Why Did Jesus Come Down As A Baby?

We commemmorate him as a baby every year because it is the date of the ancient festival that begins with all souls day as the year/earth/life is dying, culminating in the shortest day and rebirth (represented by a baby) on the 25th of december. The JC part of it is merely the christianising of an ancient rite going back beyond the stone age :eusa_whistle:
Being born is the usual path for humanity, so even if the human was to transition, it's understandable why he would be born.

Everybody loves that "new baby" smell, so he figured why not get off to a fresh start.

I found that in the early months babies do smell much different than they do once they start eating a more solid food. And breast fed babies smell sweeter. There were times when my firstborn had to go on formula and he certainly did not smell nearly as good as when he was on the real thing.

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