Why didn't the Koch brothers vett Herman Cain better?

to be honest my health care costs have gone up 25% since RomneyCare in MA. Specialists are a bit harder to see, and thats about the only difference i personally noticed.
And that's what I have read...and you may bet that Obama will, if Romney is the candidate...will use it against him. And besides? The Media and the left seem to be pulling FOR Romney. Trying to manipulate things to go that way as they did with Juan McCain.

Sends up red flags with me when the left is pulling for him.

They are deathly afraid of Cain.

Nobody is afraid of that coon herman cain. He was a buck dancing mammy singing joke from day one. Now, he's added pervert to that list. Cain will be gone by Thanksgiving. He probably won't have the guts to say the sexual harassment issues made him quit. He'll fake a cancer scare and take the gutless way out.

This from the asshole who was whining about being called the 'n' word? :lol::lol::lol:

Fucking idiot.
Bull shit.

What, you think they are going to nominate Gingrich with his three marriages and negative baggage? REally?

what does how many times you've been married have anything to do with being President?

How about the fact that we don't tend to elect guys who've been married more than once very often.

Unmarried- 1 (Buchanan)
Divorced and remarried - 1 (Reagan)
Widowed and remarried - 2 (Wilson and Tyler)
Married to the same woman the whole time- the rest of them.

As oddly as dysfunctional as our own lives tend to be, we want out leaders to have these picture perfect families...
And that's what I have read...and you may bet that Obama will, if Romney is the candidate...will use it against him. And besides? The Media and the left seem to be pulling FOR Romney. Trying to manipulate things to go that way as they did with Juan McCain.

Sends up red flags with me when the left is pulling for him.

They are deathly afraid of Cain.

Nobody is afraid of that coon herman cain. He was a buck dancing mammy singing joke from day one. Now, he's added pervert to that list. Cain will be gone by Thanksgiving. He probably won't have the guts to say the sexual harassment issues made him quit. He'll fake a cancer scare and take the gutless way out.

This from the asshole who was whining about being called the 'n' word? :lol::lol::lol:

Fucking idiot.
NAIL? Meet HAMMER!:lol::lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyEE0qpfeig]Can't Touch This - Mc Hammer - YouTube[/ame]
to be honest my health care costs have gone up 25% since RomneyCare in MA. Specialists are a bit harder to see, and thats about the only difference i personally noticed.
And that's what I have read...and you may bet that Obama will, if Romney is the candidate...will use it against him. And besides? The Media and the left seem to be pulling FOR Romney. Trying to manipulate things to go that way as they did with Juan McCain.

Sends up red flags with me when the left is pulling for him.

They are deathly afraid of Cain.

Nobody is afraid of that coon herman cain. He was a buck dancing mammy singing joke from day one. Now, he's added pervert to that list. Cain will be gone by Thanksgiving. He probably won't have the guts to say the sexual harassment issues made him quit. He'll fake a cancer scare and take the gutless way out.
Like the Swimmer? Dodd? Frank? Clinton? Really?

Racist much?

*I* OWN YOU! :lol:
Of course it was going to be Romney. It's his "turn", just as it was McCain's "turn" in 2008.

Operative word? 'WAS'. This time is going to be different. The public isn't going to let the process be manipulated by the left, or for that matter the RNC just because 'it's HIS turn'. That shit ceases NOW. The second guessing ceases...NOW.

Type "NOW" with a bigger font, maybe then you'll convince yourself.
Translation: " I lost the argument and realized it as I typed this..." :lol:
You got me there...but what were/are the ramifications?

to be honest my health care costs have gone up 25% since RomneyCare in MA. Specialists are a bit harder to see, and thats about the only difference i personally noticed.
And that's what I have read...and you may bet that Obama will, if Romney is the candidate...will use it against him. And besides? The Media and the left seem to be pulling FOR Romney. Trying to manipulate things to go that way as they did with Juan McCain.

Sends up red flags with me when the left is pulling for him.

They are deathly afraid of Cain.
With McCain, they bragged about crashing the Republican primaries so he would be nominated. Then he refused to put up a fight with Obama the first time he heard the word "racist."

They already know what they have on Romney, and while we don't, if Romney is nominated we will find out between Sept. 15-Oct. 15, 2012, and it won't reflect well on Romney.

Notice Rahm Emanuel's little maneuver to take out Cain and Perry about harassment?
With all of their money and power, why did they chose such a flawed candidate? They have handed the GOP nomination to Mitt, while Perry has become a bumbling clown. :eusa_eh:

They were reading from the "Vetting Obama" handbook. It was one page...:lol:
They were probably hoping for a lap dog like Obama. When he didnt need a teleprompter should have been their clue.

I wouldn't use the term "lap dog" around Herman. He may just break into song or something...:lol:

Whats the tune?

Oh yeah heard it yesterday.

Amazing grace..................... I understand the outrage.

Yeah....I don't even want to hear Obama talk, much less sing.

But he is the only President to win a Grammy........and a Nobel Peace Prize without ever doing anything. Oh, and he just won a Children's book award today for his book "Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters", . What a nice man.


Fuck......awards are just falling out of the trees for our wonderful Pwesodent.
With all of their money and power, why did they chose such a flawed candidate? They have handed the GOP nomination to Mitt, while Perry has become a bumbling clown. :eusa_eh:

They were reading from the "Vetting Obama" handbook. It was one page...:lol:
No one has handed Mitt a damned thing. This is what the OP doesn't understand. This whole affair is nothing but an attractive nuisance...no substance...nothing more.
With all of their money and power, why did they chose such a flawed candidate? They have handed the GOP nomination to Mitt, while Perry has become a bumbling clown. :eusa_eh:

Because good flunkies are hard to fine.

Just ask Scott Walker.
The real question is why do the Koch brothers care about legislation that helps a worker? What do they care that some working slob makes $40,000 a year? Answer? Hatred of the working class.
You may be right. America will be the land of the rich and the poor. And it will have ZERO to do with one's choices in life. Thats the biggest lie ever told.
The Koch brothers really dropped the ball on this one.

First they hired a guy to run Cain's campaign who was kicked out of Wisconsin politics for funneling money illegally into a campaign.

So what happens? When he starts up the Cain campaign he gives money from the Koch brothers non profit to the campaign.

Which is a felony.

Then there is Cain himself.

A former employee of the Federal Reserve and a lobbyist for the American Restaurant Association, who's main goal is to abolish the minimum wage. Cain's only accomplishment in life seems to be to get people to eat more junk food. The guy has zero political experience and no knowledge whatsoever of foreign policy. He's just a Koch brothers puppet.
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The Koch brothers really dropped the ball on this one.

First they hired a guy to run Cain's campaign who was kicked out of Wisconsin politics for funneling money illegally into a campaign.

So what happens? When he starts up the Cain campaign he gives money from the Koch brothers non profit to the campaign.

Which is a felony.

Then there is Cain himself.

A former employee of the Federal Reserve and a lobbyist for the American Restaurant Association, who's main goal is to abolish the minimum wage. Cain's only accomplishment in life seems to be to get people to eat more junk food. The guy has zero political experience and no knowledge whatsoever of foreign policy. He's just a Koch brothers puppet.

I thought Koch was more sophisticated than this? Oh well ;)

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