Why does the Church say telepathy is a hoax?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
I was thinking one day (after watching quite a bit of stuff on History Channel), that telepathy might not only be possible, but, maybe the reason that we don't do it any more is because we're too dependent on technology.

Now, I know there's going to be a lot of you out there that are going to be tellin me that I'm crazy. That's okay, just let me explain first.

Now, I think that one of the main reasons other than technology is because the Church scared us into thinking that it was evil. Back in the Middle Ages, anyone that talked to animals without words was something they didn't understand, and because of that, they thought it was evil. Unfortunately, the Church forgot that one of it's more revered saints did also, his name was St. Francis of Assissi. And then, I started to look into it more, and did you ever stop to wonder why most people prayed silently? They knew God was listening, and they knew that they were only using their minds to talk, so therefore, it's telepathy, but nobody wanted to acknowledge it.

Then I started to look for examples elsewhere. There are a group of people called martial artists. They have this force they call "chi" that they focus to be able to do all their movements. One guy a few years ago developed a method (and I've seen it.....a story about it was even on CNN once), where he was able to throw his chi up to 50 feet and knock someone down. That was an impressive demonstration.

I then started to think about myself. I (like most people) can tell when someone is watching me, because I get a tingle on the back of my head that causes me to turn around. I've also noticed that if you stare across a room at someone who ISN'T watching you, generally, within about 5 min or so, they will turn around and look at you. You also see that kind of thing in bars quite often.

Then I remembered something that the mother of my 6 year old best friends had taught me once.......that it is possible to burn holes in clouds by staring at them. I learned that as a little kid, and kinda forgot about it until I'd re-read "Illusions" by Richard Bach, where the character in that book learned how to do it also. Now, when I made that discovery (me being retired from the military and such), I decided to see if I could re-learn how to do that, and well.....guess what......I found myself able to do it again. Maybe one of these days I'll sit out on the front porch, and hold a picture of something in my mind and see if that cloud will form that object. Could be I've just invented a new art form, I'll call it painting with clouds.

I then started to look for other places where telepathy existed, that could easily be pointed to right now. Well, there are horse whisperers, dog whisperers, cat whisperers, etc., and lots of people pay good money to those people for them to come over and do what they do.

There is also the old married couple who need almost no words to talk to each other. That also is telepathy.

Ever heard your phone ring and knew who it was before you answered?

It also exists in everyday life. Movie stars call it "stage presence", the ability to make the audience fell what the character they are playing on stage is feeling. Politicians have it. They call it "charisma". Now, what they are doing is trying to get you to believe in them, only we call it leadership.

There are also sympathy pains that husbands go through (even if they're far away from their wife), as well as the fact that if you see someone seriously hurt, you also feel a twinge of pain yourself. They are hurting really bad, and their pain is radiating out of their brain, which results in you who is unhurt feeling pain.

I sat and thought about that for awhile.........

Now? I think I'm going to see if I can figure out WHY it works. I think it has something to do with electricity. Maybe.....if I get good enough, I can start talking through the TV with people, and I won't need a cell phone.......
We were talking about ghosts & paranormal in the Conspiracy section Sailor, and I was brought up to think telepathy and ghosts and psychic things are wrong too. Sometimes I have dreams that come true, and sometimes I get pictures in my head of things about people or pictures/thoughts that end up being relevant to someone later maybe about someone who passed away. It always scares me when that happens because I don't want an evil suggestion to try and influence me.
Just remind yourself that time is different to God than it is to us. He is future, present and past, and seems to be able to control all all at once. And since we are made in his image, and since believers will spend eternity with him, it makes sense we should get a glimmer of that sometimes.

I don't think people who are intuitive or are more receptive are necessarily more open to possession than others. I think that danger comes when you spurn God and seek supernatural power.
We were talking about ghosts & paranormal in the Conspiracy section Sailor, and I was brought up to think telepathy and ghosts and psychic things are wrong too. Sometimes I have dreams that come true, and sometimes I get pictures in my head of things about people or pictures/thoughts that end up being relevant to someone later maybe about someone who passed away. It always scares me when that happens because I don't want an evil suggestion to try and influence me.
If you get a vision of next weeks lottery numbers. PM them to me and we will split the winnings!! :eusa_angel:
If you get a vision of next weeks lottery numbers. PM them to me and we will split the winnings!! :eusa_angel:

I don't like it when it happens which isnt often and it usually happens when I am talking to someone who had a loss or I have a dream, I don't have control over it and it feels weird and uncomfortable when it does happen. But if I saw the lottery numbers I suspect I would just be selfish and use it for myself. W00T ????:eusa_eh:
We were talking about ghosts & paranormal in the Conspiracy section Sailor, and I was brought up to think telepathy and ghosts and psychic things are wrong too. Sometimes I have dreams that come true, and sometimes I get pictures in my head of things about people or pictures/thoughts that end up being relevant to someone later maybe about someone who passed away. It always scares me when that happens because I don't want an evil suggestion to try and influence me.

You know, you're more correct than you can even begin to imagine dear.

As far as evil influences? Simple......just don't be stupid, selfish, or greedy. If you're selfish long enough, you're going to breed greed. When you have greed AND selfishness, they breed a strange little child called stupidity.

That is probably why most churches & religions say it is a wrong thing.
Nowhere in the Bible do I see a prohibition on telepathy. There are prohibitions against using witchcraft and speaking to the dead, but nothing on telepathy. Since I believe Christians (the people of the Book) should abide by its teachings, I do not use witches and I do not talk to the dead except when I visit my father's grave on his birthday. I talk out loud as if he was there. Somehow that brings peace to my spirit because I so long to just talk to my father again.

Just to spur this discussion on, I do believe that we have some capacity to communicate mentally to others without speaking to them. So very often I have felt that distant people where thinking or doing such and such, and that is exactly what they were thinking or doing then, as they told me later. Could be that I am just logically coming to the only conclusion about what would be normal human behavior, but it has happened often enough that I think it is more than just deduction, and that we have some telepathic capacity that we are not using to potential.
Because GOD told them so.

God told me that there are no flying saucers, too.

Even he's not so sure about Bigfoot, though.

If he get's back to me on that one, ya'll will be the first to know.

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