WHY did the Tennessee gunman feel that he had to blast away ?

"WHY did the Tennessee gunman feel that he had to blast away ?"

Only the gunman knew why.

Otherwise, itā€™s ignorant idiocy and hateful bigotry to infer that the gunman was ā€˜representativeā€™ of all Muslims, or that Islam was ā€˜responsibleā€™ for the attack.

The Israelis and their international amen corner are increasingly open about this: a recent article in the Times of Israel was quite explicit in averring that Israelā€™s ā€œright of self-defenseā€ includes the option of wiping out the entire population of Gaza.

Gee, I wonder what radicalized this man?


The Israelis and their international amen corner are increasingly open about this: a recent article in the Times of Israel was quite explicit in averring that Israelā€™s ā€œright of self-defenseā€ includes the option of wiping out the entire population of Gaza.

Gee, I wonder what radicalized this man?

you post like you are 15 years old .

God damn it child


I don't care what radicalized this man. My hope is he did not die right away. Hopefully he died screaming in pain and fear.

Of course, you have a right to remain ignorant and support a genocide.


Most of the deaths in Iraq were from Sunni versus Shiites.............................
They hold the Lion's share of deaths.......
Just as Saddam and Iran locked horns in the 80's.........Over a million died.......
Just as Saddam tortured his own people.........The Shiites and Kurds.............
And now ISIS kills their own, and put little children's heads on pikes, and play soccer with them...........

I don't give a fuck what they think anymore.............as long as they do this they will get hit..........and rightfully so.
Don't care..................He chose a side............Islam..........and went there to finish his radical training............

Didn't US presidents chose ...........ZIONISM...........and went to Israel to finish their radical training ......and then sent troops to Iraq and AfPak in support of the zionuts?

Don't care..................He chose a side............Islam..........and went there to finish his radical training............

Didn't US presidents chose ...........ZIONISM...........and went to Israel to finish their radical training ......and then sent troops to Iraq and AfPak in support of the zionuts?

We've been fighting their asses for a hell of a lot longer than your short BS memory............
And of course you blame us for 9/11................and not the radicals who were pissed that we dared step on their HOLIER THAN THOU SOIL...........................

As you ignore them butchering each other before this.................
As you ignore them butchering each other now................
As you ignore the history of the region...........

You are a libertarian..................While I agree with many aspects of that under the Constitution, your Isolation views make your Foreign policy views a joke............You want us to pull back and sit at home and watch the world tear itself apart................You would Cheer if the Israeli's were wiped out................................and the only thing keeping them alive is they are the baddest MFR's on the block.........and we have helped them get that way....................so the Middle East can't finish what Hitler Started................

Or the Ottomans who murdered a Million Armenians for their faith...............They have been Exterminating all other faiths for Centuries...........................Pardon my ass for being a CHRISTIAN..........................an INFIDEL....................and getting tired of watching them kill CHRISTIANS, JEWS, and anyone not of their faith.....................

That's in their culture..................a culture that requires CULLING from time to time to keep a lid on it.................as it has been throughout history.
Don't care..................He chose a side............Islam..........and went there to finish his radical training............

Didn't US presidents chose ...........ZIONISM...........and went to Israel to finish their radical training ......and then sent troops to Iraq and AfPak in support of the zionuts?

We've been fighting their asses for a hell of a lot longer than your short BS memory............
And of course you blame us for 9/11................and not the radicals who were pissed that we dared step on their HOLIER THAN THOU SOIL...........................

As you ignore them butchering each other before this.................
As you ignore them butchering each other now................
As you ignore the history of the region...........

You are a libertarian..................While I agree with many aspects of that under the Constitution, your Isolation views make your Foreign policy views a joke............You want us to pull back and sit at home and watch the world tear itself apart................You would Cheer if the Israeli's were wiped out................................and the only thing keeping them alive is they are the baddest MFR's on the block.........and we have helped them get that way....................so the Middle East can't finish what Hitler Started................

Or the Ottomans who murdered a Million Armenians for their faith...............They have been Exterminating all other faiths for Centuries...........................Pardon my ass for being a CHRISTIAN..........................an INFIDEL....................and getting tired of watching them kill CHRISTIANS, JEWS, and anyone not of their faith.....................

That's in their culture..................a culture that requires CULLING from time to time to keep a lid on it.................as it has been throughout history.




Don't care..................He chose a side............Islam..........and went there to finish his radical training............

Came back to carry out his lunacy to kill the infidels and sent 4 Marines to their death.

The only ones I care about here are the 4 Marines............Hope he enjoys his virgins in hell..................

The Caliphates from the middle east have been going on since the 7th Century.................before we were even a spot on the Radar.....and they have been killing others and each other since then..............They preach death to all non believers and then live it time and time again..................

And again and again, those who oppose them will be forced to fight them again and again..........as History repeats itself.
5 Marines now, another has succumbed to his wounds.
Don't care..................He chose a side............Islam..........and went there to finish his radical training............

Came back to carry out his lunacy to kill the infidels and sent 4 Marines to their death.

The only ones I care about here are the 4 Marines............Hope he enjoys his virgins in hell..................

The Caliphates from the middle east have been going on since the 7th Century.................before we were even a spot on the Radar.....and they have been killing others and each other since then..............They preach death to all non believers and then live it time and time again..................

And again and again, those who oppose them will be forced to fight them again and again..........as History repeats itself.
5 Marines now, another has succumbed to his wounds.

ā€œAm I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid? No, I know full well that my son, my family, this nation and this world were betrayed by George Bush who was influenced by the neo-con PNAC agendas after 9/11. We were told that we were attacked on 9/11 because the terrorists hate our freedoms and democracy ā€¦ not for the real reason, because the Arab Muslims who attacked us hate our middle-eastern foreign policy.ā€

Cindy Sheehan
Don't care..................He chose a side............Islam..........and went there to finish his radical training............

Didn't US presidents chose ...........ZIONISM...........and went to Israel to finish their radical training ......and then sent troops to Iraq and AfPak in support of the zionuts?

We've been fighting their asses for a hell of a lot longer than your short BS memory............
And of course you blame us for 9/11................and not the radicals who were pissed that we dared step on their HOLIER THAN THOU SOIL...........................

As you ignore them butchering each other before this.................
As you ignore them butchering each other now................
As you ignore the history of the region...........

You are a libertarian..................While I agree with many aspects of that under the Constitution, your Isolation views make your Foreign policy views a joke............You want us to pull back and sit at home and watch the world tear itself apart................You would Cheer if the Israeli's were wiped out................................and the only thing keeping them alive is they are the baddest MFR's on the block.........and we have helped them get that way....................so the Middle East can't finish what Hitler Started................

Or the Ottomans who murdered a Million Armenians for their faith...............They have been Exterminating all other faiths for Centuries...........................Pardon my ass for being a CHRISTIAN..........................an INFIDEL....................and getting tired of watching them kill CHRISTIANS, JEWS, and anyone not of their faith.....................

That's in their culture..................a culture that requires CULLING from time to time to keep a lid on it.................as it has been throughout history.




Worked real well for 2 World Wars too now didn't it...........................Mr. Chamberland.
Don't care..................He chose a side............Islam..........and went there to finish his radical training............

Didn't US presidents chose ...........ZIONISM...........and went to Israel to finish their radical training ......and then sent troops to Iraq and AfPak in support of the zionuts?

We've been fighting their asses for a hell of a lot longer than your short BS memory............
And of course you blame us for 9/11................and not the radicals who were pissed that we dared step on their HOLIER THAN THOU SOIL...........................

As you ignore them butchering each other before this.................
As you ignore them butchering each other now................
As you ignore the history of the region...........

You are a libertarian..................While I agree with many aspects of that under the Constitution, your Isolation views make your Foreign policy views a joke............You want us to pull back and sit at home and watch the world tear itself apart................You would Cheer if the Israeli's were wiped out................................and the only thing keeping them alive is they are the baddest MFR's on the block.........and we have helped them get that way....................so the Middle East can't finish what Hitler Started................

Or the Ottomans who murdered a Million Armenians for their faith...............They have been Exterminating all other faiths for Centuries...........................Pardon my ass for being a CHRISTIAN..........................an INFIDEL....................and getting tired of watching them kill CHRISTIANS, JEWS, and anyone not of their faith.....................

That's in their culture..................a culture that requires CULLING from time to time to keep a lid on it.................as it has been throughout history.




Worked real well for 2 World Wars too now didn't it...........................Mr. Chamberland.



Don't care..................He chose a side............Islam..........and went there to finish his radical training............

Didn't US presidents chose ...........ZIONISM...........and went to Israel to finish their radical training ......and then sent troops to Iraq and AfPak in support of the zionuts?

We've been fighting their asses for a hell of a lot longer than your short BS memory............
And of course you blame us for 9/11................and not the radicals who were pissed that we dared step on their HOLIER THAN THOU SOIL...........................

As you ignore them butchering each other before this.................
As you ignore them butchering each other now................
As you ignore the history of the region...........

You are a libertarian..................While I agree with many aspects of that under the Constitution, your Isolation views make your Foreign policy views a joke............You want us to pull back and sit at home and watch the world tear itself apart................You would Cheer if the Israeli's were wiped out................................and the only thing keeping them alive is they are the baddest MFR's on the block.........and we have helped them get that way....................so the Middle East can't finish what Hitler Started................

Or the Ottomans who murdered a Million Armenians for their faith...............They have been Exterminating all other faiths for Centuries...........................Pardon my ass for being a CHRISTIAN..........................an INFIDEL....................and getting tired of watching them kill CHRISTIANS, JEWS, and anyone not of their faith.....................

That's in their culture..................a culture that requires CULLING from time to time to keep a lid on it.................as it has been throughout history.




Worked real well for 2 World Wars too now didn't it...........................Mr. Chamberland.



Kuwaiti isnt he..........shoulda been grateful eh.......

Mr Abdulazeez's family is from Nablus , Palestine. Palestine has been terrorized by the zionuts since 1925. The US has been financing their terror since 1949.

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Hebron massacre refers to the killing of sixty-seven Jews (including 23 college students) on 24 August 1929 in Hebron, then part of Mandatory Palestine, by Arabs incited to violence by rumors that Jews were massacring Arabs in Jerusalem and seizing control of Muslim holy places.[1] The event also left scores seriously wounded or maimed. Jewish homes were pillaged and synagogues were ransacked. Many of the 435 Jews who survived were hidden by local Arab families.[2][3] Soon after, all Hebron's Jews were evacuated by the British authorities. Many returned in 1931, but almost all were evacuated at the outbreak of the 1936ā€“39 Arab revolt in Palestine. The massacre formed part of the 1929 Palestine riots, in which a total of 133 Jews and 110 Arabs were killed, and brought the centuries-old Jewish presence in Hebron to an end.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]
Wry Catcher

Got your panties in a wad because people won't overlook Obozo's incompetence and/or extreme hatred for our country????

I'm sorry, the person addressed refuses to accept opinions expressed by partisan members of the idiot fringe.

Right wing members of the idiot fringe. like you, claim many things; all of which are unproven and framed by half-truths, lies of omission and commission, rumors, innuendos and paranoid fantasies. Our President, elected by a majority of our citizens - twice - hasn't been indicted for misfeasance or malfeasance during his tenure; mistakes he has made, but none so horrific as the invasion of Iraq and its occupation has proven to be,.

As a loud and loony member of the idiot fringe, the cost you paid for the brain wash was a foolish expenditure, all that was needed was a light rinse.
He was a kid who was raised and inspired by radical Islam. They use garbage like what is in this thread to motivate individuals to carry out attacks.
Kuwaiti isnt he..........shoulda been grateful eh.......

Mr Abdulazeez's family is from Nablus , Palestine. Palestine has been terrorized by the zionuts since 1925. The US has been financing their terror since 1949.

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Hebron massacre refers to the killing of sixty-seven Jews (including 23 college students) on 24 August 1929 in Hebron, then part of Mandatory Palestine, by Arabs incited to violence by rumors that Jews were massacring Arabs in Jerusalem and seizing control of Muslim holy places.[1] The event also left scores seriously wounded or maimed. Jewish homes were pillaged and synagogues were ransacked. Many of the 435 Jews who survived were hidden by local Arab families.[2][3] Soon after, all Hebron's Jews were evacuated by the British authorities. Many returned in 1931, but almost all were evacuated at the outbreak of the 1936ā€“39 Arab revolt in Palestine. The massacre formed part of the 1929 Palestine riots, in which a total of 133 Jews and 110 Arabs were killed, and brought the centuries-old Jewish presence in Hebron to an end.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]


The Hebron Massacre

(August 23, 1929)

The summer of 1929 was one of unrest in Palestine as Jewish immigrants were arriving in increasing numbers and the agitations of the mufti in Jerusalem spurred on Jewish-Arab tensions. Just one day prior to the start of the Hebron massacre, three Jews and three Arabs were killed in Jerusalem when fighting broke out after a Muslim prayer service on the Temple Mount. Arabs spread false rumors and libels throughout their communities, saying that Jews were carrying out "wholesale killings of Arabs."

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