Why 60?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The Senate is set to vote on debating The Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act. But word is that Democrats are set to block the measure from getting the 60 votes to override a veto.

So? That means Senators won't even be allowed to debate the darned thing on the floor of the Senate? Where all of us can see and hear what they have to say?

Has Congress arrived at the point where even a hint about a presidential veto throttles their ability to do what the constitution designed for them to do?

"This vile and legislation might as well be called 'The Donald Trump Act,'" Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid said in a floor speech Monday. "Like the disgusting and outrageous language championed by Donald Trump, this legislation paints all immigrants as criminals and rapists."

And that means he's going to do his best to keep it from even being talked about?

And where's spineless McConnel? If you agree that the Senate should allow floor debate on this – and so many other bills – contact your Senator and let him or her know your thoughts. (I can only write one as Dingy Harry is one of mine.)

Full story @ Senate set to vote on sanctuary city bill - CNNPolitics.com

I understand very well what cloture is. I also understand that the Congress makes its own rules on how things can be done. The only requirement for a 2/3 vote is to override a presidential veto.

Remember when Dingy Harry changed the rules to benefit the Dems when they were in the majority? Musty Mich could easily do the same so bills could be brought up and debated on the floor.

I understand very well what cloture is. I also understand that the Congress makes its own rules on how things can be done. The only requirement for a 2/3 vote is to override a presidential veto.

Remember when Dingy Harry changed the rules to benefit the Dems when they were in the majority? Musty Mich could easily do the same so bills could be brought up and debated on the floor.
McConnell seems to have preferred to let the House play Bad Cop. Wonder whether that will change with a new Speaker?

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