Whose side is China really on?

Take a short quiz to express how you feel toward China

  • I love China and trust them implicitly, they are a solid ally

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • I love that Wall Street moved so many US factories to China, prices are much lower

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • Pakistan and China forming an alliance does not concern me at all

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • I prefer Chinese riding bikes and US commuters riding SUVs

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • I prefer Americans riding bikes and Chinese commuters riding SUVs

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • I don't trust the Chinese or their military at all

    Votes: 11 50.0%
  • I believe that the US and China are heading for major disagreements

    Votes: 12 54.5%
  • I believe that Wall Street will eventually regret doing business with China

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • I believe the projections that show China surpassing the US by 2030

    Votes: 9 40.9%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Heard a news report that Pakistan is killing Americans while we give them about $5b a year in all types of "aid". Then I heard that Pakistan said that if the US stops aid, that Pakistan will accept aid from China.

Then I saw Mulally proudly proclaiming all the new plants Ford is building in China to build new electric cars and car components.

Then I recalled what happened when one of our planes went down in China.

So lets take a poll to see who trusts China...or are they simply playing Wall Street for morons?
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Heard a news report that Pakistan is killing Americans while we give them about $5b a year in all types of "aid". Then I heard that Pakistan said that if the US stops aid, that Pakistan will accept aid from China.

Then I saw Mulally proudly proclaiming all the new plants they are building in China to build new electric cars and car components.

Then I recalled what happened when one of our planes went down in China.

So lets take a poll to see who trusts China...or are they simply playing Wall Street for morons?

The humble opinion of this average Joe is that Pakistan can pound sand.

We'll keep the air and land space required 'till we vacate the region, thank you very much and from this moment on not one fucking dime.
Heard a news report that Pakistan is killing Americans while we give them about $5b a year in all types of "aid". Then I heard that Pakistan said that if the US stops aid, that Pakistan will accept aid from China.

Then I saw Mulally proudly proclaiming all the new plants they are building in China to build new electric cars and car components.

Then I recalled what happened when one of our planes went down in China.

So lets take a poll to see who trusts China...or are they simply playing Wall Street for morons?

China is in it for themselves, same as the rest of us.
Heard a news report that Pakistan is killing Americans while we give them about $5b a year in all types of "aid". Then I heard that Pakistan said that if the US stops aid, that Pakistan will accept aid from China.

Then I saw Mulally proudly proclaiming all the new plants they are building in China to build new electric cars and car components.

Then I recalled what happened when one of our planes went down in China.

So lets take a poll to see who trusts China...or are they simply playing Wall Street for morons?

China is in it for themselves, same as the rest of us.

exactly, except we don't seem to be playing the game well.
Heard a news report that Pakistan is killing Americans while we give them about $5b a year in all types of "aid". Then I heard that Pakistan said that if the US stops aid, that Pakistan will accept aid from China.

Then I saw Mulally proudly proclaiming all the new plants they are building in China to build new electric cars and car components.

Then I recalled what happened when one of our planes went down in China.

So lets take a poll to see who trusts China...or are they simply playing Wall Street for morons?

china will do anything that a) can discombobulate us, and b) will help them accrue any advantage in the region.

we should send a full blown diplomatic team to talk with India AND sell Taiwan the NEW F-16's not upgrade the ones they wish to replace. But alas.
For as long as our economic policies are dictated by the uber-wealthy our wealth we be exported to whoever has the cheapest labor.
Heard a news report that Pakistan is killing Americans while we give them about $5b a year in all types of "aid". Then I heard that Pakistan said that if the US stops aid, that Pakistan will accept aid from China.

Then I saw Mulally proudly proclaiming all the new plants they are building in China to build new electric cars and car components.

Then I recalled what happened when one of our planes went down in China.

So lets take a poll to see who trusts China...or are they simply playing Wall Street for morons?

china will do anything that a) can discombobulate us, and b) will help them accrue any advantage in the region.

we should send a full blown diplomatic team to talk with India AND sell Taiwan the NEW F-16's not upgrade the ones they wish to replace. But alas.

It's a delicate balance. Learning how to exploit resources, including human resources, with out shooting your market in the foot and cutting in to profits.
China's military is only a threat to those on it's boarders. They are a paper tiger in the air and sea. A rather large paper tiger, but paper none the less. A communist country cannot build a great military because it requires greatness, something that communisum stifles.

Pakistans intellegance agency has been using our money to work with the terrorists to kill Americans.

Read the above sentance again and guess how I feel about that. India has a new best buddy, as does Taiwan.
China is using a old strategy called "mercantilism". They keep their currency artificially low, have high tariffs for imports, and have locked in long term agreements for raw materials and energy. 80% of China's imports are RAW MATERIALS. Romney is right- we need to stop bending over......
Why on earth would China be on anyone but China's side?

Why on earth would The US be on the side of anyone but The US?

Short term profits, of course!!

It's fucking amazing what $10 million in the hands of a former employee of ours turned lobbyists can get We, The People to do with our corrupt election process and tax code of favoritism.
China's military is only a threat to those on it's borders. They are a paper tiger in the air and sea. A rather large paper tiger, but paper none the less. A communist country cannot build a great military because it requires greatness, something that communism stifles.

Pakistan's intelligence agency has been using our money to work with the terrorists to kill Americans.

Read the above sentence again and guess how I feel about that. India has a new best buddy, as does Taiwan.

China's military is only a threat to those on it's borders. Are you VERY sure about that??
US & China: Space Race or Cosmic Cooperation? | Chinese Space Program, Human Spaceflight & Exploration | China-U.S Space Collaboration | Space.com
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Who's side is China really on?

Obviously - China's.

What we need to be asking is:

Who's side America's business and political leader on?

But I guess that's obvious too...like China:

Their own!

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