Why doesn't Gov. Perry send the Texas National Guard to the Border??

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
I fail to understand why Gov. Perry had to meet with Pres. Obama about sending National Guard units to protect the Texas border with Mexico?

It's always been my understanding that a states Governor has the right to call up it's Guard and deploy them to protect the people.

So why is Gov. Perry acting like he needs Pres. Obama's permission to call out the Texas National Guard and send them to police the border? . :confused:
Because he knows it would be a stupid, expensive and useless thing to do. A band aid that might look good but won't accoplish anything. For one thing, the phony deadline of June 30 has come and gone so the stream of refugees has all but stopped. Duh.

He said he wanted Obama to use his exec power to just DO IT but then later, changed his story. Anyone who was watching the live coverage saw that.

The bill was agreed on by both parties, passed by the Senate over a year ago and has been dying on Boehner's desk ever since.

Boehner just said, "he won't get a blank check" even though the president has never said he wanted a blank check. Boehner has backed himself into a corner. That's why he wants $arah to shut up about impeachment.

The Rs have really blown it with this. Even the brainless Obama haters are scratching their heads.
There is something called the Posse Comitatus Law that prohibits the use of military forces in anything other than local disasters. To move NG units to the border, they need to be federalized and approved by Congress.

Governors no longer have unlimited powers over their national guard units.
There is something called the Posse Comitatus Law that prohibits the use of military forces in anything other than local disasters. To move NG units to the border, they need to be federalized and approved by Congress.

Governors no longer have unlimited powers over their national guard units.
That's the kind of answer I was looking for.......Thanks.

I wish I'd have said in the OP for homo's and Obamabots like Luddly to refrain from posting on this thread. . :cool:
There is something called the Posse Comitatus Law that prohibits the use of military forces in anything other than local disasters. To move NG units to the border, they need to be federalized and approved by Congress.

Governors no longer have unlimited powers over their national guard units.

Well the sick part is that the government DOES have the power to do this even the posse Comitatus act prohibits such action. The passing of the Patriot Act and the NDAA has given them that power. If they were ever threatened by "radicals" or "homegrown terrorists" (as the dhs likes to call them" they'd be quick to do so. But this whole situation is a created crisis. It wouldn't fit into the Feds agenda to actually stop the smuggling of illegal immigrants so therefor they aren't going to exercise that freedom.

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Because he knows it would be a stupid, expensive and useless thing to do. A band aid that might look good...

We NEED shit that looks good. We NEED shit that looks American.

We NEED a leader that LOOKS like a leader.

And we have none of that.

I've never in all my life felt so ashamed to be a citizen of the country.

Obama is a disgrace and a failure as a leader of this Nation.

He forfeits, without excuse or merit, the very essence of our Great Nation.
There is something called the Posse Comitatus Law that prohibits the use of military forces in anything other than local disasters. To move NG units to the border, they need to be federalized and approved by Congress.

Governors no longer have unlimited powers over their national guard units.

Don't be offended because this is a serious question not sarcasm. Isn't the national guard and the coast guard the two exceptions in the posse Comitatus act or am I wrong? I seriously can't remember. I thought I read that somewhere but it could be false info.

I fail to understand why Gov. Perry had to meet with Pres. Obama about sending National Guard units to protect the Texas border with Mexico?

It's always been my understanding that a states Governor has the right to call up it's Guard and deploy them to protect the people.

So why is Gov. Perry acting like he needs Pres. Obama's permission to call out the Texas National Guard and send them to police the border? . :confused:

Because Perry is a Republican and the Chamber of Commerce donates heavily to the GOP and Perry wants the Chamber's campaign donations and the Chamber wants more and more immigrants, legal and illegal.

July 11, 2014
RUSH: There's another motivation, and that's campaign donations. And the donor class, as popularized by the Chamber of Commerce, is threatening them. "If you don't do this, you can not expect to receive any more money from us."

The Chamber of Commerce head, Tom Donohue, said to the Republicans a couple of months ago, "If you don't do amnesty, you may as well not even nominate a candidate in 2016, 'cause none of us are gonna give any Republican any money if they don't do this." The pressure is on. So the Republicans, the leadership, as you say, the RINOs, the establishment, they clearly want massive immigration, comprehensive immigration reform.
Why doesn't Gov. Perry send the Texas National Guard to the Border??

Because the Federal government and Executive Branch have sole authority over immigration matters, the classification of immigrants, and the implementation of Federal immigration law:

States may not usurp the federal power over immigration. State attempts to regulate concurrently in a field already occupied by a federal statute have been struck down under the doctrine of preemption.

Chapter 2: The source and scope of the federal power to regulate immigration and naturalization
Except the people sneaking across the border are not "immigrants".

They are illegal's who are breaking the law by violating Texas border sovereignty.

And the Governor of a state has the power to call up the Guard for public safety. .. :cool:
Jesus for the 100th time! The law as it stands now prevents him from stopping them. Either way that is not the issue here. Even if he could he wouldn't do it.
Perry should send the Guard and tell Obama if he doesn't like he can sue Texas and her governor.
Because he knows it would be a stupid, expensive and useless thing to do. A band aid that might look good...

We NEED shit that looks good. We NEED shit that looks American.

We NEED a leader that LOOKS like a leader.

And we have none of that.

I've never in all my life felt so ashamed to be a citizen of the country.

Obama is a disgrace and a failure as a leader of this Nation.

He forfeits, without excuse or merit, the very essence of our Great Nation.

and can act like one.....we havent had one of them since last century......there are none on the horizon either.....
IDK if it is the US or Texas constitution says state gov. can call out NG if it is an invasion, which it is, just not a military invasion however it doesn't state that in the constitution. :eek:) On Glenn Beck's show tonight Perry was on, and he claims that he is going to put NG on the border. If I can find an article on that I will post.
Because he knows it would be a stupid, expensive and useless thing to do. A band aid that might look good...

We NEED shit that looks good. We NEED shit that looks American.

We NEED a leader that LOOKS like a leader.

And we have none of that.

I've never in all my life felt so ashamed to be a citizen of the country.

Obama is a disgrace and a failure as a leader of this Nation.

He forfeits, without excuse or merit, the very essence of our Great Nation.

Sad. Very sad...that the people here and just about everywhere, educated or non educated, still havent figered it all out. People here and at other messageboards dont understand because they wont forget about D or R and just think for thenselves instead of letting a bought off polititian tell them how to think.
Our gov has been bought out by corporate america lock, stock and barrel and corporate america holds no alligence to America, just profits. Liberalizm has been dead for quite some time now. The polititians, all of them, now are told what to do by corporate america. It doesnt matter anymore wheather they are D, I or R, they represeant corporate america. How else can a corporation acheave "personhood"? The fucking morons that still rant about how the dems or repubs screw us have failed to understand what has happened to America. That is sad and unfortunate for it's citizens. Me...you.
Show me what any polititian has done to cure Il. Im. Neither side has done anything. The corporations that have bought this gov wants the illeagals here for cheap labor and to drive down wages, unions, benifits, working conditions and treatment and it is not going to stop untill WE do something and THAT wont happen because the scum bag polititians have us divided. Why have so many completely missed it?? I hear people arguing dem or rep but both have had their chance at fixing this prob but neither has done a fukkin thing. Nothing. What will the R's do when they get the power??...the same thing they did the last time they were in office.
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