Why Does This Abject Failure -


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Democrats are going to realize sooner or later that it doesn't matter what they do or what Trump does, it just doesn't matter.
November will come and the election will happen and Trump will win comfortably because he is doing a great job.
I'm hoping that Trump will take the House off the democrats and keep the senate.
The 31 seats that the democrats won in Trump districts in 2018 will flip back to Trump in 2020.
Adam Schitt has become white noise.... like that little shitzu you hear barking down the block but it doesn't really register. Nobody is looking at the failed sissy's gash anymore. Wah...
- continue to flog himself with his pixie lips? Is he really too thick to realize the depths of his failures? Is he such a masochist that he wants to add to the pile?

Inquiring minds want to know, sorta. It's amusing. Karl Childers would run rings around this clown.

Rep. Adam Schiff Warns Trump After Roger Stone Sentencing: Pardoning Would Be ‘Breathtaking Act Of Corruption’

Trump should tell Schiff, "When you're in jail, don't hold your breath waiting for a pardon."
- continue to flog himself with his pixie lips? Is he really too thick to realize the depths of his failures? Is he such a masochist that he wants to add to the pile?

Inquiring minds want to know, sorta. It's amusing. Karl Childers would run rings around this clown.

Rep. Adam Schiff Warns Trump After Roger Stone Sentencing: Pardoning Would Be ‘Breathtaking Act Of Corruption’

Trump should tell Schiff, "When you're in jail, don't hold your breath waiting for a pardon."

In jail, Schiff would be Pushme-Pullyu, if you acquires the drift. :auiqs.jpg:
Democrats are going to realize sooner or later that it doesn't matter what they do or what Trump does, it just doesn't matter.
November will come and the election will happen and Trump will win comfortably because he is doing a great job.
I'm hoping that Trump will take the House off the democrats and keep the senate.
The 31 seats that the democrats won in Trump districts in 2018 will flip back to Trump in 2020.
I hope and pray so.

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