Why Christians aren't like Christ


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
In short, because of human nature; being "like Christ" would require a lifetime of discipline and self mastery. Many cling to "traditions" or "rituals"; as do people in general, whether "Christian" or something else.

Most Hindus aren't like Ghandi, and most Buddhists aren't like Buddha either.
In short, because of human nature; being "like Christ" would require a lifetime of discipline and self mastery. Many cling to "traditions" or "rituals"; as do people in general, whether "Christian" or something else.

Most Hindus aren't like Ghandi, and most Buddhists aren't like Buddha either.
You've outdone yourself with this tripe. Congratulations.
It would require something very few christians, or jews, or as far as I can tell, islamist have- to be self aware- as for hindu or buddhist since they are rarely even mentioned I'll go with their mastery of martial arts as the barometer- to master martial arts requires a depth and focus very few can achieve- either or will provide self awareness. If not there is no mastering-
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In short, because of human nature; being "like Christ" would require a lifetime of discipline and self mastery. Many cling to "traditions" or "rituals"; as do people in general, whether "Christian" or something else.

Most Hindus aren't like Ghandi, and most Buddhists aren't like Buddha either.
You've outdone yourself with this tripe. Congratulations.
What about it is tripe?

Jesus dedicated his whole life to his way of living, such a sacrifice would be more than most mortals are willing or able to make; he had many followers, but only 12 disciples.
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As an example, Christ recommended not speaking ill of others?

Does anyone know how hard it would be to master that as a life skill, to be able to note speak ill even in the face of a murderer, given that vices such as speaking ill of others are a part of mankind's instincts and would require a strong commitment to emotional reserve and self discipline.
Jefferson believed that to be Christ like was the epitome of living right- I suppose that's another thing non readers won't know- but, another rung on the ladder of ignorance is just another rung on a ladder-
In short, because of human nature; being "like Christ" would require a lifetime of discipline and self mastery. Many cling to "traditions" or "rituals"; as do people in general, whether "Christian" or something else.

Most Hindus aren't like Ghandi, and most Buddhists aren't like Buddha either.
You've outdone yourself with this tripe. Congratulations.
What about it is tripe?

Jesus dedicated his whole life to his way of living, such a sacrifice would be more than most mortals are willing or able to make; he had many followers, but only 12 disciples.
Jesus lived His life as an example for us according to His Father

What does having only 12 disciples but many followers
have to do with anything?

When you are truly living your life for God,
living a godly life comes naturally

Everyone is able, just not willing
As an example, Christ recommended not speaking ill of others?

Does anyone know how hard it would be to master that as a life skill, to be able to note speak ill even in the face of a murderer, given that vices such as speaking ill of others are a part of mankind's instincts and would require a strong commitment to emotional reserve and self discipline.
God is not man, when you are living your life for God
His ways become your ways

What do you think about the message boards?
Do you think our exchanges are acceptable in His eyes?

If yes, why?
If no, why not?
As an example, Christ recommended not speaking ill of others?

Does anyone know how hard it would be to master that as a life skill, to be able to note speak ill even in the face of a murderer, given that vices such as speaking ill of others are a part of mankind's instincts and would require a strong commitment to emotional reserve and self discipline.
Jesus called the Pharisees a brood of vipers and their temple a synagogue of Satan.
In short, because of human nature; being "like Christ" would require a lifetime of discipline and self mastery. Many cling to "traditions" or "rituals"; as do people in general, whether "Christian" or something else.

Most Hindus aren't like Ghandi, and most Buddhists aren't like Buddha either.
You've outdone yourself with this tripe. Congratulations.
What about it is tripe?

Jesus dedicated his whole life to his way of living, such a sacrifice would be more than most mortals are willing or able to make; he had many followers, but only 12 disciples.
Jesus lived His life as an example for us according to His Father

What does having only 12 disciples but many followers
have to do with anything?

When you are truly living your life for God,
living a godly life comes naturally

Everyone is able, just not willing
My belief is that the disciples dedicated their whole lives to following Jesus, including leaving their families and living a life of material renunciation, akin to monks or ascetics (as did others, such as John the Baptist) so to be a disciple of Christ required much greater self-sacrifice than to merely be a follower.

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