Why Does CBS Hate Peace?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Protests as U.S. anti-missile system aimed at N. Korea installed.

In a defiant bit of timing, South Korea announced Wednesday that key parts of a contentious U.S. missile defense system had been installed. This, a day after rival North Korea showed off its military power.

The South’s trumpeting of progress on setting up the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense system, or THAAD, comes as high-powered U.S. military assets converge on the Korean Peninsula and as a combative North Korea signals possible nuclear and missile testing.

Does the writer of this piece -- there's no byline, so maybe they're (correctly) ashamed of themselves -- understand what an antimissile system is? THAAD cannot by "aimed at N. Korea." THADD can be aimed at only one thing: Missiles launched at the people and property THAAD has been installed to defend. Those missiles might be armed with conventional explosives, chemical weapons, or even a nuclear bomb. But until those missiles are launched, all THAAD can do is sit there and wait, threatening no one.

Now let's get to the story itself.

Who is South Korea "defying" with its timing? It's their country; they can install whatever weapons, domestic or imported, they want. Is Seoul defying North Korea? Are they defying China? If so -- who put them in charge of our sovereign ally? THAAD is "contentious?" To whom? A purely defensive weapon can only be contentious to those who don't want other people to have the ability to defend themselves.

North Korea is a "rival" and "showing off its military power." Left unsaid is that North Korea has threatened to nuke South Korea, Japan, and the United States. Instead, CBS says the North is merely "showing off." South Korea, on the other hand, is "trumpeting" its "contentious" weapons system "aimed at North Korea." And while North Korea may be "combative" (probably because of all of those "high-powered U.S. military assets converge" against them), they're still merely "signaling" that they might be "testing" some weapons of their own.

That's a nice way of deflecting from the fact that North Korea has been lighting off nukes underground and launching test missile after test missile to deliver them with, for years and years already.

By the time the story cautions that even "Russia see the system’s powerful radars as a security threat," all you want to do is shout at your screen, "BUT IT'S A SHIELD, NOT A SWORD, YOU LEFTY MORON." But it's early yet and my kids are still asleep.

And then, remarkably, things get worse.

"North Korea routinely accuses the United States of readying for an invasion," is reported with a straight face, perhaps because President Trump is sending "military assets to the region in a show of force" while "also upping the ante diplomatically."

If all you did was read or watch CBS News, you'd think that just out of the blue, Trump was preparing for an offensive war against that wily North Korea, over the objections of our poor allies in the South, while evenhanded China tries vainly to urge "restraint from both Pyongyang and Washington."

If you want to help keep the peace, THAAD certainly helps do just that by making crazy nuke-wielding dictators think twice about their nuclear missiles' ability to reach their targets. If you want to increase the risk of a shooting war, deceptive and morally ambiguous reports like CBS's lend an "everybody does it!" credence to those very same madmen.

So the question is: Why does CBS News hate peace, love, and understanding?

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