Why Aren't Stocks Traded 24/7


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
I remember back when the scam artists argued on CNBC that changing from the fractional bid and ask scam would not be feasible and put Wall Street scam artists out of work, hurt the market, etc. They finally gave up that scalping income source. But why the fuck do they need "market makers" tweaking prices 9:30 to 4:00? Think you own something valuable, put it on eBay and find out. Bidding is 24/7. It determines true market value. The question is rhetorical. The Wall Street scam artists make big bucks because of "trading sessions."

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If one checks the time differences, it appears that some stock exchange or other is trading at any given hour - the NYSE is not the only one.
I remember back when the scam artists argued on CNBC that changing from the fractional bid and ask scam would not be feasible and put Wall Street scam artists out of work, hurt the market, etc. They finally gave up that scalping income source. But why the fuck do they need "market makers" tweaking prices 9:30 to 4:00? Think you own something valuable, put it on eBay and find out. Bidding is 24/7. It determines true market value. The question is rhetorical. The Wall Street scam artists make big bucks because of "trading sessions."

Well since your asking, I bet your answer is the JJJOOOOSSSSS!
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I remember back when the scam artists argued on CNBC that changing from the fractional bid and ask scam would not be feasible and put Wall Street scam artists out of work, hurt the market, etc. They finally gave up that scalping income source. But why the fuck do they need "market makers" tweaking prices 9:30 to 4:00? Think you own something valuable, put it on eBay and find out. Bidding is 24/7. It determines true market value. The question is rhetorical. The Wall Street scam artists make big bucks because of "trading sessions."

Depends on the exchange.

And Human Market Makers (They use to be called specialists) are needed because when the software fucks up..they come in and fix things.
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When half the folks get the thought that they are doing not need to work as a result
When half the folks get the thought that they are doing not need to work as a result

What is that supposed to mean, is that some kind of ghetto slang.

In answer to the 24 trading, do the nyse exhange daytime.Hong Kong nights and London early mornings and there you have your 24 hr. trading.
When half the folks get the thought that they are doing not need to work as a result

What is that supposed to mean, is that some kind of ghetto slang.

In answer to the 24 trading, do the nyse exhange daytime.Hong Kong nights and London early mornings and there you have your 24 hr. trading.
Who needs 24/7? Seriously unless you have a very good reason to be in you should either be out of the market or in something so simple and safe that your portfolio not only lets you sleep but will put you to sleep. I am betting on ACA causing significantly reduced consumption and I am hedged three different ways in case I am wrong.

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