Why are young men shooting each other....in Sweden? But, Europe has gun control, Right?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
We are told that European gun control works......

It doesn't. Their new criminals are ignoring the culture and traditions that made Europe pacifist, and the easy victims of the National Socialist....and now, these new criminals...are shooting people, with guns that are not supposed to exist...

They are not using AR-15s...which is a civilian, semi auto rifle...no, they are getting fully automatic military rifles....which are completely illegal in Europe.....

Oh....and they are also getting grenades...and throwing them at police...

Better check out Sweden.....they have come so far since the Swedish Bikini Team first blessed our advertising here in the U.S....

Why are young men in Sweden shooting each other?

IT WAS supposed to be a sneaky afternoon cigarette break.

Then a gunman in black appeared and shot 15-year-old Robin Sinisalo in the head.

His older brother Alejandro was shot four times. Robin died immediately on the doorstep of his home in north-west Stockholm. Alejandro was left in a wheelchair for life. Two years later, the boys’ mother, Carolina, says the police still have no leads.

Robin’s fate is increasingly common in Sweden. In 2011 only 17 people were killed by firearms. In 2017 the country had over 300 shootings, leaving 41 people dead and over 100 injured.

The violence mostly stems from street gangs running small-time drug operations in big cities such as Stockholm, the capital, Malmö and Gothenburg.

Gang members have even used hand grenades to attack police stations.

Between 2010 and 2015, people were killed by illegal firearms at the same rate as in southern Italy. Though Sweden is still a relatively peaceful place, this is worrying.

But....But.......fully automatic military rifles are illegal in Sweden....right? Or are hand grenades legal?

Actually, I was wrong.....Gun control works in Sweden.....law abiding citizens have lots of laws on guns that they have to obey..

but criminals..........

Acquiring a legal gun requires strict screening, but Kalashnikovs from the Yugoslav wars are readily available on the black market. To sweeten the deal, smugglers often throw in hand grenades (there were 43 grenade incidents in Sweden last year). The victims and perpetrators of gang violence are nearly always young men.
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Say what?

But shootings with illegal guns have been rising since the mid-2000s.

Most gang members are indeed first- or second-generation immigrants—72% of them, according to one report, but they tend not to be new arrivals.
Sweden's chickens have come home to roost, thanks to their stupid immigration policies. And it's much worse than anything we have here. You just don't go to a gun show and purchase full-automatic Kalashnikovs and hand grenades. Hell, you'd even have a hard time buying those from a street thug here in the US.
Sweden's chickens have come home to roost, thanks to their stupid immigration policies. And it's much worse than anything we have here. You just don't go to a gun show and purchase full-automatic Kalashnikovs and hand grenades. Hell, you'd even have a hard time buying those from a street thug here in the US.

That may be changing too, the Mexican drug cartels are building gun factories in the border areas with the United States.....

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