Why America can’t handle crises

This video essay captures the root of America's biggest problem w/addressing crises...

What's your take after watching the video and how do we begin to address resolving these issues?

"Crisis mismanagement."....

Yet you're exactly the kind of stupid asshole who demands that the mismanagers (as long as they're on your team) keep getting more money and power to keep mismanaging.

Fuck you....Right up the ass with a red hot poker.
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Outlaw the Council on Foreign Relations.

Pass an Amendment for publicly funded campaigns, and make the debates held by the league of women voters again, let them make the rules in the interest of the public, not the corporations, the interest groups, or the parties.

. . and outlaw public unions.

Have public elected state level over-sight committees, non-affiliated with the federal government, over-sight boards, that will have top secret clearance, and above top secret clearance to have oversight of all classified federal operations.

Pass another amendment that outlaws or has an oversight between science and government.

(A lot of the information in the COVID portion in the video was false information. . . so it was hard to take the last part of the video seriously.)

You have to understand. . . this guy is a young kid, and he is watching a lot of TEE VEE, and a lot of it is put out by PBS, which is funded by foundations, which are made by billionaires which have an agenda you cannot trust.

This is not a very good video.

The best thing you can do personally? Don't watch TEE VEE or engage on foundation propaganda. There are so many things being pushed in this video, which has one objective by the elites. . . TO TAKE AWAY PERSONAL FREEDOM. They want all the power and to create a technocracy.

They are creating these crisis, so that they can move you to demand the system they have already prepared you for. . . and this guy is describing what he wants. . .

He states, several times, "Our capitalist system created the problem." Which shows you how ignorant he is of the Free Market. That is simply not true. The corrupt relationship between corporations and government created the problem.

He laments, over and over again about how "serious" the COVID problem is. . . but is totally ignorant about how the CDC reclassified what counts as a COVID death. Each nation has a different definition of what it classifies as a COVID mortality. This guy doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. And the excess mortality may be higher, but compared to a severe flu year, like the 1967 Hong Kong Flu, excess mortality is not really that bad. The media is turning an illness that has an infection fatality rate (IFR) of .2% into something like Ebola.

Again. . . it is hyperbola. He would have done better focusing on a real crises, like Katrina.

Manufacturing a crisis to promote greed and denounce capitalism is the progressive way.


This video essay captures the root of America's biggest problem w/addressing crises...

What's your take after watching the video and how do we begin to address resolving these issues?
The guy is an easily brainwashed idiot. Like most TDS afflicted morons, he parrots about a half a dozen falsehoods straight out of the fake news media in just the first minute alone, without a hint of skepticism.

It's just another idiotic communist screed full of KGB-style crude defamatory anti-USA disinformation and propaganda spewed by a low IQ easily brainwashed moron.

We don't need to resolve fake crises.
The system we have in place, deregulated capitalism, has caused numerous problems. And it allows an elite class to rule things without question.

I am a believer in capitalism. But I am also a believer in a government's responsibility to its people. This is where the disconnect between socialism and democratic socialism comes in. Democratic socialism does not remove capitalism. It simple demands that taxes be used to benefit the people who are most at risk. It insists on safety nets. It insists that the government do what is best for the most people, not what is best for the elite few.

The other big problem is the system of government we have in place. The politicians, whether democrat or republican, serve the elite. And they are rewarded for that service. Look at the net worth of life long politicians, of either party. The fact that people making $174,000 per year (for congress) are becoming millionaires should tell us all we need to know. There are 100 people "serving" in the senate. 66 of them are millionaires. 66% of the senate. 1% of the US population are millionaires.

And the only way that will change is if we change the laws concerning campaign finance. So the people getting rich have to write the bills and pass them, to remove their own pipeline to riches. Who is naive enough to believe that will happen.

And the corporate world continues to rake in billions of dollars at the expense of the health and well being of the population. A perfect example was in the video. The sugar industry. It was proven that sugar is the major factor in obesity and the accompanying health issues. But Big Sugar spent money on a disinformation campaign that is still going on and the results of which are still being felt.

The number of processed foods containing sugar is staggering. Next time you pick up a packet of salt to add to your fries, look at the label. It lists ingredients. For. Salt. And on most of them, it lists Dextrose as an ingredient. Since most people either haven't taken chemistry or have forgotten what they learned, they do not know that dextrose is simple table sugar. Any ingredient with a name that ends in ...ose is a sugar. High fructose corn syrup is cheap and addictive. Why wouldn't they tell us it is bad for us? Because it adds to the profits, despite causing a multitude of health issues.

Imagine if people fought against sugar, in all its forms, with the same vigor that they had fighting masks and lockdowns. We probably wouldn't have a population that is 45% obese, or more.

The video mentioned politicians and politics. But we have become so polarized that we don't care what the results are, as long as our side wins. Republicans will ignore facts and use misinformation to gain an edge against democrats. Democrats will ignore facts and use misinformation to gain an edge against republicans. NEITHER party is focused on serving the population. Neither party has the best interests of the whole population in mind. And each side blames the other for all the ills.

And lastly, something I have been saying for year, the news media is all about manipulation and not about information. Back in the day Edward R. Morrow and Walter Cronkite were giants in the industry. They informed the public. Then came the 24 hour news channels. News became big business. And the more viewers the more profit. And when do we watch the news the most? When we are scared. So it is in their best interest to scare the population. A fearful population means huge profits. So we have one story after another about SARS, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Ebola ect ect ect. When the best medical people were saying it was not the crisis the media made it out to be.

If this is all about promoting socialism then tell the big businesses their assets are forfeit and will be redistributed to manage the crisis.

After all a crisis is a national emergency and assets can then commandeered.

That should be interesting to see what kind of reaction government receives from big business.


That was the theme of the video. All the blame was directed toward capitalists, instead of government.
Actually, the video blamed both. That you only heard one side reflects your deplorable state more than anything else.
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That was the theme of the video. All the blame was directed toward capitalists, instead of government.
Actually, the video blamed both. That you only heard one side reflects your deplorable state than anything else.

Not so much. There was a clear socialist vibe to the video. The fact that you didn't hear it reflects on your state of denial more than anything else.
The video did not just blame capitalism.

It blamed politics and politicians.
It blamed the public.
It blamed the gov't.

But capitalism, as practiced by so many today, maximizes profits by operating on the very edge. That means any crisis pushes them over the edge.

Capitalism is a great system. But is needs regulation and a small percentage of the profits need to pay for the safety nets that virtually every other capitalist nation has in place.
The video did not just blame capitalism.

It blamed politics and politicians.
It blamed the public.
It blamed the gov't.

But capitalism, as practiced by so many today, maximizes profits by operating on the very edge. That means any crisis pushes them over the edge.

Capitalism is a great system. But is needs regulation and a small percentage of the profits need to pay for the safety nets that virtually every other capitalist nation has in place.

That's the wedge, the foot in the door, to corporatism. When government gets in the business of "regulating" private wealth, private wealth gets in the business of controlling government. The only way to prevent that collusion is to, constitutionally, separate the two forms of power - to create a "wall of separation" between them - exactly as we did with religion and government.
This video essay captures the root of America's biggest problem w/addressing crises...

What's your take after watching the video and how do we begin to address resolving these issues?

Loaded with bullshit.

Most of the time, the "crisis" is manufactured to bring about policy that would otherwise be so fucking unpopular that people in power would be shot down like mangy dogs.

We could take some tips from China and regulate our problems into camps like they did with the Uighurs..... The new administration has already put up fences for that now if we could just put a media black out on it like they did at the border confinement facilities.



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