Why are Obama and Hillary soooo unpopular- to democrats candidates


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
No one running wants to be seen with either of them. Bill Clinton, the white Male sexual predator is good, but the woman and the black guy are not welcome.

I think they want Obama, but Obama no longer needs them he can make money lecturing liberals in other countries. It would seem they have traded Hillary in for creepy uncle Joe.
It's gonna be fun watching the democrats go after each other for 2020.
No one running wants to be seen with either of them. Bill Clinton, the white Male sexual predator is good, but the woman and the black guy are not welcome.

Failed thread.
Josh Harder Photos Photos: President Obama Attends California Democratic Party Rally

Barry and Hilly are popular with the democrat party but on an individual basis they are shunned by most democrat candidates. Maybe the candidates don't want to bring up the hypocrisy issue while they are creating their own hypocrisy.
No one running wants to be seen with either of them. Bill Clinton, the white Male sexual predator is good, but the woman and the black guy are not welcome.

Failed thread.
Josh Harder Photos Photos: President Obama Attends California Democratic Party Rally

Wow! They send out Obama to prop up the base in One Party Rule California
You moved the goalpost, from "no one running"
to " don't ruin my thread, poopy head".
Edit your thread, and make sure you make an exception for Pritzker too. Your weak thread crumbled from the get-go.
Barry and Hilly are popular with the democrat party but on an individual basis they are shunned by most democrat candidates. Maybe the candidates don't want to bring up the hypocrisy issue while they are creating their own hypocrisy.
Individual Democratic candidates are part of the Democratic Party. Your post made no sense.
Both Soetoro and Clinton are popular with the Base, but are no help with the General Population.

So if you are a Democrat candidate, having them campaign for you in a general election is worthless. They can shore up the votes that you already have, but won't help with "independents" or Republicans.

Our former President saw this during the last 6 years of his term(s), as well. Nobody was asking for his help during the general election campaigns.
Fake news.

Republicans feel that if they hate somebody everybody should hate them. Remember how shocked they were when President Obama was re-elected by a wide margin?
And Hillary won the popular vote by millions.
Recent polls put DC corruption second behind the economy for voter concerns. Washington DC corruption-that’s because of Donald Trump.
No one running wants to be seen with either of them. Bill Clinton, the white Male sexual predator is good, but the woman and the black guy are not welcome.

Failed thread.
Josh Harder Photos Photos: President Obama Attends California Democratic Party Rally

Wow! They send out Obama to prop up the base in One Party Rule California

Yup a pretty safe state for any Dem to be in.

I doubt Barry has time for campaigns. He's busy on the golf course or making money speaking. Way more important than campaigning.

Oh and who the hell want to be seen with Hitlery?? Loads of Dems can't stand that old hag and I doubt anyone running for anything wants her as the face for their campaign.

Who could blame them??
You can't win an election on base alone. You have to garner Independent
votes. The Independent voters in the last election totally rejected Obama's
policies of the previous 8 years...and with it, Clinton went down. She went
down because many of her ideas would be considered moderate but Zero
wasn't going to allow her to get rid of his policies...and he put her thru
TWO FBI investigations prior to the election, to show her he wasn't going

Obama and Clinton show the Independents that a Democratic candidate will
take orders from the Party not their own electorate. Let them campaign in
Oregon and Vermont, but you ain't gonna see them anywhere in the Dakota's.
No one running wants to be seen with either of them. Bill Clinton, the white Male sexual predator is good, but the woman and the black guy are not welcome.

Failed thread.
Josh Harder Photos Photos: President Obama Attends California Democratic Party Rally

Wow! They send out Obama to prop up the base in One Party Rule California
You moved the goalpost, from "no one running"
to " don't ruin my thread, poopy head".
Edit your thread, and make sure you make an exception for Pritzker too. Your weak thread crumbled from the get-go.
Wow! Barry went on to the very belly of the beast.

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