Zone1 Why Black Lives still Matter

Yes they do

Invading a home without a warrant or suspected crime is not a mistake

Covering it up and not investigating a shaky excuse while ignoring a victims complaint is inexcusable

Know what is inexcusable.......

Last 7 days in Area 3 (Southside) Chicago.....

Murder - 2
Sexual Assault - 14
Ag Battery - 27
Burglary - 29
Theft - 169
Mtr Vehicle Theft - 140
Know what is inexcusable.......

Last 7 days in Area 3 (Southside) Chicago.....

Murder - 2
Sexual Assault - 14
Ag Battery - 27
Burglary - 29
Theft - 169
Mtr Vehicle Theft - 140
Pay no attention to police abuse

There is crime in Chicago!
Unlike the Conservatives retort, Black Lives Matter is not about black lives mattering and white lives do not.

BLM has always been about police abuse without consequence, Police coverups, abuse of unarmed black suspects who are not resisting.

In Mississippi we have another case of police terrorizing black suspects and covering it up.

It also matters in that rightwing racism and hate are still prevalent; violent, lawless conservatives continue to harass and attack Americans of color – violence against blacks beyond racism among law enforcement.
Yup. And the BLM terrorist group orchestrated a nation-wide, months-long violent riot based on the lie that George Floyd’s death was another racist attack.
And as usual those on the racist right will blindly and in knee-jerk fashion come to the defense of law enforcement willfully ignorant of the facts when Americans of color are killed while in police custody.
Unlike the Conservatives retort, Black Lives Matter is not about black lives mattering and white lives do not.

BLM has always been about police abuse without consequence, Police coverups, abuse of unarmed black suspects who are not resisting.

In Mississippi we have another case of police terrorizing black suspects and covering it up.

Whee! another trigger bait piece from a paid poster. :spinner:
And as usual those on the racist right will blindly and in knee-jerk fashion come to the defense of law enforcement willfully ignorant of the facts when Americans of color are killed while in police custody.
Pointing out that the George Floyd death was not related to race - and that the entire BLM summer of riots was based on a lie - is not racist. You haters are so confused that unless someone falsely blames something unrelated to race on race, they’re a racist.

And how come we only hear about it when a belligerent, defiant, drug addict violent criminal is killed when he’s black. Barely a mention when the victim is white.

ALL lives matter. Blacks are not more important.
Black Lives Matter is a fraudulent organization that doesn't give a dead rat's ass about Black people. They have caused billions in damage, extorted billions more from Woke corporations and individuals and have produced ZERO benefit for Black people. Except the handful of BLM officers who stole the donated money and ran for the hills. YOU BEEN SCAMMED!
Pointing out that the George Floyd death was not related to race - and that the entire BLM summer of riots was based on a lie - is not racist. You haters are so confused that unless someone falsely blames something unrelated to race on race, they’re a racist.

And how come we only hear about it when a belligerent, defiant, drug addict violent criminal is killed when he’s black. Barely a mention when the victim is white.

ALL lives matter. Blacks are not more important.
Another clueless retort about “All lives matter”

George Floyd was murdered by cops who did not care about his well being
In actuality, it is Black Lives Matter that is all about black criminality without consequences.

The main criminality in this country is by the wealthy elite, who deprive people of basic rights, equal education, safe and legal jobs, etc.
Things like Prohibition and the War on Drugs are what is the worst crimes.
Another clueless retort about “All lives matter”

George Floyd was murdered by cops who did not care about his well being
Regardless, has nothing to do with race. The Burn, Loot, and Murder savages went on their rampage over a LIE.

And guess what? George Floyd’s life was not as valuable as others who are decent, law-abiding people who meet their family obligations and don’t stick a gun in pregnant woman’s belly.
Out of 50 million police encpunters.

How come I never hear you cry over the police ambushes set up by blacks, and a cop is killed?

It is way too risky to try to ambush police, so when someone claims that, I don't believe them.
If someone is going to take that much risk, it would be easier to do a jewelry store, where you get a pay off.
Regardless, has nothing to do with race. The Burn, Loot, and Murder savages went on their rampage over a LIE.

And guess what? George Floyd’s life was not as valuable as others who are decent, law-abiding people who meet their family obligations and don’t stick a gun in pregnant woman’s belly.

It was not a lie.
George Floyd was murdered for no reason.
George Floyd did have 1 criminal event on his record, but is was 40 years before, and no longer mattered.
Regardless, has nothing to do with race. The Burn, Loot, and Murder savages went on their rampage over a LIE.

And guess what? George Floyd’s life was not as valuable as others who are decent, law-abiding people who meet their family obligations and don’t stick a gun in pregnant woman’s belly.
Yes it was
He put his life in the hands of our police and they took it

Why there were so many protests
Regardless, has nothing to do with race. The Burn, Loot, and Murder savages went on their rampage over a LIE.

And guess what? George Floyd’s life was not as valuable as others who are decent, law-abiding people who meet their family obligations and don’t stick a gun in pregnant woman’s belly.

There was no LIE
George Floyd put his life in the hands of police and they took it. He was not struggling, was not a threat and they ignored his pleas to live.

What was a LIE was Trumps stolen election LIES that cost people their lives
BLM was started by a couple of Marxists. The plan was to cause massive chaos throughout the U.S. as part of the destruction of our system.

A system that corrupt should be destroyed.
Police are extremely abusive.
They point guns at unarmed innocent people all the time.
And that is illegal.
It is way too risky to try to ambush police, so when someone claims that, I don't believe them.
If someone is going to take that much risk, it would be easier to do a jewelry store, where you get a pay off.
There have been quite a few cases over the last few years of thugs ambushing police.

If a thug is intent on robbing a jewelry store, he’s going to rob a jewelry store. If a thug is intent on ambushing cops, he’s not going to rob a jewelry store.

A guy who ambushes cops has obviously considered it worth the risk.

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