Why does the Rightwing Conservatives Hate Unions?


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
The animosity is chilling, but never the less consistent and irritating. Maybe we could actually have a discussion without the name calling, and find out exactly what is the right cons problem with Unions.

It seems to me Unions are a role model for what Capitalism stands for. To exploit the corporation for fair living wages & benefits, in exchange for an honest days work. And to get a fair working package a negotiation takes place and a contract written explaining what each side expects from the other side (labor vs. business). Nothing is hidden.

Capitalism allows workers to negotiate their own wage & benefits as individuals or as a collective, with the idea of extracting the maximum from the employer for each hour of work performed. The employer hires as many people as he wishes, from those that will work for him, and exploits workers for the lowest wages & benefit packages he can get for his hour of labor.

So the Union member or private sector worker gives an honest days work, and the employer gives an honest days wages & benefits.

So why do rightys hate Unions? They support America and prefer capitalism?
I dislike them because it often rewards the laziest employees on the backs of the hardest working with a collective group contract. If I outwork the guy next to me, I deserve more than him. In fact, I will not go on strike to save his job. If I work harder and better, my employer should reward me, not him. If a business is interested in success and being competitive, it rewards it's best workers while getting rid of it's worst workers. Common sense.

Unions go against all of the above.
I dislike them because it often rewards the laziest employees on the backs of the hardest working with a collective group contract. If I outwork the guy next to me, I deserve more than him. In fact, I will not go on strike to save his job. If I work harder and better, my employer should reward me, not him. If a business is interested in success and being competitive, it rewards it's best workers while getting rid of it's worst workers. Common sense.

Unions go against all of the above.

Well said
Why do conservatives disfavor unions? For some of us, it's due to the appalling poor quality results of union entitlement as exemplified by your inability to use proper grammar in the thread title.
The animosity is chilling, but never the less consistent and irritating. Maybe we could actually have a discussion without the name calling, and find out exactly what is the right cons problem with Unions.

It seems to me Unions are a role model for what Capitalism stands for. To exploit the corporation for fair living wages & benefits, in exchange for an honest days work. And to get a fair working package a negotiation takes place and a contract written explaining what each side expects from the other side (labor vs. business). Nothing is hidden.

Capitalism allows workers to negotiate their own wage & benefits as individuals or as a collective, with the idea of extracting the maximum from the employer for each hour of work performed. The employer hires as many people as he wishes, from those that will work for him, and exploits workers for the lowest wages & benefit packages he can get for his hour of labor.

So the Union member or private sector worker gives an honest days work, and the employer gives an honest days wages & benefits.

So why do rightys hate Unions? They support America and prefer capitalism?

pay your own damn pensions, then you'll be fine.
How about the simple answer:

No one likes thugs, bullies, criminals, gangsters, and thieves.
Because they do not believe in the right to assembily

Can't say "they". I believe in their right to assembly. I also believe in an employers right to fire them. Unfortunately, many employers don't have that right.

BTW, cops in unions are forbiden by law from striking. Doesn't add much to this thread, just a fact I'd like to throw in there.
How about the simple answer:

No one likes thugs, bullies, criminals, gangsters, and thieves.

That's not true. Organizing For America must adore them. They keep organizing events for them.
How about the simple answer:

No one likes thugs, bullies, criminals, gangsters, and thieves.

No, the left apparently like bullies, criminals, gangsters and thieves.... as long as they're left wing bullies, criminals, gangsters and thieves.
The day of the big union is over.

They did some good things for the USA and even the world.

However they went too far.

Recently we had a hospital close because of a Nurses Union. (I think they were affiliated with the teamsters or some other big union)

The hospital employed over 600 people, because of 80 people in a Union they all lost their jobs. I heard 2 of the union reps talking on a local radio program the following day, congratulating themselves because they won. I had to call and ask them what they won, all of their members plus another 500+ people were out of a job.

Unions are nothing today but a way for the lame and lazy to keep their jobs, no matter how worthless they are.
Quoting Samuel Gompers:

We do want more, and when it becomes more, we shall still want more. And we shall never cease to demand more until we have received the results of our labor.

This exemplifies what is wrong with the labor movement. It's not about what is reasonably earned based upon value creation and markets. Public Employee Unions are the bastard offspring of Greed and Desire (for MORE!), and have overreached to the point where our local, state, and federal governments are defacto insolvent.
The day of the big union is over.

They did some good things for the USA and even the world.

However they went too far.

Recently we had a hospital close because of a Nurses Union. (I think they were affiliated with the teamsters or some other big union)

The hospital employed over 600 people, because of 80 people in a Union they all lost their jobs. I heard 2 of the union reps talking on a local radio program the following day, congratulating themselves because they won. I had to call and ask them what they won, all of their members plus another 500+ people were out of a job.

Unions are nothing today but a way for the lame and lazy to keep their jobs, no matter how worthless they are.

In a poor economy, Unions always pay the price

I agree that the days of the mega-unions may be over but the need for employees to form a collective bargaining unit will never end.
Quoting Samuel Gompers:

We do want more, and when it becomes more, we shall still want more. And we shall never cease to demand more until we have received the results of our labor.

This exemplifies what is wrong with the labor movement. It's not about what is reasonably earned based upon value creation and markets. Public Employee Unions are the bastard offspring of Greed and Desire (for MORE!), and have overreached to the point where our local, state, and federal governments are defacto insolvent.

Workers provide a service.....Employers make a profit off of that service. The amount of profit depends on how much they pay for that service and how much money they can make off of it

It is in the employers interest to keep labor costs to a minimum
It is in the workers interest to get as much of that profit as they can

That process is as old as time. Unions are there to provide workers collectively more power than they can control individually
That's not what they are seeking. The always want MORE and expect everyone else to sacrifice to give it to them.

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