Why 2014 will be the year of immigration reform


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
Tim Kane writes at Fox News:

"A curious case of generational timing can be observed in the fact that major changes to U.S. immigration policy occur once every two and half decades. It has been 27 years since the last generational shift, and other signs indicate that 2014 is likely to the “Year of Immigration Reform. Barack Obama in 2014, like Ronald Reagan in 1986, is in the sixth year of his presidency, likewise re-elected but wounded and looking for ways to cement his legacy."

Read the rest here.

Why 2014 will be the year of immigration reform Hoover Institution
There is no "reform" in the works. It's amnesty just like Reagan passed in 1986 but this time around it would be at least quadruple the number of illegal aliens involved. IMO, no amnesty will pass. It would be political suicide to do so.
hope it doesn't happen and ebola and a few other kid diseases making the rounds in the USA might help to stop any immigration reform , that's my hope anyway !!
So they're not taking our jobs, huh?...

New Record: Foreign-Born Job-Holders Break 25M
October 28, 2014 -- The number of foreign-born individuals holding jobs in the United States hit a record high of 25,019,000 in September, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
The BLS has been tracking the number of foreign-born workers annually since 2005 and monthly since 2007. The BLS does not distinguish between foreign-born individuals who are in the United States legally and those who are here illegally. “The foreign born are those who reside in the United States but who were born outside the country or one of its outlying areas to parents who were not U.S. citizens,” the BLS explains. “The foreign born include legally-admitted immigrants, refugees, temporary residents such as students and temporary workers, and undocumented immigrants. The survey data, however, do not separately identify the numbers of persons in these categories.”


The 25,019,000 foreign-born workers who held jobs in the United States in September was up 380,000 from August, when 24,639,000 foreign-born workers held jobs. From September 2013 to September 2014, the number of foreign-born workers holding jobs in the United States climbed by 978,000 from 24,041,000 to 25,019,000. During that same September-to-September period, the number of native-born Americans holding jobs increased by 1,312,000, from 120,610,000 to 121,922,000.

Of the 146,941,000 people with jobs in the United States in September (in the BLS’s non-seasonally adjusted data), the 25,019,000 foreign-born workers equaled 17 percent of the job-holders. But of the 2,290,000 increase in job-holders from September 2013 to September 2014, the 978,000 increase in foreign-born job-holders was 42.7 of the total.

New Record Foreign-Born Job-Holders Break 25M CNS News
Most of them are English, Australian, and Canadian actors on television.

Foreign-born is a meaningless statistic. The more important one is how many illegals.
Granny says, "Dat's right - dem illegal aliens is takin' over the country...

Report: 71 Percent of New Jobs Go to Foreign Born Legal, Illegal Immigrants in NH
October 30, 2014 – A new report by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) shows that the state with senators who both voted for the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill, which cleared the Senate in June, has 71 percent of its job growth going to foreign-born workers, including legal and illegal immigrants.
Sens. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) both voted for Senate Bill 744, which CIS calculated would have roughly doubled the number of new foreign workers allowed into the country and would have given legal status to millions of illegal aliens already in the country had the legislation been passed by the House and become law. A CIS analysis using data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey showed that since 2000, 71 percent of the net increase in the number of working-age (16 to 65) people holding a job in New Hampshire has gone to immigrants (legal and illegal), even though the native-born accounted for 65 percent of population growth among the working-age.

As a result, the share of natives holding a job in the state has declined significantly. Natives without a college education were affected the most by this trend, according to CIS. “Job growth in New Hampshire has not been very strong,” Steven Camarota, CIS director of research and co-author of the report, said in a statement issued with the report. “The situation for natives without a college education has been particular bad. “Thus it is surprising that many of New Hampshire’s politicians supported the Gang of Eight bill, which would give work authorization to illegal immigrants and dramatically increase the number of foreign workers allowed into the country in the future,” Camarota said.

CIS explained the methodology for the report this way: “The analysis is based on the ‘household survey,’ collected by the government. The survey is officially known as the Current Population Survey (CPS), and is the nation’s primary source of information on the labor market. Many jobs are created and lost each year and many workers change jobs as well. But the number of people employed reflects the net effect of these changes. We focus on the first half of each year 2000 to 2014 in this analysis because comparing the same part of the year over time controls for seasonality.

Also combining six months of the CPS allows us to have more robust estimates for a small state like New Hampshire. “This analysis focuses on those 16- to 65-years-old, so that we can examine the employment rate (share working) of native-born Americans. The employment rate is a measure of labor force attachment that is less sensitive to the business cycle compared to the often-cited unemployment rate. Immigrants or the foreign born (legal and illegal) are individuals who are not U.S. citizens at birth.”

Other findings include:

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