Why Are My Tax Dollars Supporting Roads?

I don't even use roads. This is socialism.

You don't use roads. That's the more interesting point than your idiotic troll bait thread.

Tell us more about your life as a hermit.

Also, how do you manage to earn money as a hermit and then pay taxes for roads you don't use?
Why doesn't the chicken that does use the road to cross have to pay taxes?

Well, the chickens' owner may very well get a tax write off for owning chickens (granted, they own a lot of chickens) so that is money that would not go to paying for the road the chicken crosses.
Well, damn, I pay taxes, on gas and everything else. Why are the roads getting so damned crappy? Not just filling in pot holes, the whole damned infrastructure is failing. Here in Colorado, they are proposing outsourcing highway improvements to an Australian contractor for the next 50 years and subsidizing it as a toll road? Taking 50 years to pay off? The same highway was built in less then five years by American contractors as a toll road (US 36). Amazed by this..really?
I think truck drivers should be fined $10000 every time they buy a tire and don't have an old one to recycle because it exploded on the highway. Asshole truck drivers.
Contractors, what them hell is up with them? Outsourcing? Really? My dad was in the Army as a construction Engineer used to build runways in the pacific, and even footpaths in the rocky mountains for picnickers and hikers. Do we NEED illegal aliens or outsourcing for jobs Americans can do and do BETTER? This isn't jingoism, it's common sense.
I don't even use roads. This is socialism.

If you'd driven on one lately, you'd realize that the government just tells us tax money is going to maintain roads. It isn't. And cross your fingers and say a prayer anytime you have to drive across a bridge that hasn't seen a refit in 50 years.

Maybe if the House Republicans would pass Obama's American Jobs Act - we'd have better roads, bridges, and other infrastructure...and more people would have jobs...and the economy would be better.
Ever notice how crappy todays concrete is compared to old stuff?

What are you saying? That old concrete is better than new concrete? The Roman's invented concrete, both terrestrial concrete and underwater concrete. The Roman army built several bridges across the Rhine in the time of Marcus Aurelius, most of which were used for heavy foot traffic, cart traffic, and finally vehicle traffic. The last one was closed down in the 1970's, 1800 years after it'd been constructed. And of course there's the Pantheon. Roman concrete and its many applications by Roman engineers was so good, it still mystifies engineers to this day.

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