Why do right wingers support this, yet denounce Obama as anti illegal immigrant?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
This program goes on under the Obama Administration. I guess the right must be confused. They can't be lying? I mean, they are sincere about immigration polcy aren't they? I mean the anti Obama rants about immigration policy couldn't be based on politics.

Just like people were sincere in 1924:
Nordic race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not anymore. Federal law now requires that all arrests be reported to ICE and fingerprint data be shared with them. Unless the police are willing to break federal law sanctuary policies are now defunct. The Board of Supervisors in San Francisco has its panties in a wad because of this, and I, and my friends, love it.

Alameda County recently became the fourth Bay Area county to participate in a federal immigration enforcement program that mandates fingerprint checks on everyone booked at local jails to determine whether they are subject to deportation. The program, which was locally introduced on April 20 and is slowly expanding across the country, has been criticized by civil rights advocates who say its implementation could lead to racial profiling and the deportation of immigrants who do not pose a public safety threat.

The program is called Secure Communities and is administered by the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, commonly known as ICE. Under the program, ICE will receive alerts whenever the system reveals that someone booked in a local jail is subject to deportation. “Our hopes are to quickly identify criminal aliens who come into the system,” said Craig Meyer, Assistant Field Office Director for Detention and Removal Operations at ICE’s San Francisco office. “We want to make the Bay Area community safer and that is the goal with this.”

Currently, about 165 jurisdictions in 20 states are participating. Congress has allocated $550 million to the program over the last three years, and by 2013, it is supposed to be operating in every jail across the country.

The introduction of Secure Communities in Alameda County comes at a moment when the topic of immigration law enforcement has taken center stage both nationally and locally. The recent passage of Arizona’s stringent law S.B. 1070 has sparked an outcry in Oakland; S.B. 1070 gives Arizona police the power to detain anyone suspected of being in the country illegally and criminally charge immigrants who are not carrying valid immigration documents. On Tuesday night, the Oakland City Council passed a resolution to boycott Arizona, finding that the new law “will inevitably lead to racial profiling, jeopardize public safety, and create a wedge between law enforcement and ethnic communities.” Last Friday and Saturday, immigration advocates marched in Oakland to decry the law and demand immigration reform.

Yet so far, the Secure Communities program has garnered little publicity in Oakland. Several people contacted to comment for this story said they were not previously aware that the program is operating in Alameda County.

But in other parts of the country, civil and immigrant rights advocates have taken a hard stand against the federal program. Last week, three rights groups based in New York and Los Angeles launched a public awareness campaign in opposition of Secure Communities. Their press release accused the program of being “little more than a racial profiling dragnet to funnel even more people into the overburdened and mismanaged ICE detention and removal system.”

City Council members in Washington, D.C. have introduced a bill in response to the program that would prevent local police from sharing arrest and booking records with ICE.

Meanwhile, ICE asserts that the congressionally mandated program promotes public safety.

Alameda County adopts fingerprint deportation status check for arrestees – Oakland North -- North Oakland News, Food, Art and Events.
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Attacking and suing his own fellow Americans on behalf of the Mexican Government and Illegals is the final straw for me. I don't want my President attacking his own people this way. You may want that but i don't. I only hope and pray he's a one & doner.
This program goes on under the Obama Administration. I guess the right must be confused. They can't be lying? I mean, they are sincere about immigration polcy aren't they? I mean the anti Obama rants about immigration policy couldn't be based on politics.

Just like people were sincere in 1924:
Nordic race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alameda County recently became the fourth Bay Area county to participate in a federal immigration enforcement program that mandates fingerprint checks on everyone booked at local jails to determine whether they are subject to deportation. The program, which was locally introduced on April 20 and is slowly expanding across the country, has been criticized by civil rights advocates who say its implementation could lead to racial profiling and the deportation of immigrants who do not pose a public safety threat.

The program is called Secure Communities and is administered by the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, commonly known as ICE. Under the program, ICE will receive alerts whenever the system reveals that someone booked in a local jail is subject to deportation. “Our hopes are to quickly identify criminal aliens who come into the system,” said Craig Meyer, Assistant Field Office Director for Detention and Removal Operations at ICE’s San Francisco office. “We want to make the Bay Area community safer and that is the goal with this.”

Currently, about 165 jurisdictions in 20 states are participating. Congress has allocated $550 million to the program over the last three years, and by 2013, it is supposed to be operating in every jail across the country.

The introduction of Secure Communities in Alameda County comes at a moment when the topic of immigration law enforcement has taken center stage both nationally and locally. The recent passage of Arizona’s stringent law S.B. 1070 has sparked an outcry in Oakland; S.B. 1070 gives Arizona police the power to detain anyone suspected of being in the country illegally and criminally charge immigrants who are not carrying valid immigration documents. On Tuesday night, the Oakland City Council passed a resolution to boycott Arizona, finding that the new law “will inevitably lead to racial profiling, jeopardize public safety, and create a wedge between law enforcement and ethnic communities.” Last Friday and Saturday, immigration advocates marched in Oakland to decry the law and demand immigration reform.

Yet so far, the Secure Communities program has garnered little publicity in Oakland. Several people contacted to comment for this story said they were not previously aware that the program is operating in Alameda County.

But in other parts of the country, civil and immigrant rights advocates have taken a hard stand against the federal program. Last week, three rights groups based in New York and Los Angeles launched a public awareness campaign in opposition of Secure Communities. Their press release accused the program of being “little more than a racial profiling dragnet to funnel even more people into the overburdened and mismanaged ICE detention and removal system.”

City Council members in Washington, D.C. have introduced a bill in response to the program that would prevent local police from sharing arrest and booking records with ICE.

Meanwhile, ICE asserts that the congressionally mandated program promotes public safety.

Alameda County adopts fingerprint deportation status check for arrestees – Oakland North -- North Oakland News, Food, Art and Events.

Laws in effect in counties in California have absolutely nothing to do with the Obama administration. The only thing that you're not bright enough to understand is that Arizona is a "red state" so when they pass laws like this it's racist and promotes racial profiling, but since California is a "blue state" when they pass the same kinds of laws it's perfectly fine.

Do you honestly think that the Obama administration is going to sue ANY county in a state like California?

Here's a quote from one of the great minds on this forum.

Quote: Originally Posted by Truthmatters View Post:
"yeah for the racist party."


Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


........and the power of the EXPOSED MONUMENTAL FRAUD who STILL herds them like a flock of brainless lemmings, i.e., the Black Racist MARXIST Palestinian Guardian, Muslim PC Protector and NOW the Mexican Human Trafficker, Mexican Drug Cartel Pussy Obami Salaami.
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Well, Dante, if you truly want to be specific, lets look at the true presidential heroes of the progressive left wing: FDR and Woodrow Wilson.

Did you know they built internment camps to round up all Japs and Krauts????? Yep. Based on NOTHING but their race/ethnicity. Big ole camps, with barbed wire and cots. Rounded 'em up and herded them in. Oh, and they raised the highest level of income tax from 7% to individual highs for their times of 73%, 80%, 83%, 87%, and at one point, an astounding 97% for any money earned above the amounts of $200,000 at one point, $1million, and $2million at one point. To "pay for the war" of course.

But, again, looking at the left wing's own listing of the presidential rankings, the one president who actually rounded up and detained a LOT of American citizens based solely on their race was in fact the #1 left wing ranked president, FDR.

It appears some of the Democrats are concerned about Obama's lawsuit.

FOXNews.com - Some Democrats Fear Backlash Over Obama's Handling of Immigration

according to your source: FOX News, these Democrats fear an election backlash. You support this over principle?

who would have guessed? :eusa_whistle:

"Principle" ended when Obama took the oath and refused to seal the border. For the record, Bush 2, Clinton, Bush 1, Reagan, Carter all did the same.
This program goes on under the Obama Administration. I guess the right must be confused. They can't be lying? I mean, they are sincere about immigration polcy aren't they? I mean the anti Obama rants about immigration policy couldn't be based on politics.

Just like people were sincere in 1924:
Nordic race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Laws in effect in counties in California have absolutely nothing to do with the Obama administration. The only thing that you're not bright enough to understand is that Arizona is a "red state" so when they pass laws like this it's racist and promotes racial profiling, but since California is a "blue state" when they pass the same kinds of laws it's perfectly fine.

Do you honestly think that the Obama administration is going to sue ANY county in a state like California?


hboats, always unclear on the concept?

It's an administration policy. ICE is under the authority of the Obama admin, not any counties.

"a federal immigration enforcement program that mandates fingerprint checks on everyone booked at local jails to determine whether they are subject to deportation."
Well, Dante, if you truly want to be specific, lets look at the true presidential heroes of the progressive left wing: FDR and Woodrow Wilson.

Did you know they built internment camps to round up all Japs and Krauts????? Yep. Based on NOTHING but their race/ethnicity. Big ole camps, with barbed wire and cots. Rounded 'em up and herded them in. Oh, and they raised the highest level of income tax from 7% to individual highs for their times of 73%, 80%, 83%, 87%, and at one point, an astounding 97% for any money earned above the amounts of $200,000 at one point, $1million, and $2million at one point. To "pay for the war" of course.

But, again, looking at the left wing's own listing of the presidential rankings, the one president who actually rounded up and detained a LOT of American citizens based solely on their race was in fact the #1 left wing ranked president, FDR.


War does funny things to people. Just look at all the people who kept voting for and supporting every policy of the GOP and George W. Bush since 911.

And America did so poorly during FDR's terms and after FDR left office. His tax policies made America -- uhm -- err. number 1.
It appears some of the Democrats are concerned about Obama's lawsuit.

FOXNews.com - Some Democrats Fear Backlash Over Obama's Handling of Immigration

according to your source: FOX News, these Democrats fear an election backlash. You support this over principle?

who would have guessed? :eusa_whistle:

"Principle" ended when Obama took the oath and refused to seal the border. For the record, Bush 2, Clinton, Bush 1, Reagan, Carter all did the same.

Seal the border? No sane person thinks America can seal the border. Are you under the care of a doctor?
Well, Dante, if you truly want to be specific, lets look at the true presidential heroes of the progressive left wing: FDR and Woodrow Wilson.

Did you know they built internment camps to round up all Japs and Krauts????? Yep. Based on NOTHING but their race/ethnicity. Big ole camps, with barbed wire and cots. Rounded 'em up and herded them in. Oh, and they raised the highest level of income tax from 7% to individual highs for their times of 73%, 80%, 83%, 87%, and at one point, an astounding 97% for any money earned above the amounts of $200,000 at one point, $1million, and $2million at one point. To "pay for the war" of course.

But, again, looking at the left wing's own listing of the presidential rankings, the one president who actually rounded up and detained a LOT of American citizens based solely on their race was in fact the #1 left wing ranked president, FDR.


War does funny things to people. Just look at all the people who kept voting for and supporting every policy of the GOP and George W. Bush since 911.

And America did so poorly during FDR's terms and after FDR left office. His tax policies made America -- uhm -- err. number 1.

You know, there is a difference between voting for Bush again during war...............and rounding up an entire race of people within the US with no charges or suspicion of charges and putting them into camps.

BTW, the New Deal is now bankrupting us. America became #1 in spite of FDR. Don't believe what your professor is teaching you. I bet he's driving off in a Subaru with a Hope and Change sticker on it.
according to your source: FOX News, these Democrats fear an election backlash. You support this over principle?

who would have guessed? :eusa_whistle:

"Principle" ended when Obama took the oath and refused to seal the border. For the record, Bush 2, Clinton, Bush 1, Reagan, Carter all did the same.

Seal the border? No sane person thinks America can seal the border. Are you under the care of a doctor?

You can't be serious.

Why can we not seal the border? What logistically is stopping us?

Here is a little example of how America is capable of sealing a border: The Korean DMZ.

Now, tell me again, why aren't we capable of doing it?
"Principle" ended when Obama took the oath and refused to seal the border. For the record, Bush 2, Clinton, Bush 1, Reagan, Carter all did the same.

Seal the border? No sane person thinks America can seal the border. Are you under the care of a doctor?

You can't be serious.

Why can we not seal the border? What logistically is stopping us?

Here is a little example of how America is capable of sealing a border: The Korean DMZ.

Now, tell me again, why aren't we capable of doing it?

Rational people know we cannot seal the southern US border. We can enforce in some places, but the resources necessary to actually seal the border in the way you propose would bankrupt any nation.

you're irrational arguments aren't worth the bandwidth they are occupying.
Seal the border? No sane person thinks America can seal the border. Are you under the care of a doctor?

You can't be serious.

Why can we not seal the border? What logistically is stopping us?

Here is a little example of how America is capable of sealing a border: The Korean DMZ.

Now, tell me again, why aren't we capable of doing it?

Rational people know we cannot seal the southern US border. We can enforce in some places, but the resources necessary to actually seal the border in the way you propose would bankrupt any nation.

you're irrational arguments aren't worth the bandwidth they are occupying.


So, you're telling me that it's simply impossible to seal the border???? Physically impossible??? Thats where you're taking your stand?

I'll provide two examples:

Korean DMZ
East/West Germany border

We secured those. So, tell me, what physically prevents us from creating another border exactly like the Korean DMZ, which we've held for over 50 years, between here and Mexico?

Nothing. Nothing but liberal brain-mush that whines for every AK-47 carrying cartel member in the Maricopa County Jail who "Just came here for a better life and do jobs Americans wouldn't do".

Sure. About 9.5% of our unemployed right now would love to do some of those jobs they supposedly aren't willing to do.

But, I'm out for the night. I'll check back in tomorrow and see your theory on why we've secured a war zone border in Korea for 50 years against a brutal leader and massive military force...........but yet can't secure a bunch of desert between us and Mayheeko.
I'm not familiar with ICE, but it sounds like a good program. I would think Democrats would support it since it seems in line with the Immigration Reform in Congress now.
You can't be serious.

Why can we not seal the border? What logistically is stopping us?

Here is a little example of how America is capable of sealing a border: The Korean DMZ.

Now, tell me again, why aren't we capable of doing it?

Rational people know we cannot seal the southern US border. We can enforce in some places, but the resources necessary to actually seal the border in the way you propose would bankrupt any nation.

you're irrational arguments aren't worth the bandwidth they are occupying.


So, you're telling me that it's simply impossible to seal the border???? Physically impossible??? Thats where you're taking your stand?

I'll provide two examples:

Korean DMZ
East/West Germany border

We secured those. So, tell me, what physically prevents us from creating another border exactly like the Korean DMZ, which we've held for over 50 years, between here and Mexico?

Nothing. Nothing but liberal brain-mush that whines for every AK-47 carrying cartel member in the Maricopa County Jail who "Just came here for a better life and do jobs Americans wouldn't do".

Sure. About 9.5% of our unemployed right now would love to do some of those jobs they supposedly aren't willing to do.

But, I'm out for the night. I'll check back in tomorrow and see your theory on why we've secured a war zone border in Korea for 50 years against a brutal leader and massive military force...........but yet can't secure a bunch of desert between us and Mayheeko.

Has reading always been comprehension an issue for you?

my post: Rational people know we cannot seal the southern US border. We can enforce in some places, but the resources necessary to actually seal the border in the way you propose would bankrupt any nation.

your reply: So, you're telling me that it's simply impossible to seal the border???? Physically impossible??? Thats where you're taking your stand?


The people of the USA do not now and would never support the shooting and murdering of unarmed civilians (men, women, and children), trying to cross the border. That is what authoritarians, commies, and fascists regimes have done.
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Rational people know we cannot seal the southern US border. We can enforce in some places, but the resources necessary to actually seal the border in the way you propose would bankrupt any nation.

you're irrational arguments aren't worth the bandwidth they are occupying.


So, you're telling me that it's simply impossible to seal the border???? Physically impossible??? Thats where you're taking your stand?

I'll provide two examples:

Korean DMZ
East/West Germany border

We secured those. So, tell me, what physically prevents us from creating another border exactly like the Korean DMZ, which we've held for over 50 years, between here and Mexico?

Nothing. Nothing but liberal brain-mush that whines for every AK-47 carrying cartel member in the Maricopa County Jail who "Just came here for a better life and do jobs Americans wouldn't do".

Sure. About 9.5% of our unemployed right now would love to do some of those jobs they supposedly aren't willing to do.

But, I'm out for the night. I'll check back in tomorrow and see your theory on why we've secured a war zone border in Korea for 50 years against a brutal leader and massive military force...........but yet can't secure a bunch of desert between us and Mayheeko.

Has reading always been comprehension an issue for you?

my post: Rational people know we cannot seal the southern US border. We can enforce in some places, but the resources necessary to actually seal the border in the way you propose would bankrupt any nation.

your reply: So, you're telling me that it's simply impossible to seal the border???? Physically impossible??? Thats where you're taking your stand?


The people of the USA do not now and would never support the shooting and murdering of unarmed civilians (men, women, and children), trying to cross the border. That is what authoritarians, commies, and fascists regimes have done.
It's not that we can't seal the boarder. Of course we can. We can shut down every boarder crossing and put tens of thousands of military personnel and equipment on the boarder. The question should be, are we willing to live with the financial consequences? Billions of dollars in goods flow back and forth across the boarder.

If you are talking about keeping the boarders open and separating the legal traffic from the illegal traffic then that something entirely different.

So, you're telling me that it's simply impossible to seal the border???? Physically impossible??? Thats where you're taking your stand?

I'll provide two examples:

Korean DMZ
East/West Germany border

We secured those. So, tell me, what physically prevents us from creating another border exactly like the Korean DMZ, which we've held for over 50 years, between here and Mexico?

Nothing. Nothing but liberal brain-mush that whines for every AK-47 carrying cartel member in the Maricopa County Jail who "Just came here for a better life and do jobs Americans wouldn't do".

Sure. About 9.5% of our unemployed right now would love to do some of those jobs they supposedly aren't willing to do.

But, I'm out for the night. I'll check back in tomorrow and see your theory on why we've secured a war zone border in Korea for 50 years against a brutal leader and massive military force...........but yet can't secure a bunch of desert between us and Mayheeko.

Has reading always been comprehension an issue for you?

my post: Rational people know we cannot seal the southern US border. We can enforce in some places, but the resources necessary to actually seal the border in the way you propose would bankrupt any nation.

your reply: So, you're telling me that it's simply impossible to seal the border???? Physically impossible??? Thats where you're taking your stand?


The people of the USA do not now and would never support the shooting and murdering of unarmed civilians (men, women, and children), trying to cross the border. That is what authoritarians, commies, and fascists regimes have done.
It's not that we can't seal the boarder. Of course we can. We can shut down every boarder crossing and put tens of thousands of military personnel and equipment on the boarder. The question should be, are we willing to live with the financial consequences? Billions of dollars in goods flow back and forth across the boarder.

If you are talking about keeping the boarders open and separating the legal traffic from the illegal traffic then that something entirely different.

bucs is irrational in his/her posts.

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