Whoopie Goldberg Cusses Out Anne Coulter Because She Thinks Whites Don't Understand


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Whoopie's Grandmother was there......she knew everything about racism in the South. Problem is Whoopie believes a warp version of history. She may be attaching blame on the GOP when they barely existed in the South of Whoopie's Grandmother.

Democrats ran the South back during the time of her Grandmother. That fact has been white-washed by the left. All of the sins of Democrats have been passed off onto the GOP just like Obama keeps blaming all of his crap on Bush.

If you believe the truth don't go on The View because they know the real deal. Whoopie started swearing and telling Coulter that because she wasn't black she didn't know anything about racism. Whoopie acts like the only race that matters in America is African-Americans.

GOLDBERG: You know what, hold up Mrs. Coulter. Please stop, please stop! If you're going to talk about race, at least know what you're talking about. At least know what you're talking about.

Tell me how much you know about being black?

COULTER: Well, this isn't about being black.

GOLDBERG: But you just said that this is, you just made all these statements about how black people feel, tell me how you know.

COULTER: This is not a book about black people, it is a book about white liberals. And I do know and this is a fact, once for years, Republican policies on crime and welfare for example were called racist.

When they finally got implemented after the OJ verdict, implemented by Giuliani in New York, Reagan and Bush judges overall, tens of thousands of black lives were saved. That's a fact.

This is the definition of racism. That by virtue of your race you're better or more knowledgeable than another race.

SHEPARD: Everyone understands Republicans are way different than the way they are now and

COULTER: And that's what we are told and The Democratic segregationist were all Democrats, it's a lie that they were Conservative democrats

GOLDBERG: Everyone was a segregationist , everybody was! White people were, they didn't matter whether they were Republican or not.

COULTER: Republicans were not...

GOLDBERG: Bullshit! Bullshit, I'm sorry! That's bull, that's bull

COULTER: No, no that is not... ok just read chapter 14 in the book, the first Republicans to be elected in the south

GOLDBERG: I listen to my grandmother, who was there! Who remembers what happened.

COULTER: Howard Baker, an aggressive integrationist. first Republican elected in Tennessee to the Senate, Winford Brokford, first republican governor in Arkansas, an integrationist.

The Southern Strategy is a lie.

Then Barbara Walters chimed in and asked Anne Coulter "Is this all you do is write books to make people go OMG???"

Course she does. She makes millions bucking stereotypes.


Ann Coulter Causes Mass Hysteria on 'The View,' Whoopi Bleeped... - Ann Coulter - Fox Nation
and surprisingly what whoopi does is nto racism because you can insult and put down white people as much as you want and its accepted in this country. the station should apologize for Whoopies poor professionalism.
Whoopie and bulls**t are two words that belong together.

Barbara Walters on the View is an example of someone not leaving when they should have.
Typical lib, doesn't want to bother with facts, she's already made up her mind. Proof you can remain animated after becoming brain dead.
Coulter ambushed them when they were the fat ladies tried to ambush her. Anyway, Republican women are a lot hotter than Democrat women.* That's obvious!

* Tongue in cheek, but none-the-less true.
and surprisingly what whoopi does is nto racism because you can insult and put down white people as much as you want and its accepted in this country. the station should apologize for Whoopies poor professionalism.

Because we look at them crossed eyed. Negro's are the biggest bitchers on this planet!!!

This is why they were easily enslaved. We have become a weak people of feel good idiots. :badgrin:
That was funny, Goldberg vs Coulter......that's like me vs Truthmatters.........LOL
and surprisingly what whoopi does is nto racism because you can insult and put down white people as much as you want and its accepted in this country. the station should apologize for Whoopies poor professionalism.

What comments has Whoopie Goldberg made about Joe Biden use of the word "shackles" and his insinuation of Republicans position on banks with slavery? Joe Biden is in more of a position of influence than Ann Coultier. Seems Whoopie missed that memo.
The idiots who watch the "view" deserve to be lied to ..............

That appears to be the place where Obama feels very comfortable. Incidentally, if Obama is placing so much attention on talk shows like The View, then (in his eyes) the economy can't be all that bad for him to be found laughing and chumming up to the hosts. What must the unemployed Americans think of a President who finds so much time relaxing on a couch, gloating under the spotlight? YET we are to blame Bush for the current bad state of the economy? Are there that many fools that are buying into this?
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Yawn...I didn't know newby and mud where older black women and could relate to whoopies life...
I decided that a long time ago. Be done with racism. Just vote white.

Not too far from the truth when you consider this: How many will vote for Obama simply for the historical significants, not necessarily anything he has done to help with the economy? Just ask some of the voters who are Obama supporters and see what you discover.
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