Why Aren’t We Investigating Surge in Sudden Deaths of Athletes?

Sandflies vector phleboviruses and vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), the virus that ebola vaccine is based on. Phleboviruses cause clots (intravascular fibrin deposition).

How could the nazi dem-controlled media possible get these scientific facts wrong? They can and they will, because they are dems.

The SARS2 mutation that precisely links VSV is the mutation Fau Chi got backwards in his video: D614G. Did Fau Chi get the mutation backwards on purpose, or was it a true mistake? Here it's caution, not wisdom that should guide the prisoner's reasoning.
Why would they investigate. Everyone who got the jab signed the waiver freeing jab makers of any responsibilities. Nobody knows what the fuck they are being stabbed with.

Yes, that is the pathology Vera Shirav mentioned in JFK Jr.'s book, The Real Anthony Fauci. Nonetheless, evidence is gathering about what's in the vaccine, and people such as Brook Jackson are asking the right questions, like the connections to Parkinson's disease linked to troponin, which studies Pfizer is hiding.
Italian who played for Scottish side Aberdeen Patrizio Billio dead at 48

Former Ukrainian national player Oleksandr Radchenko died at age 46. The left back represented Ukraine 17 times, the first time in 2002, the last time in 2005. Rest in Peace.


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