Whom do you trust.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
One who actually delivered or one who promise to deliver?
“Bird in hand worth two in the bush.”

Romney has promised to create 12 million jobs over the next 10 years with more cuts in revenue with more tax cuts for the rich paid for by taxes by the middle class, etc. cuts in entitlement spending like welfare, food stamps subsidized housing, unemployment insurance, Social Security and Medicare. Who are these people? The 47%ers.

We know already who has benefited from Romney’s job creation. Big corporations and Romney by sending jobs overseas and investing in overseas interest.

Obama’s policies has created over 5 million jobs in 4 years and the is damn good math and economist project that the economy stimulated by Obama’s stimulus package, bank and auto industry bailout will create 11.5 million jobs over the next 10 years no matter who is in office. This negate and moot Romney’s promise to create 12 million over he next 10 years. Not relevant and invalidate Romney’s promise. Romney’s numbers are fantasy. Obama numbers are fact.

If you invest in Cayman Islands, China or India you should live in Cayman Islands, China or India. If you have so much confidence in the government run by you, bring your money home and invest in America.:confused:

Whom do you trust? One who has actually delivered over 5 million jobs is 4 years or one who has promised to create 12 million jobs already projected over 10 years? I trust the horse that is winning and not the horse just entering the race.
OBL movie shown two days before the election is a political stunt? Fox news special on Benghazi using mother and father of dead Americans not a political stunt?
HuffPost Commenters: “Fox News Using Benghazi Massacre For Political Gain” & “Woods Father Seeking 15 Mins Of Fame” « The Mad Jewess
Not Obama and certainly not little old ladies..

[ame=http://youtu.be/f17fWth3YgA]A Message from The Greatest Generation (NSFW) - YouTube[/ame]​
We know we can trust to have more welfare, poverty, high unemployment, credit ratings downgrades, high gas prices, food prices OMG, more taxes, more worthless legislation, REGULATIONS OUT THE ASS, MORE GROWING OF THIS GOVERNMENT....................................UNDER OBAMA

vote him out:eusa_clap:
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Seeking revenge are we?

"Voting is the best revenge."---Barack Obama

Nice that he is trying to subconsciously implant violence into a presidential race, but really, is anyone surprised...( rhetorical question )

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