Why Aren’t We Investigating Surge in Sudden Deaths of Athletes?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012


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my local news station, WINK News - which is a part of CNN, just recently reported that more Vaccinated people died of Covid than UnVaccinated people.
If this trend continues and even grows then we might get an independent investigation at some point but those who drank the Koolaid are too invested in their opinions to admit they might have been wrong.
I think most of them would still defend Fauci and the CDC even after burying some of their own family, "suddenly". This nation is being destroyed from within by media-induced tribalism.
The " Nazi "way of avoiding responsibility was ," I was only following orders and consensus belief ".

The same has happened again .

Gullibility , Compliance and hence Stupidity are rife .

To expose and punish both the guilty Sheeple , let alone the evil ones at the top, is near to impossible .

You are asking at least 50% of all people to admit at some level that they were Gullible and Compliant which equals , "We were and are Stupid" .

To avoid that they will argue Black is White and vice versa , just to avoid personal and private shame and then ultimate indignity and guilt .

So ignoring VAERS , Sudden Deaths , increase in Cancers , Athletes collapsing , etc etc etc is near obligatory for them in order to plead ignorance etc .and innocence .

It will take time and the release of huge anger before this chapter is finished .----- over many more years .imho .



"Why Aren’t We Investigating Surge in Sudden Deaths of Athletes?"​

They aren't.

We are, and will continue to do so. And we have long since proven we are much better at actual scientific investigation than they are because we have nothing to hide via the manipulation of scientific method.

But in fairness ,OPJQ, many of us might not be vulnerable to attack or have arranged our lives so that we cannot be affected , manipulated or shut down .Not too difficult for us to rail against the machine .

That is not the case for many people , a large number being very OK and great people .but with families , mortgages , career concerns etc etc .

I am not religious but I would rather like to open the World Church Of the Pure Ones .
And then run .
But in fairness ,OPJQ, many of us might not be vulnerable to attack or have arranged our lives so that we cannot be affected , manipulated or shut down .Not too difficult for us to rail against the machine .

That is not the case for many people , a large number being very OK and great people .but with families , mortgages , career concerns etc etc .

I am not religious but I would rather like to open the World Church Of the Pure Ones .
And then run .

Really interesting perspective.

I think someone probably will come along and do just that, because we purebloods will always carry a precious gift and might need to organize cohesively to protect it.

How did you come to the conclusion that there is a "surge" in sudden deaths of athletes?

What is it about taking the injection and then pledging lifelong fealty to it? At some point I just don't get this.

I have taken plenty of crap medicine in my life. Medicine that didn't work. That made me puke. That had side effects worse than the disease, even. I will tell anyone who will listen how awful it was to warn them.

Is this a result of the programming, the propaganda? So it wasn't just a "medicine" it was like a life choice?

So odd.

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Some people are coming around, and voicing regret for getting those stupid shots. Others just remain silent not wanting to believe it.

Then there are the Vaxxed Covidians. The cult that cannot admit they were wrong. They have to double down on it. No matter what evidence is shown, they will denounce it. These people are brainwashed at this point. Most of them believe there are more than two genders, and that you can change genders. Mass Formation Psychosis is real, as long as the State and the MSM propagandists say its not the Vax they will believe it. And to that group of people, I say to hell with them. Let them get their boosters and deal with all the “fun” that will come with it.
Some people are coming around, and voicing regret for getting those stupid shots. Others just remain silent not wanting to believe it.

Then there are the Vaxxed Covidians. The cult that cannot admit they were wrong. They have to double down on it. No matter what evidence is shown, they will denounce it. These people are brainwashed at this point. Most of them believe there are more than two genders, and that you can change genders. Mass Formation Psychosis is real, as long as the State and the MSM propagandists say its not the Vax they will believe it. And to that group of people, I say to hell with them. Let them get their boosters and deal with all the “fun” that will come with it.
You are absolutely right .
There does come a point where even half decent people like myself begin to wonder if The Stupids are worth more time and attention , let alone help in obtaining some damage respite .
And then you read about clowns with three or more total shots telling the world how fine they feel as though that has anything to do with the price of peanuts .

Such stupidity is not easy to cope with .
Investigations will continue, education will continue. The first real pioneers against SARS2 include Raoult and Zelenko for azithromycin. Here is the study that proves that azithromycin directly competes with Fau Chi's and Gates's vaccines:

Arabia / Italy / Tunisia / Azithromycin-Dirithromycin Furin Docking
'Our docking results showed that dirithromycin fit significantly in the furin catalytic pocket, having the lowest binding score with respect to azithromycin, and can interact and block both Asp154 and Ser368 residues by van der Walls interaction as well as to His194 and Ser368 via hydrogen bonds.'

Fau Chi withdrew azithromycin
'@ 9 Dec....'

Dirithromycin is unavailable in the US but is available in most European countries. Neither Fau nor Gates will be commenting on this any time soon.
Why Aren’t We Investigating Surge in Sudden Deaths of Athletes?

Have you ever heard of politician admitting their mistakes?
Me neither. In fact, they're doubling down and still pushing for it.

Remember this from last year? And he just called again for people to get "vaccinated".

I don't know single person regretting not taking the jab. On the other hand, vaxxies are having buyers remorse, and I they're starting to lose their shit.
Imagine if pharma, government, and media come out clean and tell them "we lied". You're eventually end up with over half of people realizing they have nothing to lose.
my local news station, WINK News - which is a part of CNN, just recently reported that more Vaccinated people died of Covid than UnVaccinated people.

When you remove the elderly from the data, especially those with other pre-existing health issues, then it's more like 2-1 of those dying were unvaccinated.
When you remove the elderly from the data, especially those with other pre-existing health issues, then it's more like 2-1 of those dying were unvaccinated.

Now that you put it that way, when you remove the elderly from the data, especially those with other pre-existing health issues, it turns out less people died from COVID than from seasonal flu.
People died in their thirties all the time.

Yeah, kids have strokes all the time! It's NORMAL.
Did you FORGET that it's NORMAL?
Remember all those kids in grade school who suffered strokes? Me neither.

They don't investigate because it is a bad image. Healthy, strong, young athletes dying and vaccinated?

Bottom line is there aren't enough people dying to make it worth losing money, or admitting they were wrong.

We will see how much money and power is worth the vaccine powers and it will be measured in corpses. Now we just have to see how many corpses it takes before they admit what they did.
They don't investigate because it is a bad image. Healthy, strong, young athletes dying and vaccinated?

Bottom line is there aren't enough people dying to make it worth losing money, or admitting they were wrong.

We will see how much money and power is worth the vaccine powers and it will be measured in corpses. Now we just have to see how many corpses it takes before they admit what they did.

Why would they investigate. Everyone who got the jab signed the waiver freeing jab makers of any responsibilities. Nobody knows what the fuck they are being stabbed with.


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