Why are liberals blaming everyone BUT Hillary for the loss?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
She CHOSE to break the rules and use her own private e-mail server. She knew it was wrong...so did everyone else.

It's squarely on HER shoulders that she isn't POTUS.

You guys must be so mad at her for destroying the Democratic Party. What a betrayal of the trust people put into her.
She CHOSE to break the rules and use her own private e-mail server. She knew it was wrong...so did everyone else.

It's squarely on HER shoulders that she isn't POTUS.

You guys must be so mad at her for destroying the Democratic Party. What a betrayal of the trust people put into her.
I disagree. It was far more than just Hillary.

They're not looking in the mirror, at least not yet. Nor are they considering this:
It was her turn! It was time for another historical first! Details are a nuisance and thus irrelevant. Admitting they put up a terrible candidate would mean they admitted a mistake.

No can do.
I hope the Dems double down on the PC bullshit...it will guarantee 8 years of Trump.

If Hillary was the LEAST BIT of a good candidate, she would have won.

She is a KNOWN criminal and STILL over 60 million people voted for her.

apparently, people have more important things to worry about than a 3rd bathroom,
Man, I wish I was a fly on the wall election night when she had her drunken meltdown and was uncontrollably crying and had to be PHYSICALLY RESTRAINED.

So effing awesome. :banana:

Your place in history is where it should be Hillary....a footnote in the government corruption section.
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Hillary should have punched back instead of taking the high road. 8 - 10 million of her votes stayed home or voted 3rd party because the media convinced them that her negatives were somehow comparable to Trump's negatives. Despite that it looks like she whupped Trump in the popular vote, but of course that doesn't matter.
Amazing, she loses, and again, thank god she did, even if we didn't get a real president anyway, and you people still can't get over her.
Hillary should have punched back instead of taking the high road. 8 - 10 million of her votes stayed home or voted 3rd party because the media convinced them that her negatives were somehow comparable to Trump's negatives. Despite that it looks like she whupped Trump in the popular vote, but of course that doesn't matter.
Well, it is all about TURNOUT -- state by state. Hillary just isn't inspiring.

It's done. Accept it. The Obama/Clinton era is finally over. Time for the adults to run things again.
Hillary should have punched back instead of taking the high road. 8 - 10 million of her votes stayed home or voted 3rd party because the media convinced them that her negatives were somehow comparable to Trump's negatives. Despite that it looks like she whupped Trump in the popular vote, but of course that doesn't matter.
Well, it is all about TURNOUT -- state by state. Hillary just isn't inspiring.

It's done. Accept it. The Obama/Clinton era is finally over. Time for the adults to run things again.

Agreed, perhaps we'll get adults come 2020.
Hillary should have punched back instead of taking the high road. 8 - 10 million of her votes stayed home or voted 3rd party because the media convinced them that her negatives were somehow comparable to Trump's negatives. Despite that it looks like she whupped Trump in the popular vote, but of course that doesn't matter.
That sounds a lot like her election-night drunken rant, most likely. and of course Comey, Podesta, Huma/Weiner, Bill, Brazile, Bush (goes without saying), bad pantsuits, walking pneumonia and so on. The screeching must have been unimaginable.
Hillary should have punched back instead of taking the high road. 8 - 10 million of her votes stayed home or voted 3rd party because the media convinced them that her negatives were somehow comparable to Trump's negatives. Despite that it looks like she whupped Trump in the popular vote, but of course that doesn't matter.

Or just used the STATE DEPARTMENT EMAIL SERVER like everyone else.

She is corrupt, and people know it, and they didn't want a verified criminal as POTUS.

She was literally the worst candidate ever nominated by a major party.

She couldn't BEAT someone with ZERO experience whom she outspent 10 to 1.

$2 billion and the ENTIRE MSM, and SHE LOST. :badgrin:
Hillary was already at 31% approval before the 1st debate, and after making a jackass of herself in debate number 1, then 2, then a complete baboon in debate number 3, that alone cost her the election and Trump won by 12.9 Million votes !!!!
Amazing, she loses, and again, thank god she did, even if we didn't get a real president anyway, and you people still can't get over her.

The damage she and her campaign did to the nation isn't over.

When it is, I will be "OVER" her.
I don't know what you are hooping and hollering about, Trump could of just as easily ran on the Dem ticket. Fools.
Hillary should have punched back instead of taking the high road. 8 - 10 million of her votes stayed home or voted 3rd party because the media convinced them that her negatives were somehow comparable to Trump's negatives. Despite that it looks like she whupped Trump in the popular vote, but of course that doesn't matter.
That sounds a lot like her election-night drunken rant, most likely. and of course Comey, Podesta, Huma/Weiner, Bill, Brazile, Bush (goes without saying), bad pantsuits, walking pneumonia and so on. The screeching must have been unimaginable.
well. I am giving 15% of her election loss because we all saw her freeze up in one of her rallies where here face went blank/brain fart.
I don't know what you are hooping and hollering about, Trump could of just as easily ran on the Dem ticket. Fools.

..and Hillary just as easily could have used a STATE DEPARTMENT E-MAIL server...probably MORE easily than setting up her own private server in her closet and paying someone to maintain it.

She surely went to a lot of trouble for her "CONVENIENCE".
Hillary should have punched back instead of taking the high road. 8 - 10 million of her votes stayed home or voted 3rd party because the media convinced them that her negatives were somehow comparable to Trump's negatives. Despite that it looks like she whupped Trump in the popular vote, but of course that doesn't matter.
That sounds a lot like her election-night drunken rant, most likely. and of course Comey, Podesta, Huma/Weiner, Bill, Brazile, Bush (goes without saying), bad pantsuits, walking pneumonia and so on. The screeching must have been unimaginable.
Did you have a point somewhere in all that babbling? :cuckoo:
She CHOSE to break the rules and use her own private e-mail server. She knew it was wrong...so did everyone else.

It's squarely on HER shoulders that she isn't POTUS.

You guys must be so mad at her for destroying the Democratic Party. What a betrayal of the trust people put into her.
Because Clinton's campaign of hate, fear and bigotry fairly represents the values of the Democratic Party since Bill Clinton turned it from a party of the left into a soulless, valueless political machine.

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