Why didn’t Gingrich serve in Vietnam

# Newt Gingrich – sought graduate school deferment, (too smart to die).

Why did Ron Paul have to serve, he’s much much smarter than Newt Gingrich.

Ron Paul is a doctor and a surgeon, one of the most important persons in any society. Gingrich is a fucking historian, that’s not impressive, it’s much more impressive to be a surgeon as Ron Paul is.

A surgeon as Ron Paul is much more important,needed and skilled compared to a historian as Gingrich. He’s not smart, a historian is not a important person compared to surgeon.

Historians are vital from society. See if you dont learn from the past you are doomed to repeat it.

That's why even in tribal communities, they have a historian. Course in oral traditions it's harder to keep accurate history.

Indeed, a history teacher/instructor/professor would be an ideal person to be POTUS; IF they have learned from the mistakes of history. For the life of me, I cannot understand why Gingrich wants to start dicking around with Cuba again. Do we really want a repeat of 1962? We might not be as lucky this time.

Doesn't anyone else see a problem with this man's taunting Cuba? Does it not seem just a little bit crazy, and out of date?

Who would have thought that a presidential candidate would be discussing Cuba, in a debate, in 2012. It seems that his brain is like a scratched and as obsolete as a vinyl album...Cuba, communism, Cuba, Communism. Maybe he's beginning to feel guilty because he never served? Well, he's what, 69? There's no danger in that. He's really good at running and hiding in the face of adversity.

Dear God, if it HAS to be him or Romney....PLEASE....Romney.
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I wonder if Chris Christie served?

When/where did you serve, fucktard?

The more you post, the more disgusting you get. Is there any reason why you think that everyone who doesn't believe exactly what you believe is a moron? Very unoriginal and unenlightened.

It isn't Democrats ruining this country-it's you fringe members of the extreme right and left who both sound ignorant and psychotic. It isn't a discussion you're looking for. It's your ability to bully people without having to actually face them. Cowardly.

I’ve heard that this fat chichen-hawk named Gingrich didn’t serve in Vietnam, what was his reason?
He can also become the first fat president in US history, or is he to fat to become president.

So US can end up with their first fat president. But why didn’t he serve, was he to fat to be fitt for service?

Grant was also fat!:lol:

Ron Paul isn't, though. He makes SO much sense. This country NEEDS him. He is voice a of reason in the insanity of American politics.
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The wealthy and well connected kids I knew (and that was most of the kids I went to school with my entire life) never worried about being drafted.

Draft boards back in those days were overtly and blatently classist.

EVerybody knew that the judges kid or the rich kids wouldn't be drafted.

That's just the way it was.

I’ve heard that this fat chichen-hawk named Gingrich didn’t serve in Vietnam, what was his reason?
He can also become the first fat president in US history, or is he to fat to become president.

So US can end up with their first fat president. But why didn’t he serve, was he to fat to be fitt for service?

Newt was born in 1943. By the time Vietnam broke out in 1965, he was already 22, married, and had a child.

In short, not the kind of person the military wanted to draft. Which is why they gave exemptions to married guys with kids. They wanted the 18 year old they could train, not the 22 year old who had his own opinions on things.

I’ve heard that this fat chichen-hawk named Gingrich didn’t serve in Vietnam, what was his reason?
He can also become the first fat president in US history, or is he to fat to become president.

So US can end up with their first fat president. But why didn’t he serve, was he to fat to be fitt for service?

Newt was born in 1943. By the time Vietnam broke out in 1965, he was already 22, married, and had a child.

In short, not the kind of person the military wanted to draft. Which is why they gave exemptions to married guys with kids. They wanted the 18 year old they could train, not the 22 year old who had his own opinions on things.

Yeah, that's true.

So the draft was not only sexist and classist, it was also AGEIST. (19 to 23 seems to be the targeted class of men)

The Viet Nam era was not a good time to be a young man in the middle or lower classes, that's for damned sure.

Even if you hadn't yet been drafted you often couldn't find a job because everybody knew you were going to be drafted.

I’ve heard that this fat chichen-hawk named Gingrich didn’t serve in Vietnam, what was his reason?
He can also become the first fat president in US history, or is he to fat to become president.

So US can end up with their first fat president. But why didn’t he serve, was he to fat to be fitt for service?

Newt was born in 1943. By the time Vietnam broke out in 1965, he was already 22, married, and had a child.

In short, not the kind of person the military wanted to draft. Which is why they gave exemptions to married guys with kids. They wanted the 18 year old they could train, not the 22 year old who had his own opinions on things.

Yeah, that's true.

So the draft was not only sexist and classist, it was also AGEIST. (19 to 23 seems to be the targeted class of men)

The Viet Nam era was not a good time to be a young man in the middle or lower classes, that's for damned sure.

Even if you hadn't yet been drafted you often couldn't find a job because everybody knew you were going to be drafted.

True enough, and that's when the idiocy of "everyone has to go to college" came to be because college was a place to avoid the draft.

I think that it would be wonderful if everyone had to do 2 years of national service- before college, no exceptions except due to serious physical disability.

I don't think it's a matter of being "agist". I think it's a matter of when it's easier to train you. Training is after all, programming of a sort. It's a lot easier to train an 18 year old than a 22 year old, to get him to obey orders without questions.
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Well, he wanted to, but the Viet Cong refused his application to serve.
I don't recall bumping into Barack Obama during my 24 year career on active duty. What was his excuse for not enlisting? Couldn't pass the urinalysis?

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