Why America Invaded Iraq


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
A most interesting video, 6 minutes in length @ [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi7RUO93dOI]Why America Invaded Iraq -- Prager University - YouTube[/ame]

And remember, Hilary, Joe Biden, and Kerry all voted for the war authorization act in 2002. Read this @ American Power: Why America Invaded Iraq

Funny how Democrats can twist things to their own viewpoint – afterwards!
Iraq civil war picks up where it left off...

Wave of car bombs, other attacks kill 31 in Iraq
Sep 17,`13 -- A new wave of car bombs rocked commercial streets in the Iraqi capital on Tuesday, part of a series of attacks across the country that left 31 people and four attackers dead.
Meanwhile, Sunni leaders in Basra said unknown gunmen had shot dead 17 Sunnis in the Shiite-dominated southern city over the past two weeks, following threats to retaliate against them for attacks on Shiites in other parts of Iraq. Car bomb attacks blamed on hard-line Sunnis aiming to undermine confidence in the Shiite-led government, coming alongside revenge killings by Shiites, are reminiscent of the cycle of violence that brought the country to the brink of civil war some years ago. A surge of bloodshed is now in its fifth month, although overall death tolls are still lower than at the height of the conflict in 2004-2008.

Abdul-Karim al-Khazrachi, who leads the Sunni Endowment that oversees holy sites in Basra, said in a statement issued late Monday that the sect had decided to close down its mosques due to "grave security deterioration and the continuation of the sectarian killings." Khazrachi told The Associated Press in a phone interview from Baghdad that the killings were preceded by threats, including letters that came with bullets in the envelopes, vowing revenge for insurgent attacks against Shiites across Iraq. The letters demanded that Sunnis leave the province. He said he didn't know the killers' identities.

The slain, he added, included clerics, worshippers and others. The latest was a 70-year-old grocer who was shot dead by gunmen while standing in his store Monday night. A police officer in the city confirmed the 17 killings, speaking anonymously as he was not authorized to talk to media. Khazrachi said the mosque closure was intended to protect Sunnis but was "also a message to all those in charge of the security to shoulder their responsibilities." Basra is Iraq's second-largest city. It was controlled by militias for years before the U.S.-backed Iraqi army gained control following a series of offensives in 2008.

In Baghdad, meanwhile, a wave of car bombs hit commercial districts. One blast struck the northeastern suburb of Husseiniya in the late afternoon, killing five people and wounding 14 others. Shortly before sunset, another bomb went off near a juice shop in central Baghdad, killing three and wounding 21. Two more died in another car bomb explosion near a restaurant downtown, and in western Baghdad, two blasts killed six people and wounded 20 others. A final two blasts hit a commercial street in the capital's southeast, killing seven and wounding 71.

The Iraq War had nothing to do with WMD's, because that was a manufactured lie. It was always about the banks.

War With Iran: The Real Reason Why America Invaded Iraq

by Victor Thorn

Whenever we look forward to a potential war with Iran, the first logical question to ask is: why did the United States invade Iraq? Naturally, the mainstream media (as well as the alternative media) have given us plenty of supposed reasons, from WMD’s, terrorism, oil, Saddam Hussein, al Qaeda, 9-11, and the desire to spread 'freedom and democracy' (ha, that's a good one) throughout the Middle East. But every one of these explanations is a smokescreen to cover our true motives.

The real reason we waged war with Iraq is that in November, 2000 Saddam Hussein refused to accept the U.S. dollar for his oil, and instead switched to the euro. Hussein also made a dramatic move by switching all of his U.N. reserves from the dollar to the euro. Thus, our invasion was nothing more than an attempt to maintain the dollar’s monopoly on oil purchases throughout the world. Stated differently, we wanted there to be no other choice than the dollar as the world’s sole petro-currency. Our attack, then, was an example to other countries – don’t convert your system over to the euro, and don’t challenge the dollar’s dominance.

Read more: War With Iran: The Real Reason Why America Invaded Iraq
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Wow. The 'real' reason - from some conspiranutter whackadoodle on a hate site.

Yeah, that's like, uh, sooooooo! believable.

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