Why all politicians hate Donald Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2019
Red state of Florida
When he was elected in 2016 I was over the moon with hope for this once great country. The founding fathers wanted a system where the best and the brightest served for 2,4 or 6 years doing the right thing. After their terms they were expected to return to private life and make their millions doing honest work. In their eyes there were no career politicians
That concept has been corrupted over time.We are now saddled with a broken system where the most conniving and dishonest gain access to our government with the intent to enrich themselves at the public trough They do this by pandering to any fool that has a vote.. We could change this but no we just end up electing the same pond scum year after year.
With the election of Mr. Trump we had a private citizen, a non politician, someone not owned or controlled by special interests. We have wasted that opportunity and we will pay the price.
Back to why he is feared and yes hated by all office holders. He is messing with their great cushy deal. They now realize that they would never become president if the country is smart enough to bar career politicians? (TERM LIMITS)
End result----he must not succeed.We have allowed politicians to become more powerful than us.
.....agree----and he does not talk like one either--he tells the truth--and that HURTS people
The OP is wrong. Trump is not hated by all politicians. Many of them? I'm sure, but certainly not all.

Without a doubt everyone on the left hates him, and there is a basket full of ones on the right as well. However I don't care if you love him or hate him, just work with him when he has brilliant ideas like the border wall, asylum, equalizing trade deals, and even tax cuts for our job creators.

As to why he is hated is a pretty easy one. Politics like business, you need to pay your dues. You start from he bottom and work your way up. You make friends and yes, some enemies along the way, but in that time, you are accepted into the club.

Trump didn't do any of that. He didn't start at the bottom, he started at the top, where every career politician dreams of eventually being after all their dues are paid. It's like joining a 20 mile foot race and you found out the winner took a cab to the finish line.

So now everybody in the club is a little bit worried. If Trump can do it, what's stopping others in the future from taking that same cab? After all, with Trump's great success, maybe we voters were doing it wrong all along.
The OP is wrong. Trump is not hated by all politicians. Many of them? I'm sure, but certainly not all.

Without a doubt everyone on the left hates him, and there is a basket full of ones on the right as well. However I don't care if you love him or hate him, just work with him when he has brilliant ideas like the border wall, asylum, equalizing trade deals, and even tax cuts for our job creators.

As to why he is hated is a pretty easy one. Politics like business, you need to pay your dues. You start from he bottom and work your way up. You make friends and yes, some enemies along the way, but in that time, you are accepted into the club.

Trump didn't do any of that. He didn't start at the bottom, he started at the top, where every career politician dreams of eventually being after all their dues are paid. It's like joining a 20 mile foot race and you found out the winner took a cab to the finish line.

So now everybody in the club is a little bit worried. If Trump can do it, what's stopping others in the future from taking that same cab? After all, with Trump's great success, maybe we voters were doing it wrong all along.

Ray, you are right, I should have used the term "most" or "many" either hate of are afraid of him. I'm just a little dismayed at your defense of the current political landscape. The system is broken and corrupt. It has reached this state by the willful action of its members and of course with the help of we the people. Time to make a change.
It's a tough road for those that point out the obvious and actually say what others are fearful of saying.
I think President Trump signals a turn around in American politics. Many people are no longer taking this in office for granted and are questioning their records and personal lives. As hard as it is to take, The Four Harridans are a sign of people "outing the scoundrels." I expect to see far, far more in 2020. Some of the rats are already fleeing the swamp, claiming they aren't running for reelection in 2020.
When he was elected in 2016 I was over the moon with hope for this once great country. The founding fathers wanted a system where the best and the brightest served for 2,4 or 6 years doing the right thing. After their terms they were expected to return to private life and make their millions doing honest work. In their eyes there were no career politicians
That concept has been corrupted over time.We are now saddled with a broken system where the most conniving and dishonest gain access to our government with the intent to enrich themselves at the public trough They do this by pandering to any fool that has a vote.. We could change this but no we just end up electing the same pond scum year after year.
With the election of Mr. Trump we had a private citizen, a non politician, someone not owned or controlled by special interests. We have wasted that opportunity and we will pay the price.
Back to why he is feared and yes hated by all office holders. He is messing with their great cushy deal. They now realize that they would never become president if the country is smart enough to bar career politicians? (TERM LIMITS)
End result----he must not succeed.We have allowed politicians to become more powerful than us.
Some of us have been crying for term limits for decades. Most on this board mock that idea because they're stupid enough to trust the AVERAGE voter to impose those limits despite those voters showing time and again that they are detached from important things.
All politicians? The reason "some" politicians (like Rep. Cummings) hate the President is because they are afraid of him. For the first time in decades republicans have a President with a set of balls and the willingness to confront crooks like Cummings and straighten what has been broken in foreign policy that stayed in place thanks to chicken shit democrats and republicans. Give the guy another four years and you might see crooked politicians jumping off buildings like crooked bankers did in 1929.
All politicians? The reason "some" politicians (like Rep. Cummings) hate the President is because they are afraid of him. For the first time in decades republicans have a President with a set of balls and the willingness to confront crooks like Cummings and straighten what has been broken in foreign policy that stayed in place thanks to chicken shit democrats and republicans. Give the guy another four years and you might see crooked politicians jumping off buildings like crooked bankers did in 1929.

Democrats are like mass murderers. They love to shoot, but hate when somebody has the ability to shoot back.

With every other Republican President besides Trump, when the media attacked them, they sat in the corner and pretended it didn't happen. When they made up lies about them, they did the same thing. When the media or Democrat politicians lied about what they said, the Republican President would apologize for something he really didn't say, and walk it back.

Trump doesn't give a shit. If you hit him, he's going to hit you back twice as hard. If you lie about him, he's going on Twitter to bash your organization to pieces. If Democrats are responsible for stopping his achievements, he's going to say this is what Democrats are doing.
politicians can be a joy for folks to watch because of the physicality as well as their talent. who has a problem looking at amazingly pretty people during a boring speech? politicians depend on their likability, and their attractiveness, because they want people to watch them, to be drawn to them, to desire them.

because of this, politicians who hate trump are by their very nature...LIARS!

For a politician, criticism is tied to survival more than it is for the rest of us.

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