Why do I feel weird about this?


well, it never happened yesterday. I got off work, and Tim called while I was on the way home, and said that Tony had to be somewhere soon, so he was gonna take him over to my mom's instead. Ok, I was about 2 minutes away, so I stopped at my mom's, since it was only a few blocks from home anyhow. Plus I hadn't seen my mom in a while. Tony was there with Tim, my mom and Nathan, chatting away. He left about 7-8 minutes after I got there, and maybe I was just being paranoid, but he was acting kind of funny around me, but I don't know how he was being prior to me getting there.

So, unless he says something tomorrow while we are over there or wherever we meet, as we have plans to get together with them tomorrow, I am gonna just put this in the back of my mind, and not worry about it, and if or when the time comes, I will deal with it as necessary.

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