Why are we still in Iraq, anyway?

The Iraqis explained that the US is there to train Iraqis and to provide drone coverage.
Ostensibly no US forces are supposed to be in direct combat.

They no longer want us there, and we are using those drones to murder their citizens and guests.

So why are we still there?

If Iraq wants us out, fine. But they owe us for the cost of building those military bases, as Trump said.
Why do they owe us shit? No one asked W to invade the camel shit place.
Our cars run on oil. Iraq has it, we need it. Do you liberals want us to ride bicycles everywhere?

We will get oil no matter who runs Iraq or Iran. THey still have to sell it.

Trump wants us all the way out of the ME to save tons of cash. We can't afford endless wars.
That $24T Debt is rising fast an it will bite us one of these years

Well, maybe Trump shouldn't have given tax breaks to Millionaires, then.

your mistake is ''little to show'
.....as I stated in many threads and here--you will NOT change their culture/poltics/etc...there WILL be ''little to show'''--it's NOT anything like WW2 where we took islands and worked our way to Germany.....it's not a TOTAL war--it's a war on terrorism/etc
..we are there to get information/intel on terrorists/bad guys.....it's a continuing/long/complex/difficult process .......
...we are there to hopefully assist training/helping.....

Again, we've been over there for 19 years, and by any measure, we are probably worse off, as the instability spread from Afghanistan to Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, etc.

I think that it's very arrogant to say that we need oil so it's ok to invade a nation to make sure the right private companies have control of their oil. Those companies mostly being American companies. Funny how that works isn't it?

It's also funny now that back in 2002 and 2003 people like me were saying the reason for that war was oil and the republicans insisted it wasn't about oil.

Now they admit, it was about oil.
If Trump pulls out and terrorists fill the void, Democrats and snowflakes will suddenly remember an alternate past in which they said we should stay and will blame Trump.

Democrats were against dragging the US into new wars or staying in one too long.

The Nobel Peace Prize Winner did BOTH - he dragged the US into the middle of a sovereign nation's civil war (involving some 10+ different entities fighting each other) without the consent or request of the nation's leader or government ... and then exited the WH leaving US troops in Syria to fight his war.
- Interestingly enough Democrats / snowflakes could not bring themselves to criticize Barry for doing so.

WHO exactly is asking the US to leave? The fake news media's 'the Iraqi Govt' is extremely broad and vague...do they mean the entire Iraqi govt or just the pro-Iranian / IRCG-influenced reps? Just saying 'Iraq wants us out' actually tell us very little.

At some point the US is going to HAVE to leave - we can't stay there forever. I understand the desire to have a presence there to ensure terrorism doesn't spread and ensure they do not start attacking here again, but we can't stay forever.
Why do they owe us shit? No one asked W to invade the camel shit place.
As I said, JFK would not recognize today's Democrat Party, a party that now apologizes to terrorist nations for killing their top general, the leader of the largest terrorist organization in the world, one who killed over 600 Americans...and blame the US President for that terrorist regime for shooting down another civilian airliner and killing innocent people.

JFK declared the US would bear any burden and pay any cost to stand with people fighting for freedom. Today's Democrats say, 'F* em'...

The Democrats use to declare we are not the world's policemen and opposed war...until Barry invaded Syria.

JFK would have led the fight against the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, and ISIS instead of helping them take over their own nations, arming / supplying / funding them, and pimping our military out to tem as Barry did.
The State Department warned that the U.S. could shut down Iraq’s access to the country’s central bank account held at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, a move that could jolt Iraq’s already shaky economy, the officials said.
U.S. threatens to cut off Iraq from crucial bank account with Fed

Us forcing ourselves where we're not wanted seems an act of war to me.

True. But that is not the point. Iraq supposed be be our friends. Not creating enemies.

Not trying to kick us out because some dumb fucked up foreign policy.

I was one of those back in 2003 that found the French jokes rather sad. Not that I had any sympathy for the French but rather I didn't believe Iraq would be nearly as grateful. I still find the notion that Iraq is our buddy to be rather naïve.
WHO exactly is asking the US to leave? The fake news media's 'the Iraqi Govt' is extremely broad and vague...do they mean the entire Iraqi govt or just the pro-Iranian / IRCG-influenced reps? Just saying 'Iraq wants us out' actually tell us very little.

The vote in the Parliament was unanimous. Nobody except the Kurds want us to stay at this point.

The Nobel Peace Prize Winner did BOTH - he dragged the US into the middle of a sovereign nation's civil war (involving some 10+ different entities fighting each other) without the consent or request of the nation's leader or government ... and then exited the WH leaving US troops in Syria to fight his war.
- Interestingly enough Democrats / snowflakes could not bring themselves to criticize Barry for doing so.

I realize that Barack Obama lives in your head, but Syria was having a 10 Way civil war no matter what we did. You can thank Bush for destabilizing the region and driving all those radical Sunnis out of Iraq and into Syria.
Why are we still in Iraq, anyway?

I bring this up, because Mike Pompeo seems to think that we should stay in Iraq after the Iraqi government specifically asked us to leave.

Iraqi PM tells Mike Pompeo to decide how to withdraw troops

We've been in Iraq for 17 years now this March. What are we still doing there? Why would we insist on staying if they don't want us there and we don't really want to be there?
Empires never willingly give up an inch.

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