Why Did My Friends Die in Iraq?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Why did we invade Iraq?


Even if you're able to forgive bush and his cronies for putting us so deeply in debt that it will take generations to dig us out, the wanton and needless killing and maiming of so many Americans and others is just unforgivable.

Especially since vets ow have to keep fighting for every little crumb they get.
You really think 5 years is long enough to fix what has been wrong since before WWII?

He's good but, believe it or not, he's not a god.

Baja Democrats - News & events of AZ Democratis, with emphasis on Southern Arizona Democrats

One million Vets wait for care – A National Disgrace

... For example, in 2010 Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki announced that three diseases — ischemic heart disease, Parkinson’s disease and b-cell leukemia — would be considered the result of Agent Orange exposure for veterans who served in Vietnam. More than 240,000 claims for those diseases have been filed since that announcement. ...

... the VA spent 4 years and $537 million on a new computer to streamline the claims process. It was less than a resounding success; 97% of veteran’s claims are still filed on paper, and that’s the single biggest reason that stands out for the backlog – they VA is literally being buried in a mountain of paperwork....


That [photo above] the mountain of paperwork at the Winston-Salem NC VA office, the weight of all that paperwork compromised the structural integrity of the building – they were worried the floor would collapse.

Quit blaming President Obama for everything. Its childish and counter-productive.

You really think 5 years is long enough to fix what has been wrong since before WWII?

He's good but, believe it or not, he's not a god.

Baja Democrats - News & events of AZ Democratis, with emphasis on Southern Arizona Democrats

One million Vets wait for care – A National Disgrace

... For example, in 2010 Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki announced that three diseases — ischemic heart disease, Parkinson’s disease and b-cell leukemia — would be considered the result of Agent Orange exposure for veterans who served in Vietnam. More than 240,000 claims for those diseases have been filed since that announcement. ...

... the VA spent 4 years and $537 million on a new computer to streamline the claims process. It was less than a resounding success; 97% of veteran’s claims are still filed on paper, and that’s the single biggest reason that stands out for the backlog – they VA is literally being buried in a mountain of paperwork....


That [photo above] the mountain of paperwork at the Winston-Salem NC VA office, the weight of all that paperwork compromised the structural integrity of the building – they were worried the floor would collapse.

Quit blaming President Obama for everything. Its childish and counter-productive.


I am not blaming him...I am merely pointing out he has done nothing more for them than any other President - besides lip service.
You are the one that said "especially NOW vets have to fight for crumbs"
I assumed by "now", you meant now. :eusa_eh:
Fixed It For You

It's when you edit the post above yours. In my case I edited the Quit blaming whoever I support statement made above my post. Just blame everyone else. Not people I support. The key here is that he is right and everyone else is wrong, unless they agree with him.

Altering Quotes here, is against Site Rules. -Intense
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You all know I'm a 22+ years vet. So, this may come as a surprise - I totally agree with Ron Paul that we have no business involving ourselves in the internal conflicts of other counties. We were wrong to get involved in Vietnam and could've avoided it if only we'd treated Ho Chi Minh correcting during WII. We have no business in Kosovo, Croatia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. We certainly have no business getting involved in Africa - which out Bumbler-in-Chief is getting us into.

I also believe we should stop all foreign military aid. If countries want to obtain our military equipment, let them pay for them out of their own funds.

Spend all that money to defend our own borders and use it to deal with many of the problems we face here in the USA.
You all know I'm a 22+ years vet. So, this may come as a surprise - I totally agree with Ron Paul that we have no business involving ourselves in the internal conflicts of other counties. We were wrong to get involved in Vietnam and could've avoided it if only we'd treated Ho Chi Minh correcting during WII. We have no business in Kosovo, Croatia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. We certainly have no business getting involved in Africa - which out Bumbler-in-Chief is getting us into.

I also believe we should stop all foreign military aid. If countries want to obtain our military equipment, let them pay for them out of their own funds.

Spend all that money to defend our own borders and use it to deal with many of the problems we face here in the USA.

I'm a vet as well and I agree with your thoughts on it to.

We (you, me, our families and particularly the friends and brothers we lost) pay the highest price for these wars.
You all know I'm a 22+ years vet. So, this may come as a surprise - I totally agree with Ron Paul that we have no business involving ourselves in the internal conflicts of other counties. We were wrong to get involved in Vietnam and could've avoided it if only we'd treated Ho Chi Minh correcting during WII. We have no business in Kosovo, Croatia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. We certainly have no business getting involved in Africa - which out Bumbler-in-Chief is getting us into.

I also believe we should stop all foreign military aid. If countries want to obtain our military equipment, let them pay for them out of their own funds.

Spend all that money to defend our own borders and use it to deal with many of the problems we face here in the USA.

For the most part I agree, especially "internal conflicts".
Where I am Ok with U.S. involvement is if that conflict is getting outside of their border threatening a strong ally or the "internal conflict" is extremely egregious. (Mass genocide as an example)
You touched on one topic that is SOOOO ignored and understated and Holy COW under-appreciated is U.S. troops on the ground world-wide providing security globally.
This is very expensive, and completely necessary.
The world needs U.S. leadership and security. Without it - someone else fills the void. As we see today with China and Russia.
HAVING SAID THIS - the world should be paying for that security. Every single European country benefits economically tremendously by having U.S. military in their country as a regional stabilizer. This affords them to not spend copious taxpayer dollars of THEIR MONEY on their own strong military - they have ours. Therefore they should be paying for our protection.
Not the other way around like it is.
Why did we invade Iraq?


Even if you're able to forgive bush and his cronies for putting us so deeply in debt that it will take generations to dig us out, the wanton and needless killing and maiming of so many Americans and others is just unforgivable.

Especially since vets ow have to keep fighting for every little crumb they get.

Because the Democrat run Congress wanted them there.
Even if you're able to forgive bush and his cronies for putting us so deeply in debt that it will take generations to dig us out,

Of course, we've not incurred far more debt under Obama...not at all. He just HAD to spend more money than all previous administrations...'cuz of Bush :doubt:

And those "cronies"...would they include the Democrat controlled House and Senate Bush dealt with during several years of his presidency???

the wanton and needless killing and maiming of so many Americans and others is just unforgivable.

Yep...I too am just as pissed off at the 82 Democratic House members and the 29 Senators that voted to go to war in Iraq...every bit as much as the Republicans that voted for it.

What was it you said..."unforgivable"? Or are they forgiven because everything is Bush's fault???

Especially since vets ow have to keep fighting for every little crumb they get.

Was it not the Republicans that recently put forth a bill to NOT cut military pensions...a vote that was put down by the Dems in favor of maintaining benefits to illegals?

Why yes it was.

Point being, I too despise the debts and wars incurred by the central planners, but I'm mature enough to realize that both parties are at fault. Your bias is so overwhelming, you can't see reality. For once, you might consider not sucking a the Democratic tit. You'll realize it's both parties that are to blame for what you claim to hate.
Why Did My Friends Die in Iraq?

Because of neo-conservative misunderstanding of the world and of the application of hard power.
Why did we invade Iraq?


Even if you're able to forgive bush and his cronies for putting us so deeply in debt that it will take generations to dig us out, the wanton and needless killing and maiming of so many Americans and others is just unforgivable.

Especially since vets ow have to keep fighting for every little crumb they get.

Because, as I and many others have been saying all along, if you fight for America now you're not fighting to protect American freedom, you're fighting to make corporations who supply everything used in wars, richer.

US hasn't had a justifiable war since 1812. If no one's invading the mainland US, stay out of it.
Why Did My Friends Die in Iraq?

Because of neo-conservative misunderstanding of the world and of the application of hard power.

Those 82 Democratic House members and the 29 Senators that voted for the Iraq war...were they neo-conservatives too?
US hasn't had a justifiable war since 1812. If no one's invading the mainland US, stay out of it.

We may have disagreed about other issues, but with regard to this point...:clap2:

"America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own."

John Q Adams
Why Did My Friends Die in Iraq?

Because of neo-conservative misunderstanding of the world and of the application of hard power.

Those 82 Democratic House members and the 29 Senators that voted for the Iraq war...were they neo-conservatives too?

They were certainly fooled by them as was Bush. We are not assigning blame YET, only the outcome: we failed.
War is always a failure unless conducted in self defense. It's a total negative undertaking. It kills, it maims and it displaces. It causes debt and it ultimately causes more violence.

This nation could use a heavy dose of the NAP.

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