Why don't American companies ...


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
keep jobs in America. Are they that greedy or are Unions and regulations making it impossible for them to stay in business in America? I really dont know much about why it has happened. Its seems to me if jobs wernt being shipped overseas income inequality would be much less and the economy would be much better. Next to cutting spending and reducing the deficit I consider this a most important issue. Whats your opinon of the issue?
It's a little bit of both.

Private companies have one goal.... making money. Profit Margin is their bottom line. If they believe they can be more efficient, spend less, and keep the same product quality by outsourcing their labor, their customer service, etc... that's what they're going to do.

I work for a utility company (a regulated industry). We just got shot down on most of our rate cases in the last year. We're cutting 20% of our non-union workforce and cutting back on almost all non-mandated, non-customer work to keep the profit margin up where the investors/executives want it to be. They're moving a lot of our office work to areas of the company service territory where they can pay the clerks and office staff less. It's all about the MONEY.
keep jobs in America. Are they that greedy or are Unions and regulations making it impossible for them to stay in business in America? I really dont know much about why it has happened. Its seems to me if jobs wernt being shipped overseas income inequality would be much less and the economy would be much better. Next to cutting spending and reducing the deficit I consider this a most important issue. Whats your opinon of the issue?

I think it all has to do with profit margine. The owners and stock holders want as large of a profit they can get, so they can achieve financial freedom and security. If this means they have to move their headquarters out of the US to avoid paying taxes, outsource jobs, move all their employees to part time positions, lower wages, or get rid of benefits i.e. health care than so be it. It is all about them.

The worker is supposed to be loyal to the company but the company has no loyalty to the worker. We could have all the jobs we want here in the US if the worker would quit being so greedy. If the worker would just be content working for $25.00 a day with no benefits for twelve hours a day we would have all the jobs we could handle.

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