Why Are So Many Democrats Actively Running Away From Obama????

The fact you just called Pres. Obama a Kenyan just proves my point.

Proves what point? He is.

No he isn't. It's just another word for Ni**er for racists like you. He was born in America. Deal with it.

You're basing this on what? The fraudulent birth cert?

The cert which EVERY investigation of it has determined that it is not only a forgery, but a hysterically BAD forgery. Which is the basis of the lawsuit to have obama removed from the country, due to his illegal status.

Clear it up for me... just please understand, the BEST you can hope for is your deep commitment to the BELIEF that what has been provided as evidence is legitimate, despite the mountain of evidence that it is NOT... while the ONLY person to have claimed that they've seen the original, testifying to its authenticity... is DEAD... due to an untimely death... having succumbed to the rising water inside the otherwise perfectly serviceable aircraft she was flying in. The only death, of a totally unforeseeable accident. Robbing the grand jury of a perfectly good witness.

So... huh... what are ya basin' that on?
Obama sitting in the WH as we speak seething that Dems through him under the bus.
It's breathtaking to watch.

Every time I turn on the news I see another Democrat throwing Obama under the bus and distancing themselves as much as they possibly can.

And I guess the answer to the question is because there's such a crisis in confidence in Obama because of all the issues he's mishandled.

Like the VA, the IRS Scandal, ISIS, Iraq, Russia, Ebola, Benghazi, Fast &Furious, the border.....heck, the list is so long can't think of all of them right now.

President Obama is a total embarrassment to Democrats. That's why they're distancing themselves so much.

I laughed when Chris (tingle up his leg) Matthews said that Dems are running from Obama like he has Ebola. I don't think Obama cares what they think. He is no longer worried about his re-election and only cares about other Dems because they make it easier to push his agenda. He already said he has a pen and phone so doesn't need congress, but having a bunch of ass kissers just makes it easier. The Dems have done everything he wanted and they never questioned him. Now they pulled their lips off his butt long enough to try and fool people. They are clearly pandering to Dem voters, which is funny. Looks like a lot of Dems out there are disgusted with Obama or they wouldn't need all the pretense.

How many libs here will accuse other Dems of being racist?
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The story is that it took the dumbass libs 6 fucking years to figure out what the rest of us knew before he took the oath.

what? that you're obama deranged wackos? we knew that.

Your ENTIRE party is running AWAY from Obama with the exception of a few hardcores.

I think you are confused about who the nuts are.

I spit my tea out of my mouth at that one, LOL. They are a runnin'

I have a hunch that you are even lying about drinking tea.

Just like you are lying about not being far left?

er... no. that's the problem with the rightwingnuts... you're so far gone you don't know where middle is.

poor baby.
The fact you just called Pres. Obama a Kenyan just proves my point.

Proves what point? He is.

No he isn't. It's just another word for Ni**er for racists like you. He was born in America. Deal with it.

The race card again??? Imagine that.

someone who calls the president "the kenyon" really shouldn't draw attention to their idiocy by calling the response the "race card".

More reports of Obama being pizzzed about being stuck in the WH today instead of out on the campaign trails. He's angry......
waaa, you called him Kenyan

omg omg omg omg omg omg

They've called President Bush worse names, like Hitler, Dubya, Jillies favorite name for him if I remember right was, Shrub.

Dan Rather ran a news report on fake information he was AWOL from the military

so lets compare the BS shall we?
waaa, you called him Kenyan

omg omg omg omg omg omg

They've called President Bush worse names, like Hitler, Dubya, Jillies favorite name for him if I remember right was, Shrub.

Dan Rather ran a news report on fake information he was AWOL from the military

so lets compare the BS shall we?

Well said.
LOL, Kay Hagan FINALLY did it! She finally threw Obama under the bus too, LOL.
She had to, this ENTIRE Election is a repudiation of the King and Kay must play a long.
And I'm STILL waiting for an answer. Loser claims he knew Repubs would win because O's policies are a disaster. So I'm waiting for the acknowledgement......crickets....
ran across the this I though it needed to be SHARED

Breaking: Early Exit Polls Show GOP Wins KY, AR, CO, IA, KS and GA
Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, November 4, 2014, 5:38 PM
Early exit polls show GOP wins in KY, AR, CO, IA, KS, GA – if those hold, GOP Senate majority is certain. Watch VA – closer than expected.
Even the Virginia race is close…

Via Free Republic
Scott Brown is up in New Hampshire.

Voters give Obama low marks in the exit polls.
UPDATE: Sad faces on MSNBC–
More… Dem turnout in North Carolina at 30 year lows—

all of it here:
The Gateway Pundit Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback

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