makes it cheap enough to export.

So why is the price of gas going up here?

Because the masters can make more profit on it selling it elsewhere than they would selling here in the USA.

Obama doesn't have jackshit to do with the spike in gasoline prices, folks.

Time to read some books kiddies
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Why gas prices are so high.

Cause the oil companies are allowed to retail price gas that has already been refined based on
what they (futures traders) think a barrell of oil will cost in the future. A future that has a war in it with Iran. And that scares the future traders so they have to run the price up so that the oil companies can post another year of record profits. And they make a lot of money.

Oh yea, and the oil companies and Wall street are pissed at Obama. So if they can hurt him. help the Repubs and make a fortune as well, well what greedy bastard wouldn't do that?

The fact that regular folk take a beating. Well, they call that collateral damage. Just don't drive as much. It only hurts for a little while.

Hope that answers your question.

^ i don't agree with everything in this post, but most of it is true. and i bet it hurts some people to accept it. so they won't.
Don't you remember obama telling you that with HIS energy policy FUEL PRICES WOULD NECESSARILY RISE. That's one promise he did keep.

Why would a president intentionally drive up oil/gas prices in an election year?

Because he wants to push alternative energy sources that have failed already but he will continue to do so

That and he's fairly confident the media won't hold his feet to the fire like they did Bush's when gas prices skyrocketed during his administration.
1/16/12 Gasoline at Dodge's Here in Foley, AL is $3.159/gallon
1/17/12 news that obama blocks pipeline hits the market.
1/18/12 Gasoline at Dodge's $3.229.
2/20/12 Gasoline at Dodge's $3.559
Draw any conclusions you want. Sure the Iran threat to close off oil has some effect, but effective diplomacy could have prevented that, had the administration been concerned with what gasoline costs the consumer.
Hell, his Energy Secretary thinks we should pay as much as Europe. It would seem as if he's right on track to accomplish that goal by the end of obama's second term.
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the Gop needs to be shouting that from the rooftops right now..

slam him with those very words..
Big Mouth has pretty much announced to the cartels that they have nothing to fear from Americans because he has no intention of getting us off their oil supply. Hence the gas prices went up and will continue to go up. Remember that when you go to the polls.
It doesn't matter whether Obama caused the higher gas prices. He's the President and he will still get the blame by alot of people regardless of politics.

They get crdit for the good as well as the bad on their watches,its called taking responsibility.
Dunno. Maybe your masters are fucking you ?


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Big Mouth has pretty much announced to the cartels that they have nothing to fear from Americans because he has no intention of getting us off their oil supply. Hence the gas prices went up and will continue to go up. Remember that when you go to the polls.

Obama seeks to end oil industry tax breaks — again | Texas on the Potomac | a Chron.com blog

Obama seeks to end oil industry tax breaks — again

President Barack Obama called today for boosting funding for pipeline safety and renewable energy while again proposing to roll back several tax breaks for the oil and gas industry.

In his fiscal 2013 budget proposal, submitted to Congress today, Obama proposed boosting research funding and extending tax credits for clean energy as well as providing more money for energy-efficiency programs. He also called for rolling back oil and gas “tax preferences” worth $40 billion over 10 years.

It is the fourth straight year Obama has called for rolling back tax breaks for the oil and gas industry, but that call — and the budget more generally — is largely a symbolic statement because it stands little chance to pass through Congress.

Obama teased at the proposals during his State of the Union address, in which he outlined what he called a national economic “blueprint.”

“It’s time to end the taxpayer giveaways to an industry that rarely has been more profitable, and double down on a clean-energy industry that never has been more promising,” he said.

The proposal indicates that Obama wants to aggressively promote federal support of renewable energy, even amid continuing Republican criticism of the administration’s loan guarantee to the now-bankrupt company Solyndra LLC, a California solar-panel maker.

The only real hope for lowering the price of gasoline is to find an alternative that will either increase supply of energy availability or better an alternative with a lower cost.

The Administration is at least attempting to find alternatives and is primarily prevented from doing so by the opposition Rs that stress only Oil friendly applications.

Remember that when you go to the polls.

... and why are the Rs not crucified for their continued support of tax breaks for Oil Co.s that are expenses to the American public that is being railroaded by the same industry that is exporting to S America, American refined fuels and already have the highest profits of any industry on a world wide basis ???
Why gas prices are so high.

Cause the oil companies are allowed to retail price gas that has already been refined based on
what they (futures traders) think a barrell of oil will cost in the future. A future that has a war in it with Iran. And that scares the future traders so they have to run the price up so that the oil companies can post another year of record profits. And they make a lot of money.

Oh yea, and the oil companies and Wall street are pissed at Obama. So if they can hurt him. help the Repubs and make a fortune as well, well what greedy bastard wouldn't do that?

The fact that regular folk take a beating. Well, they call that collateral damage. Just don't drive as much. It only hurts for a little while.

Hope that answers your question.

The government collects more in taxes in this country than oil companies get in profit. They have to leave this country to get most of the "record profits" they earn. Demand outside the US is going up will demand is going down inside the US. The price is based on the dollar.

So what effect does that have on gas prices in America???

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