Why does the left want to appease cold-blooded killers?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The left loves to blame victims when it involves Muslim violence. They don't say a word about how wrong it is for Muslims to kill people over mere words. They blame those who express an opinion that Muslims don't like. One claimed that the cartoon exhibit in Texas may have crossed the line. Excuse me? Killing people because you take offense to a fucking cartoon is more than crossing the line. How dare the left bad mouth cartoonists without even chastising those who commit cold-blooded murder simply because they can't tolerate other points of view? That is today's liberals for you.

The latest attack by radical Muslims ended the way it should have. Two dead terrorists. That is the message we should be sending. No apologies for free speech. Just let them know that if they want to live in our country, with all the freedoms, either learn to tolerate others or don't come here. You can't move here and then kill people because you disagree. You will pay for such crimes, either by death or life in prison.

It's sick that the left does it's best to protect Muslims. They know they will kill over nothing. The answer is not for the rest of us to silence ourselves. Muslims haven't changed in centuries and never will. It's outrageous to ask anyone to humor them. Having cartoon exhibits, like the one in Texas, just draws out the radicals. The real concern is that they are among us every day and waiting to strike at the slightest offense. The left seems to think the way to handle it is to bend over and abide by their rules even if it means giving up some freedom. Why are they so willing to cede rights to appease a bunch of murderous scumbags?

"Bigotry and anti-constitutionalism on full display.

Muslims just can't control themselves. You should know that. If you run a cartoon featuring the prophet Mohammad, or organize a displeasing art exhibit, you should simply assume that an Islamist is going to get all wound up and kill you. It's your fault. You drew and displayed some doodle that they found offensive, and now you've paid the price.

Appeasement is the only way forward. The rest of us should rein in our First Amendment rights to conform to the killers' way of thinking.

That's the argument that the left has been trying to make for the last few days. Ever since two terrorists attempted to murder the attendees of a Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland Texas, we've been told that our free speech is the problem."

I'm not sure I buy this. I suspect that ISIS is aware that there are many Muslims here in the states and, being Muslims, they are going to attack sooner or later because they are so easily offended. ISIS is bad enough and has killed way too many innocent people, many of which were Christians and gays. They know attacks will keep happening and they would like to take credit to give the illusion that they are more powerful than they are. Of coruse, they have already advanced way too far. Whether the terrorist here are part of ISIS, al Qaeda or Hamas, it really doesn't matter. They are here and looking for excuses to kill infidels and they are all the same. If the left thinks that by pretending to be nice to them, they will eventually love us, they are even more stupid than I imagined. Radical Muslims will not change - ever! They will always hate infidels and will always strive to wipe them from the earth. The liberals think we should give them the freedom to do so by allowing them to live here and then by blaming infidels for pissing them off. Yup, that is exactly what Muslims dream of. A country that refuses to stand up to them as they carry out their twisted goal.

ISIS claims to have 71 trained terrorists in 15 states who are ready to strike

When Charlie Hebdo was attacked by Muslims, the left was all "We are Charlie Hebdo",after Garland the low life scumbags are all "they deserved it".

Progressives are the worst.
If the KKK held a rally and a coupla uppity negroes attacked them and were killed, it is possible to condemn the Klan and the killer negroes at the same time! Isn't that AMAZING?

Just so with the bigoted asshole anti-Muslim dumb fucks in Texas and the dipshits who attacked their hate fest. Fuckheads vs. Fuckheads, Texas style.

Now was that so hard to understand? Apparently so, for some retards.
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If the KKK held a rally and a coupla uppity negroes attacked them and were killed, it is possible to condemn the Klan and the killer negroes at the same time! Isn't that AMAZING?

Just so with the bigoted asshole anti-Muslim dumb fucks in Texas and the dipshits who attacked their hate fest.

Now was that so hard to understand? Apparently so, for some retards.

If the KKK held a rally and a coupla uppity negroes attacked them and were killed, it is possible to condemn the Klan and the killer negroes at the same time! Isn't that AMAZING?

Just so with the bigoted asshole anti-Muslim dumb fucks in Texas and the dipshits who attacked their hate fest.

Now was that so hard to understand? Apparently so, for some retards.

View attachment 40882
Are you saying the bigoted fuckheads who put on the anti-Muslim show represent all of Texas?

Good to know.
Why does the OP say the following about the left?

"They don't say a word about how wrong it is for Muslims to kill people over mere words"

That statement is factually incorrect. In order for the OP to believe that it is true, he or she must be a total retard. Is that the case? Is the OP a total retard?
If the KKK held a rally and a coupla uppity negroes attacked them and were killed, it is possible to condemn the Klan and the killer negroes at the same time! Isn't that AMAZING?

Just so with the bigoted asshole anti-Muslim dumb fucks in Texas and the dipshits who attacked their hate fest. Fuckheads vs. Fuckheads, Texas style.

Now was that so hard to understand? Apparently so, for some retards.

The cartoon people didn't attack anyone, numskull. Drawing a cartoon isn't the equivalent of assault. Anyone who think that justifies murder is a moron and a savage.
Why does the OP say the following about the left?

"They don't say a word about how wrong it is for Muslims to kill people over mere words"

That statement is factually incorrect. In order for the OP to believe that it is true, he or she must be a total retard. Is that the case? Is the OP a total retard?
It is also ironic the retards who claim "they don't say word" never say a word in condemnation about the bigoted hate fest.

Hypocrisy at its worst.
If the KKK held a rally and a coupla uppity negroes attacked them and were killed, it is possible to condemn the Klan and the killer negroes at the same time! Isn't that AMAZING?

Just so with the bigoted asshole anti-Muslim dumb fucks in Texas and the dipshits who attacked their hate fest. Fuckheads vs. Fuckheads, Texas style.

Now was that so hard to understand? Apparently so, for some retards.

The cartoon people didn't attack anyone, numskull. Drawing a cartoon isn't the equivalent of assault. Anyone who think that justifies murder is a moron and a savage.
Hey, retard. Where did anyone say the attack was justified?

Read my post again, idiot, until it actually penetrates your skull.
Why does the OP say the following about the left?

"They don't say a word about how wrong it is for Muslims to kill people over mere words"

That statement is factually incorrect. In order for the OP to believe that it is true, he or she must be a total retard. Is that the case? Is the OP a total retard?

I've seen several left-wing dingbats attacking the woman who sponsored the event while saying nothing about the people who attempted to murder the attendees.
Christ, these retards think that because some dipshits attacked the hate fest, that makes the hate fest above criticism!
If the KKK held a rally and a coupla uppity negroes attacked them and were killed, it is possible to condemn the Klan and the killer negroes at the same time! Isn't that AMAZING?

Just so with the bigoted asshole anti-Muslim dumb fucks in Texas and the dipshits who attacked their hate fest.

Now was that so hard to understand? Apparently so, for some retards.

View attachment 40882
Are you saying the bigoted fuckheads who put on the anti-Muslim show represent all of Texas?

Good to know.
Just about every Texan I know sez: Don't mess with Texas.
If the KKK held a rally and a coupla uppity negroes attacked them and were killed, it is possible to condemn the Klan and the killer negroes at the same time! Isn't that AMAZING?

Just so with the bigoted asshole anti-Muslim dumb fucks in Texas and the dipshits who attacked their hate fest. Fuckheads vs. Fuckheads, Texas style.

Now was that so hard to understand? Apparently so, for some retards.

The cartoon people didn't attack anyone, numskull. Drawing a cartoon isn't the equivalent of assault. Anyone who think that justifies murder is a moron and a savage.
Hey, retard. Where did anyone say the attack was justified?

Read my post again, idiot, until it actually penetrates your skull.

If you claim the people at the event "provoked" the attack, then you are justifying it.

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