Why blacks don’t invest in education.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Because they know their investments will not pay off. They can invest into education but they know jobs will not be there for them when they graduate. Obama has promised those jobs to children of Illegal Aliens and business will still hire them because it is still a source of cheap labor and legalization will not change that. My grandson got into construction, join a union and had to go to Venezuela for a job in construction. Why waste time and money on an education that they know will not pay off? Every time they do a drug deal they get paid ASAP.
There is no such thing as equal opportunity for Blacks. Just when they thought it was getting better, along come the Dream Act and children of Illegal Aliens. Another slap down. Black don't need an excuse not to succeed. The facts is staring them in the face every day from all directions. White man is not the blame, society they live in is. If you have a black president that do not stand up for them, who else will?
oh ok....the reason why they do drugs, do crimes, have kids out of wedlock, fight in school, fight their teachers, etc....because they felt going to Harvard would be a waste of their time.:badgrin:

It is just impossible for even a 1/2 black person to get ahead in this country, eh?
Because they know their investments will not pay off. They can invest into education but they know jobs will not be there for them when they graduate. Obama has promised those jobs to children of Illegal Aliens and business will still hire them because it is still a source of cheap labor and legalization will not change that. My grandson got into construction, join a union and had to go to Venezuela for a job in construction. Why waste time and money on an education that they know will not pay off? Every time they do a drug deal they get paid ASAP.
There is no such thing as equal opportunity for Blacks. Just when they thought it was getting better, along come the Dream Act and children of Illegal Aliens. Another slap down. Black don't need an excuse not to succeed. The facts is staring them in the face every day from all directions. White man is not the blame, society they live in is. If you have a black president that do not stand up for them, who else will?

Blacks don't invest in education is an erroneous blanket statement that simply doesn't cover everyone. Some blacks don't invest in education, just like some blacks execute those black children who do well. It isn't becoming educated to them. It is becoming gentrified, it is acting white and that's what they object to. They are a people that is OWED. They are OWED everything for which they need do nothing but collect on the debt. Becoming educated is giving in, selling out, learning the white man's math, history, geography, science. Too many blacks reject education as a form of whiteness that is imposed on them.
Because they know their investments will not pay off. They can invest into education but they know jobs will not be there for them when they graduate. Obama has promised those jobs to children of Illegal Aliens and business will still hire them because it is still a source of cheap labor and legalization will not change that. My grandson got into construction, join a union and had to go to Venezuela for a job in construction. Why waste time and money on an education that they know will not pay off? Every time they do a drug deal they get paid ASAP.
There is no such thing as equal opportunity for Blacks. Just when they thought it was getting better, along come the Dream Act and children of Illegal Aliens. Another slap down. Black don't need an excuse not to succeed. The facts is staring them in the face every day from all directions. White man is not the blame, society they live in is. If you have a black president that do not stand up for them, who else will?

Obama is a politician, therefore just like voters, he invested his time in his self interests. Hispanics are the fastest growing ethnicity in America, so of course he is going to design programs that will be of assistance to them on a national scale.

As far as "investing in blacks" the black population must invest in itself first.

By recirculating and reinvesting black capital in black communities, the black population collectively could empower itself in all channels of society.

Tune into Warren Ballentine on Sirius Channel 128 Monday through Friday from 7 am to 10 am and listen to what he has to say.

"Until a community empowers itself economically, it will remain powerless"
Why should black kids waste their time and money on a useless education?

When they can be an NBA star or a famous Rapper making millions by the age of 18

It's just common sense........... :cool:
There are a lot of blacks that have bought into the USA is rigged against them thanks to liberals constantly telling them that, so they don't try hard in school in the "white man's system."

Also, acting stupid and low class is seen as cool many times in black dominated schools. Black kids that try to become smart are ridiculed for being "white." Skipping class, doing drugs, etc is cooler than taking Economics class. Even black athletes on college sports teams still talk like idiots from the hood based on their ghetto English that is "cool."

Many young blacks just follow the welfare model of their grandparents and parents since that it is the EASY lifestyle. Why study for class when you can run wild at night on the streets selling drugs for $500??? Hell, maybe even shoot someone for "fun."

Violent movies and violent/raunchy hip-hop/rap music just leads the minds of mush down the wrong path in life. Throw in access to drugs and guns in middle school through high school, then the black kid is doomed to end up in jail like his deadbeat dad.

Oh....all of this is the fault of lilly white people living on a Iowa farm according to liberal scum, not the fault of blacks themselves that think they will be a NBA star, rap star, etc by age 13 after dropping out of school.
The unfortunate verbiage of the OP aside, it is true that the kinds of jobs that illegal aliens tend to get are the same jobs that many blacks would otherwise get (and the same jobs that some poor whites would otherwise get).

This is a matter of basic demographic math. When you have a large (illegal) population that's willing to work for abnormally low wages, this is naturally going to hurt those whose jobs pay just above those wages, since some employers will hire the illegals to save money, which of course impacts the next higher wage group.
You must be covinced that something has value, before you will invest in it.
As for the argument illegals are going to steal jobs from blacks.....yep, and the Democraps are for it, even that 1/2 black hiding in the WHITE house.

Blacks need to ask themselves why their Democrap leaders are pushing for jose and his family of 8 to be Americans with access to education, jobs, healthcare, welfare, etc.

I didn't realize the US was rolling around in surplus money to give to 11 million illegals that will be Americans if Democraps get their wet dream. Democraps act like they aren't going to jump on welfare, obamacare, etc....uh, some of those millions will do it.

The remaining illegals will just take jobs from blacks and blue collar whites, that is all.

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