Why aren't liberal states in a recruiting war for AZ's illegal alien population?????


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
If illegals are so great............then why is California bitching about Arizona and making boycott threats?

Seriously. If having illegals is such a BENEFIT to society.......then California should be jumping for joy and running TV ads begging Arizona's illegal popluation to come live in California?

Can one liberal explain to me why states like Cali, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Colorado, etc, are bitching about the Arizona law when they should instead be in a recruiting war with the other states to aquire Arizona's illegal aliens, right? If they are indeed a benefit to society, then these states should be pursuing the Arizona illegals the same way NBA teams pursued Lebron James.....................right?

I mean, there are millions of "free agent" illegal aliens about to be pushed out of Arizona. And these people are said to be such a bonus and benefit to society, one would think these surrounding states would be airing TV and radio ads in a recruiting war for the AZ illegals to move there and bring great prosperity and joy to their state. In these hard economic times, the states should spend time and money recruiting these economy-boosting illegal aliens..........right?

Libs, please explain.
I can see the recruitment video now:

"Our border is LEGAL to cross. Arizona immigrants, come to California where you're welcome!"

I mean Nevada has plenty of jobs Americans won't do, and they could use any sort of economic boost. Why isn't Harry Reid actively encouraging illegals in Arizona to flee that racist state and come help revive the Nevada economy?????

Hell, Obama's home state Illinois is in financial crisis!! They should also be seeking some of these economy-boosting illegal aliens and recruiting them!

I've heard how great they are for society, culture, economy, etc, etc. It's almost like an NFL football team is kicking it's top 20 players off the team.......but nodody else wants them???? What gives?
Or even better..........it's as if a Fortune 500 company just fired all employees who were born on a Monday. Just a random kick-out of a group of highly skilled, intelligent, productive workers that are good for the economy.

But no one is recruiting them to come work for them.

Libs.....please, clear up this mystery for me. Why are states spending more time criticizing and bitching about the AZ law rather than recruiting this once-in-a-lifetime mass of economy boosting, culturally rich, law-abiding people to their own state?

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