Why are FOX news ratings so high?

who are all these "ignorant" liberals?

All liberals are ignorant, it's like a prerequisite to become a liberal

I am a congenital liberal -----my parents are jewish democrats.
My grandmother took part in the protests that followed the triangle
fire. My grandmother was so bright that she could play
mahjong with one eye closed and her right hand tied behind her back whilst
so true----everytime I try to avoid a commercial break by switching channels----
I get another commerciall

And we'll keep getting them as long as the sources we seek exist to make money rather than to inform us on what the news is.
so true----everytime I try to avoid a commercial break by switching channels----
I get another commerciall

And we'll keep getting them as long as the sources we seek exist to make money rather than to inform us on what the news is.

commercials are news-----you get to know the NEW stuff out there-----
best news there is. STUFF

Indeed, news for the Commodity Fetish Population...
so true----everytime I try to avoid a commercial break by switching channels----
I get another commerciall

And we'll keep getting them as long as the sources we seek exist to make money rather than to inform us on what the news is.

commercials are news-----you get to know the NEW stuff out there-----
best news there is. STUFF

Indeed, news for the Commodity Fetish Population...

yes----the world runs on COMMODITIES-----Joseph (the son of Jacob) invested
in grain commodities as an investment in the power of the Egyptian royal family.
It was better than depending on trying to FISH the nile
In all seriousness...have you actually tried to watch CNN?
It should be called Commercials Nonstop Network.
There are literally more commercials than news.
LOL...that might be one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever heard. You teapers are pathetic. CNN and FNC are basically on the SAME CLOCK! On top of that, FNC uses hard breaks controlled by a computer, so no matter what is happening...they wll be forced to go to break at a certain time.

:lol: You teapers try so fucking hard...it is pathetic.

1) I am not a teaper
2) Sorry, I wasn't aware there was a CNN/Fox Producer who knows everything first hand about the two to straighten me out.
3) I don't have FOX News. I don't subscribe to cable, so unfortunately with SlingTV/Roku/Netflix...all I have is CNN and Newsy (which I like better)

SO my comment is based on only TRYING to watch CNN, which I just can't do. It is ridiculous when you can eat your entire lunch and only see a brief few minutes of news, which is actually usually some dumbass "headline useless story of the week" rather than actual news.
So I don't watch it. I can't stand to sit and watch 4-5 commercials in a row, maybe 5 minutes of CNN...then 4-5 more commercials.
Screw it.
Bottom Line: Since Murdoch has chosen to combine Fox news with Fox Entertainment, perhaps it would be best to abandon the slogan, "we report, you decide"....to, "we entertain you, and you swallow it as news."
My question would probably make for a boring thread on it's own......

But I'd be interested in news sources people think are good.

Or at least more about how the taking heads on this site get their material.

I'll go first.

I prefer the following:

Non Fiction History Books

Senate.gov and house.gov, for legislation in it's untranslated form.

CSPAN, without commentary.

The Economist.

Foreign papers in english, online, for new specific to a particular incident in a country.

The McLaughlin Group....yes, they're still alive, and on early Sunday mornings

The Daily Show

Fox News and MSNBC for giggles, and to see how people on this site get so wrong
so true----everytime I try to avoid a commercial break by switching channels----
I get another commerciall

And we'll keep getting them as long as the sources we seek exist to make money rather than to inform us on what the news is.

commercials are news-----you get to know the NEW stuff out there-----
best news there is. STUFF

Indeed, news for the Commodity Fetish Population...

yes----the world runs on COMMODITIES-----Joseph (the son of Jacob) invested
in grain commodities as an investment in the power of the Egyptian royal family.
It was better than depending on trying to FISH the nile

Hehe, unfortunately the "commodity" in "commodity fetish" doesn't mean the same thing it means on the stock market.
"Grains" after all are not what's advertised on TV. Just as ratings serve one single purpose -- to establish commercial rates -- so Television exists for one purpose -- to sell advertising. And advertising is defined as a system of persuasion to get you to buy crap you don't need.

Nobody needs to advertise the idea of eating food or drinking water. We already know that. So what gets advertised is why you should buy MY food and not that other guy's. In practice today, and especially on Fox Noise, it means what gets advertised is why you should use Viagra or Ambien CR or buy a big he-man Tonka Truck. Because while you don't NEED any of these things, they will all make you FEEL good. Again, "emotion sells".

So "Commodity Fetish" refers to the idea of selling things just for the sake of selling things ---- rather than selling things because they have some useful purpose.

And that's what television is all about, and always has been. Most effective propaganda tool ever invented.
Bottom Line: Since Murdoch has chosen to combine Fox news with Fox Entertainment, perhaps it would be best to abandon the slogan, "we report, you decide"....to, "we entertain you, and you swallow it as news."
Is this the kind of meaningful contribution you were looking for Pogo?

This thread is as pathetic as most in it whining about Fox's popularity.

Boo fucking hoo
Is this the kind of meaningful contribution you were looking for Pogo?

This thread is as pathetic as most in it whining about Fox's popularity.

Boo fucking hoo

I think Grampa..is slowly reaching the age that is equivalent to his IQ. LOL
My question would probably make for a boring thread on it's own......

But I'd be interested in news sources people think are good.

Or at least more about how the taking heads on this site get their material.

I'll go first.

I prefer the following:

Non Fiction History Books

Senate.gov and house.gov, for legislation in it's untranslated form.

CSPAN, without commentary.

The Economist.

Foreign papers in english, online, for new specific to a particular incident in a country.

The McLaughlin Group....yes, they're still alive, and on early Sunday mornings

The Daily Show

Fox News and MSNBC for giggles, and to see how people on this site get so wrong
Fox News, MSNBC ABC, CBS, CNN, and using Google where I can pick other sources. Just keep your eyes on the facts that are reported, and don't worry so much about the perspective. If the facts are accurate, you're OK.
Is this the kind of meaningful contribution you were looking for Pogo?

This thread is as pathetic as most in it whining about Fox's popularity.

Boo fucking hoo

I think Grampa..is slowly reaching the age that is equivalent to his IQ. LOL
I have yet to see you post anything that couldn't be easily mistaken for pointless trolling.
Enjoy your permanent vacation to the ignore lounge
Anybody notice that the rabid RWs have ignored every single fact, every bit of proof that I have posted?

They demand proof that Fox lies, that Fox is an entertainment network, PROOF that they're being duped and not one of them has the integrity to respond to even one link.

Ignorance is bliss.
My question would probably make for a boring thread on it's own......

But I'd be interested in news sources people think are good.

Or at least more about how the taking heads on this site get their material.

I'll go first.

I prefer the following:

Non Fiction History Books

Senate.gov and house.gov, for legislation in it's untranslated form.

CSPAN, without commentary.

The Economist.

Foreign papers in english, online, for new specific to a particular incident in a country.

The McLaughlin Group....yes, they're still alive, and on early Sunday mornings

The Daily Show

Fox News and MSNBC for giggles, and to see how people on this site get so wrong
Fox News, MSNBC ABC, CBS, CNN, and using Google where I can pick other sources. Just keep your eyes on the facts that are reported, and don't worry so much about the perspective. If the facts are accurate, you're OK.

Here's a good example.

Obiwan said that liberals never post facts. I posted facts, PROOF that he's slurping up lies and he doesn't have the balls to read the links.

The fact is, gullible RWs want to be stupid and they succeed. They know they're being lied to and they just keep going back for more.

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