*Why Believe FBI, CIA, NSA About Russia?*

Are the secret services about to start a civil war?

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Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

  1. Only a complete idiot, will believe them, Trump certainly does not!
  2. The intelligence agencies are *ALL* conspiring to over turn President Trump at their own peril.
  3. They are conspiring to start a civil war, just wait and see where this goes if they continue.
  4. The lame stream media is doing there best to point America to CIVIL WAR.
  5. They will be the first head polled.
  6. Unless the swamp is drained the swamps blood will flow.
  7. Its really that simple.
Sorry bout that,

  1. I don't make the News I just report it.
  2. Go ahead and vote Mr.Clean, make your vote count.

Sorry bout that,

  1. Only a complete idiot, will believe them, Trump certainly does not!
  2. The intelligence agencies are *ALL* conspiring to over turn President Trump at their own peril.
  3. They are conspiring to start a civil war, just wait and see where this goes if they continue.
  4. The lame stream media is doing there best to point America to CIVIL WAR.
  5. They will be the first head polled.
  6. Unless the swamp is drained the swamps blood will flow.
  7. Its really that simple.
This isn't the problem.

You don't trash America when you are on foreign soil.

How many times did you attack Obama when he was trashing America and doing his apology tour?

I know I criticized him on it daily. Well, I intend to criticize Trump for it too.

Either you are intellectually consistent, or you're a progressive liberal.

Pick one.
Sorry bout that,

  1. So darkwind you feel President Trump has trashed America?
  2. Hold on explain that BS.
  3. Like I told the other clown, I don't make the news I just report it.
  4. When I say the secret service will be behind any civil war you had better know its true.

Sorry bout that,

  1. So darkwind you feel President Trump has trashed America?
  2. Hold on explain that BS.
  3. Like I told the other clown, I don't make the news I just report it.
  4. When I say the secret service will be behind any civil war you had better know its true.

The US intelligence agency is a US ENTITY. Yes?

Maybe I should stop there to be sure you can follow this simple logic.

A President can disagree with his or her intelligence apparatus all they want as long as they keep it in the family.

To the world....He or She is required to provide a UNITED front to the world, regardless of the squabbles back at home.

Sorry bout that,

  1. Well normally thats true, but I'm sure you are aware that the intelligence agencies are all angling after Trump, unless your just to stupid to see it, or a liberal, in that case you are the problem, after he was elected, they of course are the swamp and do this to Trump for self preservation.
  2. If Trump says he believes the FBI CIA etc, then he is saying he believes that the stories being told about him and Russia are true, collusion is real and he was part in it.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Only a complete idiot, will believe them, Trump certainly does not!
  2. The intelligence agencies are *ALL* conspiring to over turn President Trump at their own peril.
  3. They are conspiring to start a civil war, just wait and see where this goes if they continue.
  4. The lame stream media is doing there best to point America to CIVIL WAR.
  5. They will be the first head polled.
  6. Unless the swamp is drained the swamps blood will flow.
  7. Its really that simple.

Two things.

The MSM is neck and neck in a race between reaping meteoric ratings and inciting civil war. As a unified front, their motives seem variable within the parameters of suicidal, either way. What we could be missing is the second stage of a soft putsch from within by the alphabet agencies whose motivation is to avoid doing time at hard labor. On the hand, we're witnessing the vanguard of a cultural revolution similar to Mao's in 60's China--being perpetrated by the radical Left, supported by yet separate from, the alphabet agencies. Third entity, as an addon worth mentioning, is the US armed forces ready and waiting in the wings to prevent and/or react to whichever coup attempt or Revolution sets off first. We the people stand in the rest of no man's land it seems.
FBI and CIA ... until the swamp is drained.... I don't trust

It's getting better I must admit! :2up: (thank you Mr President)

All leftovers there.... from previous Administrations have to go.

With NSA..... I am OK :thup: :D
Sorry bout that,

  1. I don't make the News I just report it.
  2. Go ahead and vote Mr.Clean, make your vote count.


You do not make sense either.

So is there anyone in Washington not trying to overthrow the president?

Pompeo says there is no "deep state" and chuckled at the notion of it.
The blob and you dumbasses swear there is.

Is Trump's Secretary of State working to overthrow him?
Sorry bout that,

  1. Deep State whether is or is not will not be the cause of civil war, but they will try to step in and control whats left afterwards.
  2. The Deep State is run by the left, who wants total control again, there won't be much left after the civil war, they will be squashed like the bugs they are.
  3. Civil War will be ugly, and when its over the good guys will prevail.

Sorry bout that,

  1. Trump needs to replace over half those in DC with unknowns.
  2. There is no way to tell a good guy from a bad guy in DC.
  3. Must choose unknowns to politics.
Sorry bout that

  1. If this happens like I say it will take place, then perhaps half a million will perish due to the the secret services.
  2. Its important that to go into this knowing why, and whats happening.
  3. President Trump should be hiring Ex Generals for key places, stop pulling people from the known swamp.
  4. And replacing other key places with other active military, this should be done ASAP.

Sorry bout that,

  1. So darkwind you feel President Trump has trashed America?
  2. Hold on explain that BS.
  3. Like I told the other clown, I don't make the news I just report it.
  4. When I say the secret service will be behind any civil war you had better know its true.


uh secret service will be behind it? Uh try the CIA.:cuckoo:
FBI and CIA ... until the swamp is drained.... I don't trust

It's getting better I must admit! :2up: (thank you Mr President)

All leftovers there.... from previous Administrations have to go.

With NSA..... I am OK :thup: :D
you have done no research on the NSA then obviously,they are every bit as much an evil organization as the CIA,FBI,FED and IRS is.lol

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