Why are Republicans no longer concerned with Chinese money in elections?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
During the Gore 2000 campaign, Republicans made a big deal about the possibility of Chinese money infiltrating American politics. Remember when Gore visited that Chinese temple?

What happened to all that concern?

Now, Mittens could be secretly bankrolled by the Chinese government, and nobody would know for sure, due to Citizens United, and secret contributors.

Why aren't Republicans screaming about this?

Or are they only concerned when a Democrat may be receiving the money?
I am concerned about the influence of foreign donations to the Obama campaign. Of course, that may be just because I am not a Republican.
Can you actually address the OP? I'm sure you remember the hissy fits that Republicans threw in 2000, accusing Gore of taking "foreign money" *gasp*!!!

Republicans felt there was something inherently wrong with the Chinese pouring money into our electoral system.

What changed their minds?
I am concerned about the influence of foreign donations to the Obama campaign. Of course, that may be just because I am not a Republican.
Can you actually address the OP? I'm sure you remember the hissy fits that Republicans threw in 2000, accusing Gore of taking "foreign money" *gasp*!!!

Republicans felt there was something inherently wrong with the Chinese pouring money into our electoral system.

What changed their minds?

I told you. I oppose Chinese money pouring into the fucking Campaign coffers of The ONE.

Opposed is opposed.

Why doesn't it bother you?
Washington (CNN) -- Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked the No.1 item on the president's congressional "to-do-list," refusing to allow a vote on a bill that would give tax breaks for companies that "insource" jobs to the U.S. from overseas while eliminating tax deductions for companies that move jobs abroad.

GOP senators block top Obama jobs initiative - CNN.com

Being basically a trade organization, the Chamber of Commerce doesn't have to say who it's donors are, but we do know they get a lot from China, Russia and India. And they give to Republicans over Democrats 9 or 10 to 1. This has been linked to many times on this site so right wingers, if you don't believe it, prove it.

So of course Republicans have no problem with China.


Romney said he wants to bring immigrants here with degrees. But for this country? Larger class size and fewer teachers. I'm guessing because of what Santorum said.
I am concerned about the influence of foreign donations to the Obama campaign. Of course, that may be just because I am not a Republican.

And you could care less about foreign money going into the Romney campaign. I bet you supported Citizens United.
I am concerned about the influence of foreign donations to the Obama campaign. Of course, that may be just because I am not a Republican.

And you could care less about foreign money going into the Romney campaign. I bet you supported Citizens United.
Liability figures that since he's only got 26 days left on this forum, why bother debating? :lol:
What's in That Report About Illegal Foreign Political Donations?

What's in That Report About Illegal Foreign Political Donations?

By David Weigel

Posted Monday, Oct. 8, 2012, at 2:42 PM ET

Last week the Internet learned of a coming expose of possible foreign money coming into the Obama campaign and other campaigns. The report, from Peter Schweizer's Government Accountability Institute, is up, and... not conclusive. How could it be? Schweizer's researchers spent six months trying to figure out what protections existed to keep illegal foreign donations out of American campaigns. But they ran up against the same fog as Michael Isikoff in a similar, shorter look at weird money to Obama from "Good Will" and "Doodad Pro." You can't easily determine whether a foreign national has given a donation. This report includes a series of blog posts from foreigners talking about the ease of giving, but not saying that they've actually given.

The big, immediate questions I see: Why do Obama donation appeals go out to non-Americans, anyway? And why isn't the credit card protection stronger? The first question is tricky, because for years scammy organizations have used the Obama brand to collect money from the dumb and credit-limited. The second question is compelling:

The Obama campaign has claimed that it doesn’t need the CVV because they are able to vet contributions on the back end using sophisticated techniques that it doesn’t disclose.

This begs the question: why is it using different techniques when it comes to selling campaign merchandise? The Obama campaign’s vulnerabilities are not difficult to fix. In addition to the CVV and a strong AVS system, the campaign could make use of geo-location on the campaign websites so that if a visitor comes from a foreign IP address, he or she would be alerted of the relevant federal laws and asked for a passport number or military ID in order to proceed to the donation page.​

Good questions! I've asked the campaign to clear this up and will update if they do.
Republicans apparently are intellectual pussies.

(Edited) Yes, they are.

Also, they're corrupt and crooked. They've made sleaze into a job description.

They're also really good at cramming their sleaze down the throats of willing dupes.

Dems just quietly work away and their actions and message gets lost in the noise the Rs make. Dems could learn a lot from Rs.
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Who is getting money from where?


We have no idea where the money is coming from.

NOT "exactly".

Your OP, apparently, is claiming that Romney is receiving Chinese monies.

Google the name Adelson for starters. Even he has stated that most of his money comes from Chinese casinos and he really needs MitWit to win so he can get out from under his own illegal dealings. OTOH, I recently read that he (or the Kochs? both? Bush's Brain for sure) were pulling out of Mitt's campaign because he's going to lose. Instead, they're putting more money into Congressional seats.

Sleaze. Pure sleaze.

Bottom line is that, if mitt were to win, he will be owned by big money.

Obama, however, has received most of his money in the form of personal checks in the amount of $250 or less. IOW, Big Business can't own him the way they do the R scum.

Now, please, resist the urge to twist everything I've written here.

During the Gore 2000 campaign, Republicans made a big deal about the possibility of Chinese money infiltrating American politics. Remember when Gore visited that Chinese temple?

What happened to all that concern?

Now, Mittens could be secretly bankrolled by the Chinese government, and nobody would know for sure, due to Citizens United, and secret contributors.

Why aren't Republicans screaming about this?

Or are they only concerned when a Democrat may be receiving the money?

No such thing is "due to" the Citizens United Case.

Your fail rolls merrily along, Synth!
During the Gore 2000 campaign, Republicans made a big deal about the possibility of Chinese money infiltrating American politics. Remember when Gore visited that Chinese temple?

What happened to all that concern?

Now, Mittens could be secretly bankrolled by the Chinese government, and nobody would know for sure, due to Citizens United, and secret contributors.

Why aren't Republicans screaming about this?

Or are they only concerned when a Democrat may be receiving the money?

No such thing is "due to" the Citizens United Case.

Your fail rolls merrily along, Synth!
Citizens United allowed unlimited contributions without revealing the source, correct?

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