Why Bachman was Right About the Gay Myth


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Bachman told a gay supporter the other day that the factoid that 10% of the total population is gay is a myth, and people have been slamming her for being wrong on the topic. The media seems to simply presume the myth Bachman referred to is correct without discussion and referenced Kinsey's research to support their presumption.

The fact is that Kinsey's research support Bachman's claim. According to Kinsey, about 11% of males engage in K3+ sexual behavior which is basically bisexuals and those tending more toward exclusive homosexuality. What places one in this category is if one has engaged in that type of behavior for 3 or more years of their adult lives. So one could be exclusivley heterosexual in behavior from the age of 16 to 25, experiment with bisexuality from the age of 26 to 28, then go back to being exclusively heterosexual the rest of your life and you are still classified by Kinsy as bisexual or K3. Kinsey's research also showed that people driftin in and out of a sexual behavior category and into others for their entire lives.

Since gay advocates claim that 10% of the population is gay and people are born exclusively gay for their whole life, basically Kinsey's research refutes that completely.

So Bachman is once again correct, her critics imbeciles and all that is 'situation normal'.

As to Kinsey's research, it has been proven that he used a data sample that included about 25% felons, which should surprise no one that for at least three years 11% of those in his survey engaged in homosexual behavior. That is simply a thing that happens in prison. His defenders admitted to the data sampling error, but claimed later to have removed the felon derived data and still ended up with the same results. For that to be true, then one would have to accept that the prison population is no more likely to engage in homosexual behavior than the general population which is preposterous.

Also, Kinsey used volunteer data, which by its very nature opens one up to self selection bias.

So it is extremely likely that Kinsey's numbers are exagerated by several factors.

I wont even go into moral questions regarding his surveying people he knew to be active pedophiles but not reporting them to the police, and his own bias in his research as he was bisexual himself.
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My question. Why should it matter if it is 3% or 10% or 25%?

the economy sucks just as much for gay folks right now as it does for straight folks. Maybe they'll be happy that they can't get thrown out of the military thanks to Obama right now, (although most of the people thrown out under DADT outed themselves when they found out their recruiters lied about the color TV's) .

Our real problem is that the economy sucks and the middle class is disappearing and China is creeping up in our rear view mirror (objects are closer than they appear).

I want to hear what these guys are going to do about that. Most of it seems to be kow-towing to our new Overlords.


This is the sort of thing we should be upset about.
What's the point? Is there a minimum percentage you have to get to if you're in a minority before you get equal rights in this country?

Didnt you read the OP?

The point is that Bachman made a factual statement and ignoramuses on the left threw out a bunch of bullshit that the media let them run way with.
What's the point? Is there a minimum percentage you have to get to if you're in a minority before you get equal rights in this country?

Didnt you read the OP?

The point is that Bachman made a factual statement and ignoramuses on the left threw out a bunch of bullshit that the media let them run way with.

So your point is that no one knows exactly how many humans are gay?

Wow. Eureka.
My question. Why should it matter if it is 3% or 10% or 25%?

the economy sucks just as much for gay folks right now as it does for straight folks. Maybe they'll be happy that they can't get thrown out of the military thanks to Obama right now, (although most of the people thrown out under DADT outed themselves when they found out their recruiters lied about the color TV's) .

Our real problem is that the economy sucks and the middle class is disappearing and China is creeping up in our rear view mirror (objects are closer than they appear).

I want to hear what these guys are going to do about that. Most of it seems to be kow-towing to our new Overlords.


This is the sort of thing we should be upset about.


I have no problem with a young man bowing to an elderly statesman. I do have a problem with the president swapping spit with an Arab prince.
My question. Why should it matter if it is 3% or 10% or 25%?

the economy sucks just as much for gay folks right now as it does for straight folks. Maybe they'll be happy that they can't get thrown out of the military thanks to Obama right now, (although most of the people thrown out under DADT outed themselves when they found out their recruiters lied about the color TV's) .

Our real problem is that the economy sucks and the middle class is disappearing and China is creeping up in our rear view mirror (objects are closer than they appear).

I want to hear what these guys are going to do about that. Most of it seems to be kow-towing to our new Overlords.


This is the sort of thing we should be upset about.


I have no problem with a young man bowing to an elderly statesman. I do have a problem with the president swapping spit with an Arab prince.

Why Bachman was Right :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
My question. Why should it matter if it is 3% or 10% or 25%?

the economy sucks just as much for gay folks right now as it does for straight folks. Maybe they'll be happy that they can't get thrown out of the military thanks to Obama right now, (although most of the people thrown out under DADT outed themselves when they found out their recruiters lied about the color TV's) .

Our real problem is that the economy sucks and the middle class is disappearing and China is creeping up in our rear view mirror (objects are closer than they appear).

I want to hear what these guys are going to do about that. Most of it seems to be kow-towing to our new Overlords.


This is the sort of thing we should be upset about.

You know that's the Emperor of Japan, not someone from "China", right?
My question. Why should it matter if it is 3% or 10% or 25%?

the economy sucks just as much for gay folks right now as it does for straight folks. Maybe they'll be happy that they can't get thrown out of the military thanks to Obama right now, (although most of the people thrown out under DADT outed themselves when they found out their recruiters lied about the color TV's) .

Our real problem is that the economy sucks and the middle class is disappearing and China is creeping up in our rear view mirror (objects are closer than they appear).

I want to hear what these guys are going to do about that. Most of it seems to be kow-towing to our new Overlords.


This is the sort of thing we should be upset about.

Not to mention that because there is some claim that 11% of males are gay doesn't mean that 10% of the population is gay.

Does Bachman think all people are male? :lol:
My question. Why should it matter if it is 3% or 10% or 25%?

the economy sucks just as much for gay folks right now as it does for straight folks. Maybe they'll be happy that they can't get thrown out of the military thanks to Obama right now, (although most of the people thrown out under DADT outed themselves when they found out their recruiters lied about the color TV's) .

Our real problem is that the economy sucks and the middle class is disappearing and China is creeping up in our rear view mirror (objects are closer than they appear).

I want to hear what these guys are going to do about that. Most of it seems to be kow-towing to our new Overlords.


This is the sort of thing we should be upset about.

You know that's the Emperor of Japan, not someone from "China", right?

I was wondering if anyone else was going to catch that! :lol:
My question. Why should it matter if it is 3% or 10% or 25%?

the economy sucks just as much for gay folks right now as it does for straight folks. Maybe they'll be happy that they can't get thrown out of the military thanks to Obama right now, (although most of the people thrown out under DADT outed themselves when they found out their recruiters lied about the color TV's) .

Our real problem is that the economy sucks and the middle class is disappearing and China is creeping up in our rear view mirror (objects are closer than they appear).

I want to hear what these guys are going to do about that. Most of it seems to be kow-towing to our new Overlords.


This is the sort of thing we should be upset about.

I'll bet you think those people are Chinese.
To the white wing, all Asians look the same. They don't have a lot of experience with "ethnics".
My question. Why should it matter if it is 3% or 10% or 25%?

It doesn’t.

But for social conservatives this is all they’ve got.

Otherwise the number of homosexuals is irrelevant, they’re still entitled to 14th Amendment protections regardless their number or how one becomes gay.

The point is that Bachman made a factual statement…

There’s always a first time.

And that’s not really the point, however. The point is Bachmann will claim that because one ‘decides’ to be gay, homosexuals are not entitled to due process and equal protection rights.
And that’s not really the point, however.

I posted the OP so I think I decided what the point to the post was, Sherlock.

The point is Bachmann will claim that because one ‘decides’ to be gay, homosexuals are not entitled to due process and equal protection rights.

Except she does not say that.

Everyone is entitled to those rights simply because they are human beings. One doesnt have to be a minority of some sort to qualify for them, and as a good conservative, Bachman knows this.

But that is what I love about the left; absent facts they'll just make up whatever the hell they want to anyway, lolololol.

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