Why does anybody think concealed carry is a good idea?

why do people want a concealed carry weapon?

1. because open carry makes people nervous
2. to save their lives and the lives of others
3. because the constitution guarantees it
4. because there are a lot of criminals on our streets
5. did I mention to save their lives?

It's because you all are a bunch of pussies and have no idea how to do a threat assessment to determine IF the situation you are going to be in merits that you be armed.

Like the lady shopping in Walmart who gets killed by her own gun by her own child. You think her fears didn't overcome her lack of fucking common sense,

But you red. wtf would you know of common sense. That's a thought beyond your ability to grasp.
I seriously doubt that the walmart shop lifter had a legal CC permit.

And I seriously doubt that I said he did. But the weapon was definitely concealed. What the fuck makes you think a thief cares if he has a permit?

And it is really to bad that you were not there to "take care of business" isn't it. You'd have shot that dude and two or three other innocent bystanders wouldn't ya?
why do people want a concealed carry weapon?

1. because open carry makes people nervous
2. to save their lives and the lives of others
3. because the constitution guarantees it
4. because there are a lot of criminals on our streets
5. did I mention to save their lives?

It's because you all are a bunch of pussies and have no idea how to do a threat assessment to determine IF the situation you are going to be in merits that you be armed.

Like the lady shopping in Walmart who gets killed by her own gun by her own child. You think her fears didn't overcome her lack of fucking common sense,

But you red. wtf would you know of common sense. That's a thought beyond your ability to grasp.

Of course you do a threat assessment before pulling a gun, but its an instantaneous assessment.

if the assessed threat is that the guy is going to kill me or someone else if I don't shoot him first, its kind of hard to act without a gun of your own.

But I get it, you would just talk him down-----------and die.
I seriously doubt that the walmart shop lifter had a legal CC permit.

And I seriously doubt that I said he did. But the weapon was definitely concealed. What the fuck makes you think a thief cares if he has a permit?

And it is really to bad that you were not there to "take care of business" isn't it. You'd have shot that dude and two or three other innocent bystanders wouldn't ya?

So in your world, the bad guys have guns, the government has guns, but average citizens are defenseless--------what a world you live in.

and if I was caught in the walmart situation, I would assess the threat and take appropriate action to prevent loss of innocent life. having a CC permit requires training.
Letting people carry guns in public will obviously lead to more people using guns in public.

Really? Any evidence to back that up? Since the 1990s over 30 states have added "Shal issue" laws concerning ccw permits. Has the violent crime rate gone up in any of those states since then?

Florida has over 2 million permits that it issued since the mid 90s. Has their violent crime rate or murder rate gone up? No. quite the contrary, it has gone down.

Your claims lack valid evidence to support them.
There's no evidence in support of any of this.

There is no evidence citizens carrying concealed weapons results in a rise or decline of violent crime.

Moreover, it's legally and Constitutionally irrelevant – citizens have the right to carry firearms pursuant to the right to lawful self-defense; citizens are not required to 'justify' the exercising of a Constitutional right as a 'prerequisite' to indeed do so.

I guess you missed my post?
That happens with over 700 posts.
Impotent little Mighty Mouse wannabes who don't have the balls to open carry and just aching for the excuse to blast the life outta some uppity darkie in a hoodie.

All looking to earn their Mighty Mouse patch.

Impotent Liberals like you have to make something racial out of something unassociated with it.
why do people want a concealed carry weapon?

1. because open carry makes people nervous
2. to save their lives and the lives of others
3. because the constitution guarantees it
4. because there are a lot of criminals on our streets
5. did I mention to save their lives?
It's because you all are a bunch of pussies and have no idea how to do a threat assessment to determine IF the situation you are going to be in merits that you be armed.

Like the lady shopping in Walmart who gets killed by her own gun by her own child. You think her fears didn't overcome her lack of fucking common sense,

But you red. wtf would you know of common sense. That's a thought beyond your ability to grasp.
Aw, little Zekester is throwing a tantrum this morning already. Zekie, it does no good to do a threat assessment when the threat is upon you, it's too late then. And no, Zekie, you cannot see the future and you cannot convince anyone that you can.
Zekie, it does no good to do a threat assessment when the threat is upon you, it's too late then.

You know what icey. You have convinced me that you are so fucking stupid that you would put your life (and other lives) in danger to keep a shoplifter from stealing a piece of shit merchandise made in China from a Walmart.

Think about how fucking stupid that makes you look iceweasel. Fuck you gun nutters are stupid.
You know what icey. You have convinced me that you are so fucking stupid that you would put your life (and other lives) in danger to keep a shoplifter from stealing a piece of shit merchandise made in China from a Walmart.

Think about how fucking stupid that makes you look iceweasel. Fuck you gun nutters are stupid.
Who said anything about defending Walmart's property?
Zekie, it does no good to do a threat assessment when the threat is upon you, it's too late then.

You know what icey. You have convinced me that you are so fucking stupid that you would put your life (and other lives) in danger to keep a shoplifter from stealing a piece of shit merchandise made in China from a Walmart.

Think about how fucking stupid that makes you look iceweasel. Fuck you gun nutters are stupid.

it was about defending other humans from an armed thief, no one gives a crap about walmart's property.
You know what icey. You have convinced me that you are so fucking stupid that you would put your life (and other lives) in danger to keep a shoplifter from stealing a piece of shit merchandise made in China from a Walmart.

Think about how fucking stupid that makes you look iceweasel. Fuck you gun nutters are stupid.
Who said anything about defending Walmart's property?

That is the kind of hyperbole these anti gun nuts use.

They have no rational argument against the right to keep and bear arms so they make up silly shit like that. That is a good example why we can't trust them. After all they are Moon Bats.
why do people want a concealed carry weapon?

1. because open carry makes people nervous
2. to save their lives and the lives of others
3. because the constitution guarantees it
4. because there are a lot of criminals on our streets
5. did I mention to save their lives?

It's because you all are a bunch of pussies and have no idea how to do a threat assessment to determine IF the situation you are going to be in merits that you be armed.

Like the lady shopping in Walmart who gets killed by her own gun by her own child. You think her fears didn't overcome her lack of fucking common sense,

But you red. wtf would you know of common sense. That's a thought beyond your ability to grasp.
I notice that you and everyone else on your side of the argument has yet to deal with a single fact.

The best you have so far is calling everyone else names. Why not try and deal with some facts?
why do people want a concealed carry weapon?

1. because open carry makes people nervous
2. to save their lives and the lives of others
3. because the constitution guarantees it
4. because there are a lot of criminals on our streets
5. did I mention to save their lives?

It's because you all are a bunch of pussies and have no idea how to do a threat assessment to determine IF the situation you are going to be in merits that you be armed.

Like the lady shopping in Walmart who gets killed by her own gun by her own child. You think her fears didn't overcome her lack of fucking common sense,

But you red. wtf would you know of common sense. That's a thought beyond your ability to grasp.

Are you saying that you can do a threat assessment and determine that there will never be a threat in a department store?
You know what icey. You have convinced me that you are so fucking stupid that you would put your life (and other lives) in danger to keep a shoplifter from stealing a piece of shit merchandise made in China from a Walmart.

Think about how fucking stupid that makes you look iceweasel. Fuck you gun nutters are stupid.
Who said anything about defending Walmart's property?

That is the kind of hyperbole these anti gun nuts use.

They have no rational argument against the right to keep and bear arms so they make up silly shit like that. That is a good example why we can't trust them. After all they are Moon Bats.
The Moon Bats are never going away.

We will have to be vigilant in defending our liberty.

Except that it isn't. Like Free Speech and Freedom of Religion, it is limited, by common sense hopeful, but not so much when it comes to your deadly toys for immature boys.

"Shall not be infringed" is pretty self explanatory.
No it isn't dumbass. If it was we wouldn't have so many laws on the books, about so many freedoms, including your deadly toys for immature boys.

Then we agree: there are WAY too many laws.
The problem is not Americans having firearms. It is Democrats having firearms.

Democrats Should Not Have Guns
Posted by Victoria Jackson on July 18, 2013 at 10:58 pm

Lou Ann Zelenik shares:

In 1863 a Democrat shot and killed Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States.
In 1881 a left wing radical Democrat shot James Garfield, President of the United States who later died from the wound.
In 1963 a radical left wing socialist shot and killed John F. Kennedy, President of the United States.
In 1975 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at Gerald Ford, President of the United States.
In 1983 a registered Democrat shot and wounded Ronald Reagan.
In 1984 James Huberty a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 22 people in a McDonalds restaurant.
In 1986 Patrick Sherril a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 15 people in an Oklahoma post office.
In 1990 James Pough a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 10 people at a GMAC office.
In 1991 George Hennard a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 23 people in a Luby�s cafeteria.
In 1995 James Daniel Simpson a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 5 coworkers in a Texas laboratory.
In 1999 Larry Asbrook a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 8 people at a church service.
In 2001 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at the White House in a failed attempt to kill George W. Bush, President of the US.
In 2003 Douglas Williams a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 7 people at a Lockheed Martin plant.
In 2007 a registered Democrat named Seung – Hui Cho shot and killed 32 people in Virginia Tech .
In 2010 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed 6 others.
In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes went into a movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.
In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.
In 2013 a registered Democrat named Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people in a school.

Read more at Democrats Should Not Have Guns - Victoria Jackson
Everybody loves gun control, for the other guy, just like you.

I'm sorry...you just plummeted into the sarCHASM!
I agree with you, with one serious correction. I know quite a few real women who own guns and can shoot them as well as any man. If I were to name the top 5 best shots with a handgun (that I have been shooting with), 2 of them would be women. My first wife is one of the best I have seen. My girlfriend is almost as good.

Hmm...that sounds like the plot to a bad movie! :Boom2::banana2:
Unlike you, I'm always honest. Now piss off and go tattle on me to c_k. As far as the OP, it is nothing but a troll. The sock puppet has no facts just opinions, opinions that have been shown to be wrong on multiple occasions.
Is it permitted to have multiple accounts here on USMB? If not, are there ways to find out there other account?

It is against the rules...but seems to be tolerated.
I agree with you, with one serious correction. I know quite a few real women who own guns and can shoot them as well as any man. If I were to name the top 5 best shots with a handgun (that I have been shooting with), 2 of them would be women. My first wife is one of the best I have seen. My girlfriend is almost as good.

Hmm...that sounds like the plot to a bad movie! :Boom2::banana2:

Luckily my first wife and I have been divorced for a number of years. No overlap. This is important.

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