Why Did Flynn Plead Guilty?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
That has bothered me ever since it was announced. There was nothing wrong about anyone from the Trump campaign talking to the Russians, or any other foreign country. So, did Mueller ask questions he knew the answers to hoping Flynn would slip up so he could accuse him of lying?

Well, according to this article, that wasn't the case.

In March, The Wall Street Journal published an article, in which former CIA Director James Woolsey claimed he attended a meeting with former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Turkish Foreign Ministers to discuss removing Fehtullah Gulen, a Turkish cleric living in Pennsylvania. Mueller put that meeting under investigation.

So even though Flynn didn’t do anything illegal or wrong with his phone call it’s not out of this realm that someone pressured him to plead guilty in order to release the pressure on his son over that meeting.

Just like everything else lately (like all those stupid memos) this has brought up more questions. Mueller has been investigating supposed collusion between Trump and Russia for a very long time. Did he feel like he had to show something

This was not done by the Department of Justice. It was done by Mueller. Flynn was a popular target among those who hated Trump and I remember viewing statements by people who seemed like they were salivating at the thought of Flynn going down.

From If Comey, FBI Didn't Think Flynn Lied, Then Why Did He Plead Guilty?
$$$$... Financial ruin of honorable man and his family... To eliminate any prosecution of his son Michael G. Flynn... Any father worth his salt would fall on the sword that was going to cause pain to his son...
That has bothered me ever since it was announced. There was nothing wrong about anyone from the Trump campaign talking to the Russians, or any other foreign country. So, did Mueller ask questions he knew the answers to hoping Flynn would slip up so he could accuse him of lying?

Well, according to this article, that wasn't the case.

In March, The Wall Street Journal published an article, in which former CIA Director James Woolsey claimed he attended a meeting with former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Turkish Foreign Ministers to discuss removing Fehtullah Gulen, a Turkish cleric living in Pennsylvania. Mueller put that meeting under investigation.

So even though Flynn didn’t do anything illegal or wrong with his phone call it’s not out of this realm that someone pressured him to plead guilty in order to release the pressure on his son over that meeting.

Just like everything else lately (like all those stupid memos) this has brought up more questions. Mueller has been investigating supposed collusion between Trump and Russia for a very long time. Did he feel like he had to show something

This was not done by the Department of Justice. It was done by Mueller. Flynn was a popular target among those who hated Trump and I remember viewing statements by people who seemed like they were salivating at the thought of Flynn going down.

From If Comey, FBI Didn't Think Flynn Lied, Then Why Did He Plead Guilty?
heh heh... or all of Flynn's press agents are merely mounting a PR campaign to try to get Mueller to show his hand. They know they are holding an empty bag... but they are counting o their audience to throw a hissy.
Financial ruin of honorable man and his family.
Boy, you sure do have an affinity for foreign agents . From what country do you hail?

Believe it or not sis but I hail from the great state of Indiana... I find it hard to believe that you live in the Hoosier, being as ignorant as you are... Look at the map sis, your shit is weak...


Hell you libs lost 5 counties in 4 years... Dumber that a box of rocks...
Financial ruin of honorable man and his family.
Boy, you sure do have an affinity for foreign agents . From what country do you hail?

Believe it or not sis but I hail from the great state of Indiana... I find it hard to believe that you live in the Hoosier, being as ignorant as you are... Look at the map sis, your shit is weak...


Hell you libs lost 5 counties in 4 years... Dumber that a box of rocks...
I'm not super liberal, really. One does not have to be liberal to notice your affinity for foreign agents.
Would his signature on a form registering as a foreign agent suffice?

Shut up troll.

haha, no, you don't have to take my word for it, and I do not care if you believe me or not. I don't post links proving the Earth is round, either. this is one of the most basic facts of this topic, and you should feel utterly embarrassed of yourself for having managed to bloviate endlessly about this topic without being in possession of the most basic of facts regarding it.
I think possibly you are just showing what a poor judge of character you really are... I defy you to prove with credible links that General Flynn is a foreign agent... :bye1:

I don't consider FOX necessarily credible...but you probably do.

Former Trump campaign chairman registers as foreign agent
Dang, you should just let him flail. I mean, how can a person who has been crybabying endlessly for 2 years on a topic not be in possession of the most basic of facts regarding it? it's fucking embarrassing.
I think possibly you are just showing what a poor judge of character you really are... I defy you to prove with credible links that General Flynn is a foreign agent... :bye1:

I don't consider FOX necessarily credible...but you probably do.

Former Trump campaign chairman registers as foreign agent
Dang, you should just let him flail. I mean, how can a person who has been crybabying endlessly for 2 years on a topic not be in possession of the most basic of facts regarding it? it's fucking embarrassing.

Sorry...I'm a liberal helper. Can't resist when I see a poor dumb creature in distress.
$$$$... Financial ruin of honorable man and his family... To eliminate any prosecution of his son Michael G. Flynn... Any father worth his salt would fall on the sword that was going to cause pain to his son...
On December 29, 2016, Flynn spoke with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the same day the Obama administration announced retaliatory measures in response to the interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign by the Russian government. The phone conversation was reportedly viewed by Obama advisers who had been briefed on its content by the F.B.I. with suspicion as possibly a secret deal between the incoming team and Moscow.

Michael Flynn last July: “If I did a tenth of what [Hillary Clinton] did, I would be in jail
Your absolutely right... He signed the paperwork with Turkey... He should have been fired from his job in the administration and was... But his lobbying job with Turkey was not illegal... He was terminated for lying to Vice President Pence...
I made an error... My deepest apologies sis...
I made an error... My deepest apologies sis...
You misspelled "sir", but I withdraw all snark and wholeheartedly accept your apology.

He was terminated for lying to Vice President Pence.
Um, yeah, about that...funny thing, that... Trump had lied in precisely the same manner to Pence for about a full week before Flynn did it. But Flynn was , ostensibly, fired for that exact behavior. And if you believe that steaming pile of bullshit, I have a degree from Trump U I would like to sell you.
Your absolutely right... He signed the paperwork with Turkey... He should have been fired from his job in the administration and was... But his lobbying job with Turkey was not illegal... He was terminated for lying to Vice President Pence...
I made an error... My deepest apologies sis...

The transition team was informed of Flynn's activities. Who was head of the transition?
did Mueller ask questions he knew the answers to hoping Flynn would slip up so he could accuse him of lying?
Of course he did. No prosecutor asks questions for which they don't already know (or damn near know) the answer.

Prosecutors do a "ton" of research into a matter so they know everything they can possibly know and then they ask witnesses/suspects about those things, generally the gaps in the prosecutor's collection of facts pertaining to a given matter. The prosecutor's goal is to fill in the spaces between the "dots" they've already gotten and connected. It's quite literally nothing other than an application of the scientific method to the criminal investigation process.
  • Federal prosecutor's research produces "items/dots" A, B, C, G, H, L, and M
  • Prosecutor asks a witness/suspect about their role in B and C (or they may make a statement to see whether one remarks upon it and how), which the prosecutor is already aware of.
  • Witness/suspect responds with content that cannot yield a progression of events that lead to G.
  • Prosecutor knows the witness has just lied; however, s/he'll, purely for the purpose of due diligence, endeavor to confirm the witness'/suspect's "story" just in case the prosecutor missed something earlier in their research. After performing the due diligence and discovering the witness/suspect lied:
    • Prosecutor may charge witness/suspect with lying, which s/he now knows is a charge that will prevail at trial, or offers a deal in exchange for verifiable truths that will materially aid the prosecutor in "frying a bigger fish."
    • Prosecutory may "chill" until more information becomes available, but the lying charge is still available to be used, either directly or as leverage. Sometimes prosecutors will allow one to provide even more false testimony so as to increase the nature and extent of leverage.
The only lie one can get away with is the one for which there is no tangible material that will show otherwise and nobody other than oneself knows the truth.
  • Say a prosecutor asks, "Did you pee in the ocean while you were swimming there?" One probably can answer that truthfully or not, it won't make a difference.
The thing is that a prosecutor isn't going to ask a question such as that because s/he knows damn well there's no way to verify the veracity of one's answer.

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