Why Bernie Sanders is a Dead End


VIP Member
Jan 30, 2014
Progressives, remember this article when Bernie Sanders ends up betraying you to party interests. His "progressive" face is a facade.
ā€˜Tis the season once again. You should know it well by now: a ā€œprogressiveā€ Democrat running in the primaries for president of the United States. Weā€™ve seen it all before, from Jesse Jackson to Dennis Kucinich, left-leaning voters have time-and-again been asked to support candidates that are working to transform the corrupt and war-hungry Democratic Party from within. And each and every time this strategy has failed ā€” not only to elect a progressive Democrat into the White House, but to alter the party that offer themselves up as a lighter shade of neo-con.

This time around that ā€œprogressiveā€ Democrat is self-proclaimed ā€œsocialistā€ Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Even though itā€™s early in the primary push, Bernie is hitting the trail, spreading a message of hope for working class people that heā€™s there to fight for their cause. He wants to create new jobs, challenge Wall Street crooks and take on the corporate control of our political quagmire. These are fine positions to take, but what Bernie isnā€™t about to tell you is that in order to radically alter the system in favor of workers, the Democrats must be abandoned altogether ā€” for itā€™s their neoliberal policies, from Bill Clinton on down, that exacerbated the sell-out of the American workforce.

Sure, Bernie will talk tough when it comes to these failed policies. Heā€™ll criticize fast tracked free-trade agreements and corporate plutocracy, but his hardy embrace of the Democrats continues to undermine his own criticisms. Itā€™s as if Bernie got a job at a coal mining outfit in hopes of stopping the melting of ice caps in the Arctic. His bid for the White House is simply a dead end and a waste of scarce resources. Progressives would be better off working to reinvigorate the antiwar movement and Occupy than spending time and money on Bernieā€™s hollow campaign.

Even so, while Bernie may come across as sincere about class politics, make no mistake, heā€™s is a militarist that isnā€™t about to challenge U.S. supremacy. He supported the ugly war on Kosovo, the invasion of Afghanistan, funding for the endless Iraq disaster as well as the losing and misguided War on Terror. He voted in favor of Clintonā€™s 1996 Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act, which expanded the federal death penalty and acted as the precursor to the PATRIOT Act.

As for Israel, Bernie has been a hawkish advocate that would never halt the $3 billion the U.S. government sends to the country every year. Last summer he backed Israelā€™s murderous bombing of Gaza. Heā€™s even had some nasty words about Palestineā€™s right to resist. It shouldnā€™t come as a surprise then that several former members of Bernieā€™s staff have also been employed by AIPAC, including Israel apologists David Sirota and Joel Barkin. His is a disgusting record. Want to change in the U.S.ā€™s meddling in the Middle East? Bernie isnā€™t your guy.

If the Senatorā€™s support for ongoing war and the occupation of Palestine donā€™t make you squeamish, then you may as well stop reading. I doubt youā€™ll grasp the importance of challenging empire by refusing to cast a vote for a party that pumps fuel into the war machineā€™s tank. Such an effort requires a willingness to step out on the Democrats, especially at the national level, where they have waged war on workers at home and employed a blood-thirsty foreign policy abroad.

The Bernie Sanders campaign, while a slight breath of fresh air in the national debate on class issues, is a complete loser in terms of impact. Thereā€™s no sign heā€™ll break from the Democrats and challenge both parties down the road. Bernie doesnā€™t oppose U.S. power, nor does his campaign do a single thing to build independent politics in the country, perhaps the last chance to salvage any democracy we may have left. In the end, Bernie Sanders will play the lesser-evil card and plea for us all to hold our noses and vote for Hillary Clinton, who guarantees a future of more war and economic inequality.

Thatā€™s why Bernieā€™s is not a bandwagon Iā€™ll be jumping on anytime soon.

Why Bernie Sanders is a Dead End
Summed up perfectly....


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