Why aren't you wearing an N95 Mask?

N95 masks cause hypoxia, headaches, lower your immunity, and unless you are in very close direct proximity to people with Covid19 are STUPID.

A lot of people who ride ATV/UTVs use them for hours at a time with no issues.
Is there a mask that does not force you to re-breath the same air? I find that very uncomfortable.

If you are healthy and do not have any lung/breathing conditions then an N95 mask shouldn't be a problem. The down side of those masks is that they require a little bit of effort to breathe in fresh air that filters in. If you have diminished capacity that could be difficult. So, it's a little bit of a catch 22 since N95 masks are good at filtering out particles, they do require a bit of effort to use that many take for granted. Don't wear one for 8 hours straight either, take a break.

With that said, most people should be wearing a mask to prevent what is coming out of their own mouths and for that an N95 is mostly overkill. You just need a barrier to help block droplets from becoming airborne. Instead of spewing out 12-20 ft. streams of disease you reduce it to within 6 ft or less. Or at least that is the general idea. Masks do not take the place of social distancing, they work hand in hand. Just like seat belts and air bags in a car.

surgical or cloth masks are probably the best option for a majority of people.
Drug store masks or bandannas are fine for preventing you from spreading virus to others but provide very little protection for the wearer. This is fine in an environment where people are very socially conscious. However as the country opens up and people toss their mask in favor of their local watering hole or days at the beach, N95s will become the only way you can protect yourself if you find yourself in crowd.

I have an N95 mask and I have not noticed any difficulty in breathing. My problem is masks not exhausting stale air.

You sound like you should be on a ledge somewhere, or hiding under your bed. :rofl:

Is it not plausible that if we needed masks day in and day out, our bodies would have developed filters in our breathing apparatus to handle microbes while letting in oxygen? Haven’t we developed immune systems instead? Derp....

Our bodies already have been incorporating virus genes into our genomes for millions of years (at least 45-60 million years ago in our ancestors). Not only have we, it’s to our benefit.

Please do wear a mask, it helps to identify you as a fool.

I hope someone you care about comes down with COV-19. Karma is a bitch!
N95 masks cause hypoxia, headaches, lower your immunity, and unless you are in very close direct proximity to people with Covid19 are STUPID.

A lot of people who ride ATV/UTVs use them for hours at a time with no issues.
Is there a mask that does not force you to re-breath the same air? I find that very uncomfortable.

If you are healthy and do not have any lung/breathing conditions then an N95 mask shouldn't be a problem. The down side of those masks is that they require a little bit of effort to breathe in fresh air that filters in. If you have diminished capacity that could be difficult. So, it's a little bit of a catch 22 since N95 masks are good at filtering out particles, they do require a bit of effort to use that many take for granted. Don't wear one for 8 hours straight either, take a break.

With that said, most people should be wearing a mask to prevent what is coming out of their own mouths and for that an N95 is mostly overkill. You just need a barrier to help block droplets from becoming airborne. Instead of spewing out 12-20 ft. streams of disease you reduce it to within 6 ft or less. Or at least that is the general idea. Masks do not take the place of social distancing, they work hand in hand. Just like seat belts and air bags in a car.

surgical or cloth masks are probably the best option for a majority of people.
Drug store masks or bandannas are fine for preventing you from spreading virus to others but provide very little protection for the wearer. This is fine in an environment where people are very socially conscious. However as the country opens up and people toss their mask in favor of their local watering hole or days at the beach, N95s will become the only way you can protect yourself if you find yourself in crowd.

I have an N95 mask and I have not noticed any difficulty in breathing. My problem is masks not exhausting stale air.

You sound like you should be on a ledge somewhere, or hiding under your bed. :rofl:

Is it not plausible that if we needed masks day in and day out, our bodies would have developed filters in our breathing apparatus to handle microbes while letting in oxygen? Haven’t we developed immune systems instead? Derp....

Our bodies already have been incorporating virus genes into our genomes for millions of years (at least 45-60 million years ago in our ancestors). Not only have we, it’s to our benefit.

Please do wear a mask, it helps to identify you as a fool.

I hope someone you care about comes down with COV-19. Karma is a bitch!

Good for you. Enjoy your mask.

N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why aren’t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month it’s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, there’s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?

I use the "Achoo Mask" I purchased during fires a year or so ago. Works just as well. The initial cost was $59.00. The filters are replaceable and cost maybe $20.00.
In the words of Trump

What do you have to lose?

A mask WILL protect others from you if you have the virus. It MAY protect you from others that have it.

What's the problem?
N95 masks cause hypoxia, headaches, lower your immunity, and unless you are in very close direct proximity to people with Covid19 are STUPID.

A lot of people who ride ATV/UTVs use them for hours at a time with no issues.
Is there a mask that does not force you to re-breath the same air? I find that very uncomfortable.

If you are healthy and do not have any lung/breathing conditions then an N95 mask shouldn't be a problem. The down side of those masks is that they require a little bit of effort to breathe in fresh air that filters in. If you have diminished capacity that could be difficult. So, it's a little bit of a catch 22 since N95 masks are good at filtering out particles, they do require a bit of effort to use that many take for granted. Don't wear one for 8 hours straight either, take a break.

With that said, most people should be wearing a mask to prevent what is coming out of their own mouths and for that an N95 is mostly overkill. You just need a barrier to help block droplets from becoming airborne. Instead of spewing out 12-20 ft. streams of disease you reduce it to within 6 ft or less. Or at least that is the general idea. Masks do not take the place of social distancing, they work hand in hand. Just like seat belts and air bags in a car.

surgical or cloth masks are probably the best option for a majority of people.
Drug store masks or bandannas are fine for preventing you from spreading virus to others but provide very little protection for the wearer. This is fine in an environment where people are very socially conscious. However as the country opens up and people toss their mask in favor of their local watering hole or days at the beach, N95s will become the only way you can protect yourself if you find yourself in crowd.

I have an N95 mask and I have not noticed any difficulty in breathing. My problem is masks not exhausting stale air.

No it doesn't stop you from breathing in Bacteria or viruses.

Viruses are so small they go right through the "barrier" of the mask because they are extremely small. It is why I NEVER wear them, I have known this fact for decades.

Here is a link with a number of published papers showing that masks don't work at stopping Viruses from going through the masks.

Principia Scientific International

Why Masks Don’t Work Against COVID-19

Written by Denis G. Rancourt, PhD
Published on May 25, 2020


Masks and respirators do not work. There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which all show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles.

Furthermore, the relevant known physics and biology, which I review, are such that masks and
respirators should not work. It would be a paradox if masks and respirators worked, given what
we know about viral respiratory diseases: The main transmission path is long-residence-time
aerosol particles (< 2.5 μm), which are too fine to be blocked, and the minimum-infective-dose
is smaller than one aerosol particle.

The present paper about masks illustrates the degree to which governments, the mainstream
media, and institutional propagandists can decide to operate in a science vacuum, or select only
incomplete science that serves their interests. Such recklessness is also certainly the case with
the current global lockdown of over 1 billion people, an unprecedented experiment in medical
and political history.

Review of the Medical Literature
Here are key anchor points to the extensive scientific literature that establishes that wearing
surgical masks and respirators (e.g., “N95”) does not reduce the risk of contracting a verified


red bolding mine

Government, media and politically charged medical experts LIED to you and the public about the masks.
Wearing of masks is mostly a matter of being socially conscience. Some people have it and some people don't. If it doesn't protect them they won't wear it, unless they have to because they don't really care if others get sick and die. The longer restriction are on, the less people will be concerned about others and more they will be concerned about themselves. This happens in all major epidemics. It begins with a "We are all in this together" and ends with "Every man for himself".
Fauci never said such thing in February. That was late January. You got that from here see link.
Austin American-Statesman

Published February 17th.

Trump took action the next day ??? Read my previous post. The dumb actions he took. I already answer that...

Deblasio that’s another BULLSHIT from Trump. Mayor was trying to save his city. You would think people like you and Trump should be happy because he refused to close his city. So I don’t see anything wrong with deblasio..

Of course you don't. Being that they were basically on the same side of this, you only blame Trump and not Deblasio, failing to admit that nobody had any idea at the time. This is one of the many unfortunate results of TDS.

Pelosi. If you look at the 2 Trump and Pelosi. Who looks like a fat pig? Trump.
Who act like a pig? Trump.

So why bring disparaging physical criticism into this? I never once mentioned it.

Pelosi went to China February 24, 2020 Monday. NOT early March. You lied. Pelosi never said go to China. You lied again.
So Pelosi went to China Town visiting her constituents, ate cookie and dim sum. Why is that a problem? Did she violate any law or restrictions if and when a senator or any government officials visiting her/his constituents is against the law? .

My Lord, the ignorance of that statement. You actually think that Chinatown is located in China?? We are doomed.

If Ted Cruz visit his constituents and have a beer. Why is that a problem?
If Rubio visit his constituents and eat burritos. Why is that a problem?

February 28 in his rally he called this a hoax. Played golf Match 7 & 8.

Been debunked many times over. What Trump said is that the commies using the virus (before nobody knew it was a threat) for political gain was a hoax.

*** SHOW ME A LINK WHERE..... COMMIES first two weeks of March trying to pass a bill to stop Trump's ability to singlehandedly issue travel bans.

You should know me better by now. I don't say things off the cuff. Reported on March 10th of this year.

We do not have commies here Ray. PROVE to us here why you are using commies.

All you have to do is visit the US Communist Party website. Then try to tell me any major differences between the Communists and the Democrats. I await your response.

Trump handling the Pandemic is the most chaotic and miserable unexcusable nonsense we’ve ever seen. He even said it will just miraculously go away. His reactions and How he handled this February for 2 months did not do anything is what he is being measured at then continue to give false informations.

Trump got all his information from his medical staff, mostly Dr. Fauci. All he did was reiterate what his staff told him; again, proving once again that nobody knew the seriousness of this threat.

We don’t need to convince you Ray. Look at the results. We are not blaming for the infections of 7.5 billions. We are blaming Trump how he downplayed the seriousness of the crisis here in US. Even today. We don’t think he is even serious. Today he just said if the deaths is 100,000 he save millions he did a good job. Only fucking stupid to say something like that.
I DO NOT lie Ray. I caught you several times lying.

You always claim that but never supply evidence. The deaths that took place were in contrast to the predictions of over 2 million deaths. And keep in mind how most states categorize Covid deaths. Now if they were properly categorized, it would probably be half of what is being reported.

Your rebuttal are not even half true but mostly incorrect

I did not mentioned DeBlasio. You did. Trump is responsible for not shutting down the European travel till it’s too late. That’s a fact and reality

You mentioned Piglosi. So I just gave you an example who is a pig.

You criticize Pelosi visited her constituents an attack that came from Trump. Which just pure dumb attack. You twisted your rebuttal. Pelosi visited China town her constituents? Why is that a problem?

I never said Chinatown is located in China... YOU did.

Been debunked many times? Wrong. By your opinion. LOL. You may want to look at several threads and being used his words against him. Trump said this democrats new hoax. Look at the results. Hoax? Almost 100,000 American deaths.

Commies? I already read that a long time ago. So far you are the only member here that keeps blabbering this same garbage. Trump keeps blabbering nonsense conspiracies lies all over. This country deserves better than this lousy, inept, incompetent president.

Yes Ray I know you for a long time. And I know you lie. Your comments about commies alone is so way off. You lied. Look at my previous post where I said you lied several times.

Numbers of deaths? That is correct predictions from 2 millions. So what is the problem? You made it sounds that hospitals or others will just willy nilly all deaths are Covid. That came from ignorant people at Fox News. NO it doesn’t work that way. Yes Ray.... I can tell you that they are properly categorized. Your X-ray alone wil tells you if you are a Covid+. X rays of Covid patients from day one to next day is very different at first all white like a wings eventually will turn yellow but looks black in X-ray. Your cardiac enzymes of you have a heart attack. Not all heart attack deaths are Covid patients. If a lupus or any patient goes to hospitals first they check is the saturation level oxygen of your body with pulse oximeter from there they can tell your lungs is in trouble X-ray and blood works (lab works: comprehensive metabolic panel) is order ASAP...... I agree with the number of deaths.

What information do you want me to supply?
Trump is treating us as if we're still under the articles of confederation, that states should compete with each other for resources

that's why he's an idiot, that's why we're fucked
For the first time I agree with you Basq.
Trump is an idiot. That is why we are so screwed up.

JOIN us to save this country from total devastation and meltdown. We deserves better.
Trump is treating us as if we're still under the articles of confederation, that states should compete with each other for resources

that's why he's an idiot, that's why we're fucked
For the first time I agree with you Basq.
Trump is an idiot. That is why we are so screwed up.

JOIN us to save this country from total devastation and meltdown. We deserves better.
i'm here for you, i'm here for Democrats, i'm here for love, i'm here for life

no one is safe, until we are ALL safe!
In the words of Trump

What do you have to lose?

A mask WILL protect others from you if you have the virus. It MAY protect you from others that have it.

What's the problem?
You would think that this MORON should set an example to protect Americans from getting infected. He doesn’t wear one because he doesn’t look good.
Biden and his wife wear one. Brit Hume from Fox News criticize Biden because he doesn’t look good with a mask. Trump retweeted and at the same time criticized Biden and his wife....... for wearing mask.

Just imagine what the fucking mentality of this ignorant president. It’s just incredibly dumb. And yet people support him.
Let’s face it, my friends: It’s easy to whine about not getting your hair cut when you haven’t lost a child to corona. It’s easy to insist on getting back to your favorite bar when you haven’t watched your father die alone in a hospital bed on a cellphone held up by a nurse.

And since 100K deaths represents only 3 10-thousandths of the USA, odds are overwhelming that most people won’t have experienced a COVID loss of their own.

But caring about your fellow citizens means empathizing even when you haven’t walked in their shoes. Otherwise, no rich would ever help the poor. No majority would help a minority. No healthy would ever help the sick.

we need compassion, not indifference, folks!
In the words of Trump

What do you have to lose?

A mask WILL protect others from you if you have the virus. It MAY protect you from others that have it.

What's the problem?
I haven't seen a coherent response to this
Fauci never said such thing in February. That was late January. You got that from here see link.
Austin American-Statesman

Published February 17th.

Trump took action the next day ??? Read my previous post. The dumb actions he took. I already answer that...

Deblasio that’s another BULLSHIT from Trump. Mayor was trying to save his city. You would think people like you and Trump should be happy because he refused to close his city. So I don’t see anything wrong with deblasio..

Of course you don't. Being that they were basically on the same side of this, you only blame Trump and not Deblasio, failing to admit that nobody had any idea at the time. This is one of the many unfortunate results of TDS.

Pelosi. If you look at the 2 Trump and Pelosi. Who looks like a fat pig? Trump.
Who act like a pig? Trump.

So why bring disparaging physical criticism into this? I never once mentioned it.

Pelosi went to China February 24, 2020 Monday. NOT early March. You lied. Pelosi never said go to China. You lied again.
So Pelosi went to China Town visiting her constituents, ate cookie and dim sum. Why is that a problem? Did she violate any law or restrictions if and when a senator or any government officials visiting her/his constituents is against the law? .

My Lord, the ignorance of that statement. You actually think that Chinatown is located in China?? We are doomed.

If Ted Cruz visit his constituents and have a beer. Why is that a problem?
If Rubio visit his constituents and eat burritos. Why is that a problem?

February 28 in his rally he called this a hoax. Played golf Match 7 & 8.

Been debunked many times over. What Trump said is that the commies using the virus (before nobody knew it was a threat) for political gain was a hoax.

*** SHOW ME A LINK WHERE..... COMMIES first two weeks of March trying to pass a bill to stop Trump's ability to singlehandedly issue travel bans.

You should know me better by now. I don't say things off the cuff. Reported on March 10th of this year.

We do not have commies here Ray. PROVE to us here why you are using commies.

All you have to do is visit the US Communist Party website. Then try to tell me any major differences between the Communists and the Democrats. I await your response.

Trump handling the Pandemic is the most chaotic and miserable unexcusable nonsense we’ve ever seen. He even said it will just miraculously go away. His reactions and How he handled this February for 2 months did not do anything is what he is being measured at then continue to give false informations.

Trump got all his information from his medical staff, mostly Dr. Fauci. All he did was reiterate what his staff told him; again, proving once again that nobody knew the seriousness of this threat.

We don’t need to convince you Ray. Look at the results. We are not blaming for the infections of 7.5 billions. We are blaming Trump how he downplayed the seriousness of the crisis here in US. Even today. We don’t think he is even serious. Today he just said if the deaths is 100,000 he save millions he did a good job. Only fucking stupid to say something like that.
I DO NOT lie Ray. I caught you several times lying.

You always claim that but never supply evidence. The deaths that took place were in contrast to the predictions of over 2 million deaths. And keep in mind how most states categorize Covid deaths. Now if they were properly categorized, it would probably be half of what is being reported.

Your rebuttal are not even half true but mostly incorrect

I did not mentioned DeBlasio. You did. Trump is responsible for not shutting down the European travel till it’s too late. That’s a fact and reality

You mentioned Piglosi. So I just gave you an example who is a pig.

You criticize Pelosi visited her constituents an attack that came from Trump. Which just pure dumb attack. You twisted your rebuttal. Pelosi visited China town her constituents? Why is that a problem?

I never said Chinatown is located in China... YOU did.

Been debunked many times? Wrong. By your opinion. LOL. You may want to look at several threads and being used his words against him. Trump said this democrats new hoax. Look at the results. Hoax? Almost 100,000 American deaths.

Commies? I already read that a long time ago. So far you are the only member here that keeps blabbering this same garbage. Trump keeps blabbering nonsense conspiracies lies all over. This country deserves better than this lousy, inept, incompetent president.

Yes Ray I know you for a long time. And I know you lie. Your comments about commies alone is so way off. You lied. Look at my previous post where I said you lied several times.

Numbers of deaths? That is correct predictions from 2 millions. So what is the problem? You made it sounds that hospitals or others will just willy nilly all deaths are Covid. That came from ignorant people at Fox News. NO it doesn’t work that way. Yes Ray.... I can tell you that they are properly categorized. Your X-ray alone wil tells you if you are a Covid+. X rays of Covid patients from day one to next day is very different at first all white like a wings eventually will turn yellow but looks black in X-ray. Your cardiac enzymes of you have a heart attack. Not all heart attack deaths are Covid patients. If a lupus or any patient goes to hospitals first they check is the saturation level oxygen of your body with pulse oximeter from there they can tell your lungs is in trouble X-ray and blood works (lab works: comprehensive metabolic panel) is order ASAP...... I agree with the number of deaths.

What information do you want me to supply?

What I demonstrated to you with the Mayors, Governors and Congress people is Trump was not alone in taking this as a serious thereat. Nobody did. What you and your comrades are basically saying is that when it's your people, it's okay, when it's Trump, it's all his fault, even though they were all promoting the same message.

Imagine if we shutdown the country in the past over SARS, West Niles Virus, H1N1, Ebola, H1N5...... We simply don't do that because we've always managed to get through them okay with minimized deaths and not destroying our industry and economy over it.

A European travel ban? I just posted evidence how the commies were trying to pass a bill to stop Trump from single-handedly issuing travel bans in the first two weeks of March, and included in that bill was an immediate reversal of his original travel ban from suspected terrorist countries. They didn't want to stop international travel, they wanted to expand it.
In the words of Trump

What do you have to lose?

A mask WILL protect others from you if you have the virus. It MAY protect you from others that have it.

What's the problem?
I haven't seen a coherent response to this
Im not listening to anything that govt says to do. It always ends bad. Never ending wars, never ending debt, never ending social engineering.
In the words of Trump

What do you have to lose?

A mask WILL protect others from you if you have the virus. It MAY protect you from others that have it.

What's the problem?
You would think that this MORON should set an example to protect Americans from getting infected. He doesn’t wear one because he doesn’t look good.
Biden and his wife wear one. Brit Hume from Fox News criticize Biden because he doesn’t look good with a mask. Trump retweeted and at the same time criticized Biden and his wife....... for wearing mask.

Just imagine what the fucking mentality of this ignorant president. It’s just incredibly dumb. And yet people support him.
No, he is not dumb. He's mentally ill. To Trump all his crazy statements and lies seem perfectly reasonable to him. Unfortunately, his followers have adapted to this new reality in the White House. If Donald Trump says aliens visited him last night and gave him a cure for Covid 19, there only question would be, when is it going to be available?
Fauci never said such thing in February. That was late January. You got that from here see link.
Austin American-Statesman

Published February 17th.

Trump took action the next day ??? Read my previous post. The dumb actions he took. I already answer that...

Deblasio that’s another BULLSHIT from Trump. Mayor was trying to save his city. You would think people like you and Trump should be happy because he refused to close his city. So I don’t see anything wrong with deblasio..

Of course you don't. Being that they were basically on the same side of this, you only blame Trump and not Deblasio, failing to admit that nobody had any idea at the time. This is one of the many unfortunate results of TDS.

Pelosi. If you look at the 2 Trump and Pelosi. Who looks like a fat pig? Trump.
Who act like a pig? Trump.

So why bring disparaging physical criticism into this? I never once mentioned it.

Pelosi went to China February 24, 2020 Monday. NOT early March. You lied. Pelosi never said go to China. You lied again.
So Pelosi went to China Town visiting her constituents, ate cookie and dim sum. Why is that a problem? Did she violate any law or restrictions if and when a senator or any government officials visiting her/his constituents is against the law? .

My Lord, the ignorance of that statement. You actually think that Chinatown is located in China?? We are doomed.

If Ted Cruz visit his constituents and have a beer. Why is that a problem?
If Rubio visit his constituents and eat burritos. Why is that a problem?

February 28 in his rally he called this a hoax. Played golf Match 7 & 8.

Been debunked many times over. What Trump said is that the commies using the virus (before nobody knew it was a threat) for political gain was a hoax.

*** SHOW ME A LINK WHERE..... COMMIES first two weeks of March trying to pass a bill to stop Trump's ability to singlehandedly issue travel bans.

You should know me better by now. I don't say things off the cuff. Reported on March 10th of this year.

We do not have commies here Ray. PROVE to us here why you are using commies.

All you have to do is visit the US Communist Party website. Then try to tell me any major differences between the Communists and the Democrats. I await your response.

Trump handling the Pandemic is the most chaotic and miserable unexcusable nonsense we’ve ever seen. He even said it will just miraculously go away. His reactions and How he handled this February for 2 months did not do anything is what he is being measured at then continue to give false informations.

Trump got all his information from his medical staff, mostly Dr. Fauci. All he did was reiterate what his staff told him; again, proving once again that nobody knew the seriousness of this threat.

We don’t need to convince you Ray. Look at the results. We are not blaming for the infections of 7.5 billions. We are blaming Trump how he downplayed the seriousness of the crisis here in US. Even today. We don’t think he is even serious. Today he just said if the deaths is 100,000 he save millions he did a good job. Only fucking stupid to say something like that.
I DO NOT lie Ray. I caught you several times lying.

You always claim that but never supply evidence. The deaths that took place were in contrast to the predictions of over 2 million deaths. And keep in mind how most states categorize Covid deaths. Now if they were properly categorized, it would probably be half of what is being reported.

Your rebuttal are not even half true but mostly incorrect

I did not mentioned DeBlasio. You did. Trump is responsible for not shutting down the European travel till it’s too late. That’s a fact and reality

You mentioned Piglosi. So I just gave you an example who is a pig.

You criticize Pelosi visited her constituents an attack that came from Trump. Which just pure dumb attack. You twisted your rebuttal. Pelosi visited China town her constituents? Why is that a problem?

I never said Chinatown is located in China... YOU did.

Been debunked many times? Wrong. By your opinion. LOL. You may want to look at several threads and being used his words against him. Trump said this democrats new hoax. Look at the results. Hoax? Almost 100,000 American deaths.

Commies? I already read that a long time ago. So far you are the only member here that keeps blabbering this same garbage. Trump keeps blabbering nonsense conspiracies lies all over. This country deserves better than this lousy, inept, incompetent president.

Yes Ray I know you for a long time. And I know you lie. Your comments about commies alone is so way off. You lied. Look at my previous post where I said you lied several times.

Numbers of deaths? That is correct predictions from 2 millions. So what is the problem? You made it sounds that hospitals or others will just willy nilly all deaths are Covid. That came from ignorant people at Fox News. NO it doesn’t work that way. Yes Ray.... I can tell you that they are properly categorized. Your X-ray alone wil tells you if you are a Covid+. X rays of Covid patients from day one to next day is very different at first all white like a wings eventually will turn yellow but looks black in X-ray. Your cardiac enzymes of you have a heart attack. Not all heart attack deaths are Covid patients. If a lupus or any patient goes to hospitals first they check is the saturation level oxygen of your body with pulse oximeter from there they can tell your lungs is in trouble X-ray and blood works (lab works: comprehensive metabolic panel) is order ASAP...... I agree with the number of deaths.

What information do you want me to supply?

What I demonstrated to you with the Mayors, Governors and Congress people is Trump was not alone in taking this as a serious thereat. Nobody did. What you and your comrades are basically saying is that when it's your people, it's okay, when it's Trump, it's all his fault, even though they were all promoting the same message.

Imagine if we shutdown the country in the past over SARS, West Niles Virus, H1N1, Ebola, H1N5...... We simply don't do that because we've always managed to get through them okay with minimized deaths and not destroying our industry and economy over it.

A European travel ban? I just posted evidence how the commies were trying to pass a bill to stop Trump from single-handedly issuing travel bans in the first two weeks of March, and included in that bill was an immediate reversal of his original travel ban from suspected terrorist countries. They didn't want to stop international travel, they wanted to expand it.
When Trump issued his travel bans on March 13, air travel was already down over 50%. The ban probably reduced the spread of the virus somewhat but most of the damage was already done. There were about 5,000 active cases and an estimated 20,000 that were infected but had not sought medical care. The die was cast.
Imagine if we shutdown the country in the past over SARS, West Niles Virus, H1N1, Ebola, H1N5
NONE of those resulted in ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS...and counting
No, they did not.

However, to have closed the government in time to stop this virus, we would have had to take measures under the same circumstances in those outbreaks as well.

You cant look months ahead to discover if this is the virus that you need to shutter the nation over over the next one.
However, to have closed the government in time to stop this virus, we would have had to take measures under the same circumstances in those outbreaks as well.
Obviously not since we didn't close down for those issues and they did NOT result in one hundred thousand deal people
However, to have closed the government in time to stop this virus, we would have had to take measures under the same circumstances in those outbreaks as well.
Obviously not since we didn't close down for those issues and they did NOT result in one hundred thousand deal people
You totally missed the point. They did not result in those deaths because the outbreaks were not as bad. The point was that you do not know it will be that bad until it is past the point that you can lock down the country to prevent it. IOW, you would have to take measures that would have locked us down in all those other cases if we were to be that cautious.

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