Why Conservatives are obsessed with Obama's grades

Still waiting, Winger...

How is it that you folks want us to give a second term to a person that you can't provide credible reasons for having a first term?

Name some accomplishments by Barry as a lawyer, a college lecturer or as a legislator! Because if you CAN'T? Then why on earth do you want this "sham" to sit in the Oval Office for another four years? Do you think he's going to wake up one morning and MAGICALLY have learned leadership skills?

You know, being a rabid racist, a vile filthy racist, is no way to go thru life, son

stop with all the bullshit and repeat after me

"I hate Obama cuz he is Black"

testimony that if you critcize Obama you will be called a racist by the hypocrites on the left

"Obama is not as Smart as the Media says"....? Um What? How smart is that? Oh, they dont know how smart the media says he is? Oh, the Repubs are trolling.

Oprah gushed over Obama ' He's brillant"

can't get any more " media" than Oprah. How many cable networks and magazines does she have?
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facts about what guys, that Obama has worked overtime to save the economy while baggers have worked just as hard to destroy it so they could blame him

you do know the entire planet knows that is what is happening, i hope

if Obama is working overtime it's campaigning and playing shitty rounds of golf
What's laughable is that the taxes that Barry is calling for would be a drop in the bucket compared to what he's spending every day. The truth is...his calls for higher taxes on the "wealthy" are nothing more than an election year populist "theme" for him to run against Romney on. If those higher taxes would have actually increased revenue then he would have rushed them through back in 2009. He didn't because he knew that higher taxes in a down economy would mean less revenue because it would bring what little growth we had to screeching halt. So what's changed since then?

Obama wimped out in 2009. He caved into to GOP brinksmanship and sold out for an extension in unemployment benefits and the START treaty

If it makes you feel any better, I think Obama will fold on this too
Aw, how cute. Another libbie wine-a-thon about conservatives...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq4pXdrCI9g]Eddie, whining to get in my lap - YouTube[/ame]
Most Americans have lower taxes under Obama yet still pay a higher effective tax rate than Romney

Why does some guy digging a ditch pay more of his income in taxes than Presidential wannabe Romney?

So if the democrats and you thought it was sooooooo important of an issue, then why didn't the democrats, when they held huge majorities in the House and Senate, not change the laws and make those rich folks, like Romney, pay higher effective tax breaks?

They tried. When the Bush tax cuts were about to sunset the Dems pushed to extend them with the exception of income earned over 250k. The GOP threw a shit fit and tied unemployment benefits to the train tracks to stop it from happening.

Nice try, the GOP didn't have the votes to stop it, 60 votes in the Senate, heavy majority in the House. So, the Dems didn't do it then, now they want to? BS! They are playing you like a fiddle at a country hoe down.
Why conservatives are obsessed with Obama's college grades: 4 theories - The Week

1. Conservatives want to paint Obama as a dumb, affirmative-action fraud...

If the shoe fits...

2. Conservatives are obsessed with "vetting" Obama...

Well, if the lamestream media isn't going to do its job...

3. This is just birtherism warmed over...

Even without the BC, there is evidence that Boiking was born Hawai'i...Thus far, he has spent 7 figures keeping his college records hush-hush...If he's so brilliant, why not brag about it?

4. The Right is desperate to distract from Romney's taxes...

Romney's taxes are nothing more than a diversion from Boiking's shit record over the last 3 1/2 years...Desperation indeed.


hey oddball, we all know your neo nazi ways, you keep doing the trick like in EVERY post you do, shot canned answers, also why do you have a nazi ww2 plane as your avatar?
So if the democrats and you thought it was sooooooo important of an issue, then why didn't the democrats, when they held huge majorities in the House and Senate, not change the laws and make those rich folks, like Romney, pay higher effective tax breaks?

They tried. When the Bush tax cuts were about to sunset the Dems pushed to extend them with the exception of income earned over 250k. The GOP threw a shit fit and tied unemployment benefits to the train tracks to stop it from happening.

Nice try, the GOP didn't have the votes to stop it, 60 votes in the Senate, heavy majority in the House. So, the Dems didn't do it then, now they want to? BS! They are playing you like a fiddle at a country hoe down.

They had the votes to stop every other piece of legislation and they did. They refused to extend unemployment benefits and ratify START. Obama caved

Dems did not have 60 votes in the Senate in December 2010. In fact, they only had a 60 vote majority for a few months total
They tried. When the Bush tax cuts were about to sunset the Dems pushed to extend them with the exception of income earned over 250k. The GOP threw a shit fit and tied unemployment benefits to the train tracks to stop it from happening.

Nice try, the GOP didn't have the votes to stop it, 60 votes in the Senate, heavy majority in the House. So, the Dems didn't do it then, now they want to? BS! They are playing you like a fiddle at a country hoe down.

They had the votes to stop every other piece of legislation and they did. They refused to extend unemployment benefits and ratify START. Obama caved

Dems did not have 60 votes in the Senate in December 2010. In fact, they only had a 60 vote majority for a few months total

You only need a majority vote to hike taxes.
Why Conservatives are obsessed with Obama's grades

It's all they have. They certainly can't run on their policies. If people knew what they were, they would never vote Republican. Even Republicans at the USMB don't know what they are.
Why conservatives are obsessed with Obama's college grades: 4 theories - The Week

1. Conservatives want to paint Obama as a dumb, affirmative-action fraud...

If the shoe fits...

2. Conservatives are obsessed with "vetting" Obama...

Well, if the lamestream media isn't going to do its job...

3. This is just birtherism warmed over...

Even without the BC, there is evidence that Boiking was born Hawai'i...Thus far, he has spent 7 figures keeping his college records hush-hush...If he's so brilliant, why not brag about it?

4. The Right is desperate to distract from Romney's taxes...

Romney's taxes are nothing more than a diversion from Boiking's shit record over the last 3 1/2 years...Desperation indeed.


hey oddball, we all know your neo nazi ways, you keep doing the trick like in EVERY post you do, shot canned answers, also why do you have a nazi ww2 plane as your avatar?

oh, now it's the nazi card
Why Conservatives are obsessed with Obama's grades

It's all they have. They certainly can't run on their policies. If people knew what they were, they would never vote Republican. Even Republicans at the USMB don't know what they are.

considering how much Obama and Holder have pushed affirmative action for their chosen people those policies must have worked for him in the past
Why Conservatives are obsessed with Obama's grades

It's all they have. They certainly can't run on their policies. If people knew what they were, they would never vote Republican. Even Republicans at the USMB don't know what they are.


How about Republicans run on what they have accomplished in the last four years?
So if the democrats and you thought it was sooooooo important of an issue, then why didn't the democrats, when they held huge majorities in the House and Senate, not change the laws and make those rich folks, like Romney, pay higher effective tax breaks?

Because they're all just blowing hot air....
They're ONLY saying they want higher taxes on the rich to make their followers believe they're on their side. They don't want taxes raised on themselves anymore than anyone else does! They're full of bullshit and the poor lefties are believing every word.....

And now this way they can put ALL the blame on the right. It's all those evil conservatives doing this...THEY'RE the ones that won't change the law.

Hey Dems! You're leaders are blowing smoke up your ass and you're loving it! Idiots!

I will accept higher taxes on myself right now as long as spending is frozen and the increased revenue went to debt reduction

Wouldn't you?

No, i wouldn't.
My wages are in the "lower" middle class range, or even by now could be in the "poor" range. I don't have enough deductions to itemize, i have no kids under 18 to deduct, i pay in every year. I get nothing back. Obama only wants to raise taxes so he can spend more...if you think he's going to freeze spending at any time then you're delusional. And if he DID raise them, he will not reduce the debt, it's just all the more he can spend. And if he gets re-elected it's only going to get worse, he has nothing to worry about then, he can't run again.
Why conservatives are obsessed with Obama's college grades: 4 theories - The Week

1. Conservatives want to paint Obama as a dumb, affirmative-action fraud
In his $20,000 offer for Obama's transcripts, Bayne lays out his rationale: "We're not convinced that Barack is as smart as you media elitists keep insisting he is." The charge that the president got bad grades 30 years ago doesn't hold water, however: Biographer David Maraniss says Obama got a 3.7 GPA at Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law, something you can't do with bad grades.

2. Conservatives are obsessed with "vetting" Obama
The play to shame Obama into releasing his college grades "is nothing more than a pathetically desperate effort to find something, anything that they can use against him in the upcoming election," says Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway. It's part of the Right's effort to "vet" Obama, four years after the media made him "one of the most vetted presidential candidates in recent memory."

3. This is just birtherism warmed over
When you "get to the bottom of the conspiracy," says Sarah Jones at Politicus USA, it's clear that Wayne is a birther, and his "foreign exchange student" theory is part of the claim that Obama isn't really American. Indeed, this "irrelevant nonsense about college transcripts... has been a central part of birtherism from the beginning,"

4. The Right is desperate to distract from Romney's taxes
The reason conservatives are "freaking out in unison" about Obama's college grades "couldn't be more obvious," says Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs: They're trying anything they can to "divert attention away from Mitt Romney's refusal to release financial information

Mitt Romney has released all legally required information.

Why are libtards obsessed with Ann Romney's horse and Mitt Romney's tax returns?
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Hm Maybe because he has spent millions hiding ALL his records...if ya got nothing to hide lets see them.
but can you prove that Obama has spent millions to hide his college records? It's the law of the land, he doesn't have to spend a penny to keep his transcripts closed to the public? so are you just parroting what some right wing rag has said about spending millions to hide his transcripts

or are you talking about romney spending millions to hide his tax returns from the public? :razz:
Why conservatives are obsessed with Obama's college grades: 4 theories - The Week

1. Conservatives want to paint Obama as a dumb, affirmative-action fraud
In his $20,000 offer for Obama's transcripts, Bayne lays out his rationale: "We're not convinced that Barack is as smart as you media elitists keep insisting he is." The charge that the president got bad grades 30 years ago doesn't hold water, however: Biographer David Maraniss says Obama got a 3.7 GPA at Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law, something you can't do with bad grades.

2. Conservatives are obsessed with "vetting" Obama
The play to shame Obama into releasing his college grades "is nothing more than a pathetically desperate effort to find something, anything that they can use against him in the upcoming election," says Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway. It's part of the Right's effort to "vet" Obama, four years after the media made him "one of the most vetted presidential candidates in recent memory."

3. This is just birtherism warmed over
When you "get to the bottom of the conspiracy," says Sarah Jones at Politicus USA, it's clear that Wayne is a birther, and his "foreign exchange student" theory is part of the claim that Obama isn't really American. Indeed, this "irrelevant nonsense about college transcripts... has been a central part of birtherism from the beginning,"

4. The Right is desperate to distract from Romney's taxes
The reason conservatives are "freaking out in unison" about Obama's college grades "couldn't be more obvious," says Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs: They're trying anything they can to "divert attention away from Mitt Romney's refusal to release financial information

Mitt Romney has released all legally required information.

Why are libtards obsessed with Ann Romney's horse and Mitt Romney's tax returns?

Legally...Mitt Romney is perfectly allowed to withold releasing his tax returns
Legally....voters can take that into consideration in November
Why conservatives are obsessed with Obama's college grades: 4 theories - The Week

1. Conservatives want to paint Obama as a dumb, affirmative-action fraud
In his $20,000 offer for Obama's transcripts, Bayne lays out his rationale: "We're not convinced that Barack is as smart as you media elitists keep insisting he is." The charge that the president got bad grades 30 years ago doesn't hold water, however: Biographer David Maraniss says Obama got a 3.7 GPA at Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law, something you can't do with bad grades.

2. Conservatives are obsessed with "vetting" Obama
The play to shame Obama into releasing his college grades "is nothing more than a pathetically desperate effort to find something, anything that they can use against him in the upcoming election," says Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway. It's part of the Right's effort to "vet" Obama, four years after the media made him "one of the most vetted presidential candidates in recent memory."

3. This is just birtherism warmed over
When you "get to the bottom of the conspiracy," says Sarah Jones at Politicus USA, it's clear that Wayne is a birther, and his "foreign exchange student" theory is part of the claim that Obama isn't really American. Indeed, this "irrelevant nonsense about college transcripts... has been a central part of birtherism from the beginning,"

4. The Right is desperate to distract from Romney's taxes
The reason conservatives are "freaking out in unison" about Obama's college grades "couldn't be more obvious," says Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs: They're trying anything they can to "divert attention away from Mitt Romney's refusal to release financial information

Mitt Romney has released all legally required information.

Why are libtards obsessed with Ann Romney's horse and Mitt Romney's tax returns?

Legally...Mitt Romney is perfectly allowed to withold releasing his tax returns
Legally....voters can take that into consideration in November

Keep this up, it's a winner for you...bwahahahaahahha

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