Why do we adults have to condone the actions of these children?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Over the past 50 years that I've been watching the Dems/GOP battle out the presidency, et.al. the one constant theme has been the GOP compromises. The Dems never have.
As a result the GOP frets and wrings their hands that the Dems and their MSM buddies will present to the general public an image of the GOP always obstructing. This has been going on since Reagan and even then Reagan still had to "compromise" to get the Dems to go along.
NO LONGER folks!
Trump is using technology to go over the MSM and the Dems heads directly to US the deplorables!
Now if the rest of the GOP has the balls that Trump has to understand ... go to us... the people and ignore
the MSM/activists/protestors/Democrats that are truly acting like little kids.
So the next time you see a poll like this from Quinnipiac.

Please go to see who actually were polled.
PARTY IDENTIFICATION of the 1,323 voters
Republican 25% 331
Democrat 34% 450
Independent 33% 437
Other/DK/NA 8% 106
So why were nearly 10% MORE Democrats counted? WHY wouldn't it not be expected they would have adverse opinions about Trump?
So they count 10% MORE Democrats... WHY..
  • 42% identify as independents,
  • 29% as Democrats,
  • 26% as Republicans
  • Independent identification at least 40% for fifth consecutive year
  • Democrats maintain edge over GOP in party identification and leaning
Democratic, Republican Identification Near Historical Lows

Less then 3% are Democrats then GOP...
YET Quinnipiac counts more then 3 times the number of Democrats then GOP!!!

So to those growing numbers of you that are realizing the War between the MSM and the deplorables like me and millions like me that have grown extremely distrustful of the MSM and here is why!
On October 1 Martin Armstrong, another observer of the decline of media credibility, counted the number of newspapers across the country supporting one of the two major-party candidates.
Of the 91 papers he found which had made an endorsement for either candidate,
87 of them endorsed Hillary Clinton while just four endorsed Donald Trump.
Upon further investigation Armstrong uncovered substantial evidence indicating that there was collusion among the media, that it “willingly conspired to make Hillary president.”

However, the slide in media trust has been happening for the past decade.
Before 2004, it was common for a majority of Americans to profess at least some trust in the mass media, but since then, less than half of Americans feel that way.
Now, only about a third of the U.S. has any trust in the Fourth Estate, a stunning development for an institution designed to inform the public
Fewer Americans Trust Mainstream Media

So be honest folks... if 87 of 91 papers endorsed Clinton... where would their "newspaper" journalistic
integrity come into play? Headlines that favored Clinton/bashed Trump. Makes so much sense than that with the biased MSM pushing Clinton bashing Trump... that most of us more intelligent voters would say.."hmmmmm something is really wrong here and from now I'd rather Trust TRUMP!"

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Alt Fact >>> "the one constant theme has been the GOP compromises. The Dems never have." Never, ever, hm?
Please go to see who actually were polled.
PARTY IDENTIFICATION of the 1,323 voters
Republican 25% 331
Democrat 34% 450
Independent 33% 437
Other/DK/NA 8% 106
So why were nearly 10% MORE Democrats counted? WHY wouldn't it not be expected they would have adverse opinions about Trump?
So they count 10% MORE Democrats... WHY..

I think it's been a very long time since any polls could be trusted. Just think of the logistics of trying to poll a section of the population, and getting a set of respondents that isn't inherently biased toward those who have the time, patience, and inclination to respond to pollsters. Liberals/Democrats will be there to answer the polls, while conservatives/Republicans are working at productive jobs.
The OP has hit on the fallacy of polling.

Any poll can achieve any desired result.

One of the very first lessons in a politcal science class.
American society has never been deserving of any trust amongst the citizenry as the entire thing has never been anything but an illusion. It still holds Puerto Rico for example as a colony wherein these "american citizens" have no right to the vote or any representation.
The media and Dem's intentionally try to suppress voter turn out by reporting the Republicans have no chance of winning. There's a reason those assholes are no longer allowed to report exit polling until after the polls close.
The OP has hit on the fallacy of polling.

Any poll can achieve any desired result.

One of the very first lessons in a politcal science class.
I agree! In college my political science courses were true "science". Today it is so biased what you pointed out is totally oriented toward promoting one point of view.
Alt Fact >>> "the one constant theme has been the GOP compromises. The Dems never have." Never, ever, hm?

Well, give an example. I can't think of one during the Marxist Obama Regime.

Bill Clinton had sense enough to take time out from getting blowjobs from young interns under his employ to see that America was sick and tired of paying for Porch Sitters on the Federal Plantation...and he "compromised" and cut of the People able to work but who chose not to.....that lasted until Obama.

Where are Obama's compromises to the Heartland of America; to the Tax Payers?
American society has never been deserving of any trust amongst the citizenry as the entire thing has never been anything but an illusion. It still holds Puerto Rico for example as a colony wherein these "american citizens" have no right to the vote or any representation.

That's because Puerto Ricans routinely reject statehood. Why should they get a vote? They should either accept statehood or be cut loose to go their own way.
Alt Fact >>> "the one constant theme has been the GOP compromises. The Dems never have." Never, ever, hm?

Well, give an example. I can't think of one during the Marxist Obama Regime.

Bill Clinton had sense enough to take time out from getting blowjobs from young interns under his employ to see that America was sick and tired of paying for Porch Sitters on the Federal Plantation...and he "compromised" and cut of the People able to work but who chose not to.....that lasted until Obama.

Where are Obama's compromises to the Heartland of America; to the Tax Payers?

Agree about Clinton compromising but was done to defuse impeachment efforts. Remember the movie "Wag the Dog"?
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And the nonsense continues about the Dems' never compromising while McConnell and Boehner would not budge. Alt Right drivel.

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